Books & Words to Inspire


Understanding Scripture in Light of a Jewish Timeline

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter Sunday, so we celebrated it a little over two weeks ago. Yet, the historical Palm Sunday, or as some call it, The Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, was four days before Passover. And, technically, Christ did not rise on Easter but on Firstfruit, or Bikkurim (Easter vs Firstfruit). This year, Passover is not until April 22nd. This would then mean the first day of Unleavened Bread (or Matzah) is April 23rd, and Firstfruit (or Bikkurim) is April 24th. So, this year, the Christian celebration of Christ’s resurrection was three weeks earlier than the historical occurrence. It was in 325 AD that The Council of Nicaea decreed Easter to be observed on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the spring equinox (March 21), which means Easter can fall on any Sunday between March 22 and April 25. This decree then separated the historical occurrence of Christ’s resurrection from the celebrated date.

But how did Palm Sunday get its name? It comes from the Biblical account found in John 12:12-13 which says, “The next day the great crowd that had come for the festival [i.e., Passover] heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, ‘Hosanna!’, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!’, ‘Blessed is the king of Israel!’” [italics mine]

If we look at the word “hosanna” further, we find that in Hebrew it is a compound word meaning “Please, Save Us!” It is thought to be an actual plea for help. Yet, it became an expression of adoration and praise for salvation. The Messiah was the one who could achieve this plea for salvation. The one to come in the name of the Lord was the Messiah. The people also knew that the coming Messiah was supposed to also reign as their king. So, in essence, they were saying that Jesus was coming to save them as their Messiah, and he would now reign as their king. Therefore, it was a very jubilant display for all to see as coats and cloaks were placed in front of Jesus’ donkey, and the people waived palm branches in joyous anticipation of what Jesus would do once he reached Jerusalem. Yet, their idea of salvation was a physical saving whereas Jesus’ idea of salvation at this time was a spiritual one.

We don’t always think about palm trees being associated with places like Jerusalem. Yet, palm trees are an important part of the Jerusalem landscape. Their prevalence today may not be as great as they were in the first century due to all the destruction and construction that has occurred there over the centuries. Yet, there are three main types of palms in this geographic area: date palm (elongated branches with many thin elongated leaves), sable palm (leaves more in a fan shape), and pygmy date palm (also with elongated branches with fewer thin elongated leaves). Any or all of these could have been used by the pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem. They are more abundant in valleys and their fruit much tastier than in the mountainous regions. With so many people flocking to Jerusalem at this time, as Passover was one of the required feasts where physical presence was commanded, and many others going out of Jerusalem to meet those coming in to join in their celebration, it likely looked like palm trees were walking down the Mount of Olives toward Jerusalem. What a sight, indeed!

Over the next several posts, I want us to think about eight questions concerning this event: (1) Was it a triumphal entry? (2) What occurred during the event? (3) What prophecies were fulfilled? (4) Who controlled the narrative of this event? (5) What led up to this event? (6) What happened after the event? (7) What did this mean for the Jews of the day? and (8) What does this mean for us today?

I hope you join me as we discover something quite profound as to why Jesus did what he did at this time and did not fulfill what the people were expecting of him once he reached Jerusalem.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

A Personal Pentecost

This is a dramatic reading on the crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ from the viewpoint of the Apostle John.

It strikes me as odd realizing it’s been a year since the Shavuot after our Messiah’s crucifixion and subsequent resurrection. Some call the holiday Pentecost because it comes fifty days after Bikkurim or Firstfruit, the day our Messiah rose from the dead. It’s really beyond my comprehension how the Holy Spirit has added so many people to his church. Actually, now that I think about it, Jesus did say that one day we would be able to do more than he ever did. I remember thinking at the time, that was a bold and impossible statement. Yet, his Holy Spirit has really done that as it helps us convey to others that Jesus is the answer to what they are searching for.

I think back to how this all started for me. I was a mere fisherman. No one really important. Although, my father Zebedee having his own fleet of fishing vessels made me think I was important. Boy, did I have a lot to learn. Yet, Jesus called me to follow him, and he said he would make me a fisher of men. And, I guess, that is what he has done. Of course, my start was not so profound. I have always been passionate, but unfortunately, that passion was not always bridled very well. Thus, I was labeled a Son of Thunder. On the flipside, many also implied I was his beloved disciple. Yet, that, too, was not how it had always been. In the beginning, Jesus would tell me, “I love you, John, but . . .” These words would cut me to the core because what he was really telling me was that I had made another blunder.

Yet, over time, I took his words to heart, even though they were quite painful at the moment he spoke them. I tried desperately to do things differently and to bridle my passion and make it positive and not explosive. I remember the first time he cusp my neck with his hand and gave my cheek a peck, but now, his words were, “I love you, John” without that dreaded “but.” I can’t tell you how my heart soared, and that experience even made me long to become more diligent. I often woke early from my slumber and deeply pondered the meaning of his words as I lay there and listened to the birds starting their day.

Although I didn’t always understand his stories, I knew there was more to them than just the obvious. Yet, even when I understood, or thought I understood these stories, that did not prepare me for what was soon to come. Even though what occurred was foretold, that was not what we had been taught about how the coming Messiah would act or would do. Now, I definitely knew Jesus was our promised Messiah, but I guess I imposed what I was taught about the coming Messiah on him rather than really listening and understanding what he was trying to tell us about what he was going to do and what would happen to him. Dying was nowhere in our thoughts about what was going to happen to him. We never focused on those things in the prophetic Scriptures. Our Messiah was going to be a conquering Messiah and would become our king. This is what we wanted for Jesus. But that is not what happened.

His dying on the cross is still so vivid in my memory. I don’t think this memory will ever fade. His crown of thorns caused blood to trickle down his cheeks and chin and then onto his chest. It was so heart wrenching to watch. I can’t even explain the blood. There was just so much of it. I don’t think anyone could have endured so much agony as he did if they were merely human. If he had not been our Messiah, being both divine and human, he would not have even made it to the cross before he would have expired. To put it mildly, he was a bloody mess.

Mary, his mother, who had always treated me as a son, stood beside me with tears streaming down her cheeks. She tried to ignore all those who were hurling jeers and insults at him. Yet, it was almost impossible to ignore. Grief is a strange thing though as that memory is not as vivid as just seeing him suffer. What else is vivid is the darkness that descended upon this scene before us. It was almost like nature had joined in our suffering and sorrow and was now displaying our inward emotions for all to see.

Mary clung to me as if her very strength depended on me supplying it. I think that was the only way she made it through this awful ordeal. I can’t tell you how horrific it was to stand there unnerved as we looked up at him slowly dying before us. Through pained eyes, he looked at me and said, “Behold, your mother.” I almost gasped as this statement revealed he was thinking about her during the very last moments of his life. I nodded. Of course, I would do anything he asked of me. Yet, she was like a mother to me already, so it was not a burdensome request. Mary seemed to lose it, though, and she clung to me even more tightly as she lost almost all her strength understanding the finality of Jesus’ words.

I then saw one of the guards put something on a sponge and put it to his mouth. I thought it a hint of compassion as he was giving Jesus something to relieve his thirst. Maybe he was, but I soon realized it was more likely a playful distraction for the guards as they argued over who would do the deed. He then uttered, “It is finished.” As he uttered these words, he looked at me, his eyes so piercing, without even a blink. His expression turned almost serene, but I felt the obscenity of the event as I saw the spark in his eyes slowly go dim.

He was gone! How could this be? His work couldn’t be over. In whom would I now confide? I saw his head fall to his chest which caused more blood to spatter and cascade down from his cheek. His body was now just a shell. His words to Nicodemus later came to mind. He was now like that brass serpent Moses placed on a pole. Yet, the significance of this didn’t really register quite yet. Also, it was not until much later that I realized his Spirit was accomplishing the victory for us our souls needed. For now, it was just heartache. Mary hugged me tightly, still sobbing. Our senses were assaulted again as one of the guards rammed his spear into Jesus’ side with an upward thrust. Mary shrieked as the act startled her so. I wrapped my arms around her and buried her face into my chest as I didn’t want her to see the blood and water that gushed from the puncture wound now visible in his side. If I didn’t know he had already died, there was now no question as to his death.

Both Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, two prominent members of the Jewish Sanhedrin and evidently secret disciples of his came forward and took his body down and placed him in a nearby tomb. This surprised me that they would be so bold now and do this. I was impressed that they were so gentle with his body. I knew Nicodemus had talked to the Messiah, but I never saw him at any of our gatherings. I did see Joseph occasionally when Jesus talked, but I had no idea he had now believed in Jesus. Most of the Jewish leaders didn’t. I was glad these two had finally gotten their courage to act. But it seemed a little too late to me. The tomb lay in a quaint place that had been made into a beautiful garden for someone of wealth. Quite fitting, I thought. Just then, we heard the shofar at the temple being blown announcing the Passover lamb had just been slain. I didn’t realize it at the time, but this symbolized a double vignette of offerings. Both the national pascal lamb and the true Passover Lamb of God were sacrificed. At this time, I had no understanding that this was all part of his plan for us, for the world, and of all we would gain eternally from his death. It’s not that he had not said or implied such, it’s just that my brain was not willing to go there while he was alive.

I, along with the other disciples, sequestered ourselves away. We were scared and really had no idea what to do or what to believe. Our minds were in such turmoil. Many of the women wanted to go back to the tomb and do their own anointing of Jesus’ body. Some of us tried to discourage them from doing so, but they were determined to show their devotion to him. Yet, it was three days after his crucifixion before they were able to do so due to the first day of Matzah, or Unleavened Bread, being a special Sabbath and then followed by the weekly Sabbath. None of us men went with them. We believed that if any of the soldiers guarding his tomb saw us, we would get arrested. Yet, the women could likely cajole the soldiers to let them into the tomb for a short time.

Not long after the women had left us, the door suddenly burst open. We all flinched and looked for a way to escape as we thought Roman soldiers had somehow found us. A couple of the women had returned and were beside themselves. “He’s alive!” they shouted. “We should not have doubted.” We all sat or stood dumbfounded. I was one of the first to leave and check this out. Peter was not far behind. I ran with all my might. Although quite a distance to the tomb, I didn’t stop for anything except seeing Mary Magdalene along the way. “I saw him,” she said. “He is risen, not dead. Go and see for yourself.” I rushed off, but her words did not compute in my mind. I could only think that someone must have stolen his body and Mary was confused. The faster I ran, the more livid I became that someone would steal our Master’s body like this. There had to be a way to make them pay for such cruelty. Yet, when I arrived, I first didn’t go in, but Peter did. When he came out, I went in as my anger had subsided and I became curious as Peter looked perplexed. My eyes grew wide upon seeing the facecloth folded neatly and set apart from the other linen. This meant his body was not taken in haste or inhumanely. Someone had taken a conscious effort to fold this linen. My heart leapt within me. Could it really be true? Was Mary not confused after all? Was he actually alive? I began to believe it. Our Master was alive!

Peter and I and the women all went back to the others. Everyone was in an uproar disputing what we had seen. Some believed and others were skeptical. Suddenly, with the door locked, Jesus stood among us. At first, we all jumped back. I was one of the first to step forward. He came up to me, gave me a hug, and said as he had done many times before, “John, I love you.” My eyes filled with tears as his hug calmed my doubts and fears. Then, all the others flocked to him and began to embrace him as well.

Unfortunately, he was with us for only forty days when he took us to the Mount of Olives, and we saw his ascension. I have to say, we were so unprepared for comprehending his instructions to us of, “Stay in Jerusalem.” Before we knew what was happening, he rose out of our sight and into the clouds. While angels did appear and tell us not to be flustered because, one day, he would return to us just as we saw him leave, their words only added to our tension and confusion as we had a hard time processing all of this.

Yet, in ten days, things became so much clearer as the Holy Spirit descended upon us in a mighty way on that Shavuot, or as some call it, Pentecost. I have no words to really tell you how I felt. Yet, the Holy Spirit gave us calmness and a boldness which I had never experienced before. Words to say just came to us. We apparently spoke in other languages, but all we knew was we were speaking words God gave us to say.

His plan for us is now so much clearer. We are to build his kingdom until he returns. Then all the prophecies that he did not complete when he was with us will be fulfilled when he returns because he is always true to his word and his word will never return to him void. All that he says or has said will come true. I continue to be a fisherman of souls and can only share what my Messiah shared with me. The answer to what each person is truly seeking for themselves is to respond and allow Christ to give them their own Pentecost just as he did for me and so many others.

And what about you? Are you willing to join us and be one of his disciples too? Have you had your Pentecost? All you have to do is do what I did. Accept his sacrifice. It is only through his sacrifice for us, for our sins, that we can now come to him in repentance and accept what he has done for us which we could not do for ourselves. Nothing we do now or even after we accept him is necessary or even effective. It is all through his work and not ours. Then the Holy Spirit comes and dwells with you and helps you to become more like him. Today can be your Pentecost. I had mine. Why not have yours today?


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

Religious Biases Still Prevail

In my last post, we talked about the belief biases that many of the Jewish religious sects had and how those caused them to miss recognizing Jesus as the Messiah to which Scripture pointed. Also, their disunity in their beliefs caused them to double down on their biases which caused them to become blinded toward what God was doing in their very midst. Is that true today as well?

I would advocate that this is true to a large extent. Some of this disunity was addressed in a previous post (Rapture-Receiving of the Bride). We have so many different denominations today and it seems there is much more controversy between many of these denominations than between Christian and non-Christian circles. What has this disunity led to? I think almost the same as it led to almost two thousand years ago. Back then they could not unite on what to expect from a coming Messiah and thereby missed him completely when he was right in their midst. Today, we have so much disunity about what to expect next from God that I’m afraid many of us may miss what God is going to do in our midst as well. There is so much dispute today about whether the next event will be a great revival or Christ returning for his bride. Rather than searching scripture to see the argument of each side, each side just buckles down on their emphatic belief that the other side is wrong.

Let’s not do that. Christ fulfilled Scripture at his first coming, but all sides missed it. God did not “perform” as they expected. Rather than searching the scriptures to see if any of it could be true, they totally rejected everything Jesus said. It seems the “prophetic” side of Christendom believes that God is going to flood the Earth with his Spirit which will lead to one of the greatest revivals of all time. The “conservative” side of Christendom says that the next event is the Rapture and that is the only hope Christians have before the world totally collapses.

Both sides have Scripture to back up their beliefs. Well, the Pharisees and Sadducees had scripture to back up their beliefs about the Messiah as well. Yet, that did not work out well for them. Therefore, we should at least be cautious about being adamant in our stance of what God will do next.

Now, I’m certainly not advocating that we ignore what Scripture says about what he will do next. Yet, shouldn’t the fact that Christians are not in unison indicate that something is amiss? If we are searching for truth, the Bible, which is the true source of all truth, can’t provide two events as the answer to the truth we are looking for. Who’s right, then?

Maybe we’re confusing some scripture of one event as part of that of another event. I mean, the Pharisees seemed to have done that. They were looking for Jesus, if he was the Messiah, to fulfill all the Messianic prophecies. They didn’t realize he was going to fulfill part then and part later. That scenario never occurred to them. Are we perhaps not doing the same? I refer you to an earlier blog about part of this (An M-Theory to End-Time Prophecy). God always reveals what he is going to do in Scripture, but the way he fulfills it is often very different than we expect. Let’s be ready for the unexpected and thereby drop our shields and flaming arrows against our fellow Christians. Now, of course, if a teaching is not Biblical, then it should be rejected. But can’t we look at all Scripture and see if perhaps God is going to do something unexpected? After all, that’s what Jesus did, didn’t he? So he already has that modus operandi. At the very least, why not prepare for either event to come? Either one would be a glorious event to be a part of. Wouldn’t it?

Now, there are some strange verses that don’t exactly fit with a coming Rapture. We have tried to make those refer to his Millennial reign, but if we look at them closely, we find they don’t exactly fit into that future time. I talked about this in a previous post (Kingdom Age). My point here is that all denominations have likely missed the mark to some degree. Perhaps those denominations with a Pentecostal bent have sort of idolized the experiences the Holy Spirit brings and made them greater than the work Christ himself did for us. That is a problem. And perhaps the more conservative denominations have gone too far the other way to ensure they do not make that mistake that they don’t allow the Holy Spirit to work as mightily as he could otherwise. That is also a problem.

Let’s pray that God will provide unity to his Church. When Paul was talking about unity and wanting to present a virgin bride to Christ, i.e., the Church, he was not just talking about one physical church body. He was referring to the universal Church. He wanted all Christians to be in unity. While, as humans, unity about everything may not be realistic, but we should become united around Jesus Christ, his virgin birth, his death on the cross for our sins, and his resurrection which gives us hope of our future resurrection. Then, can’t we pray for revival and simultaneously prepare ourselves for his return? If he does send his Spirit again for a grand revival, then we’ll be prepared for him to use us for such an event. If he instead returns for his bride, then he can retrieve a bride who is more united in him, being more pure and more ready to be received by him.

We all need more of God, a balance with each member of his Trinity. We need to recognize that God, the Almighty, oversees all. Even if we think we know what he is going to do, we should allow him to implement his actions in whatever way he chooses, and not think we know how he is going to act. But we should be ready to respond with him in whatever way he acts. We need to recognize that Jesus Christ is the one we should focus on because it is his actions that have saved us and made us equipped to be with him forever. Our role now is to help others recognize this important feat he has done on their behalf. We need to recognize that the Holy Spirit is the one who provides the power we need to implement all that Christ has for us to do. Far too few of us allow him to work though us without us impeding him.

We know that something wonderful is just around the corner. Let’s not argue about what that is, but let’s get ready for God to do whatever he desires to do and be sure that we are ready to be used by him. The apostles never knew what Jesus was going to do, even when he told them, but they went along with him regardless of what they thought about his actions as they knew they could trust him because he was their Messiah. Let’s do the same.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

Religious Bias Can Be a Hindrance to Understanding Truth

We seem to give the Pharisees and Sadducees a bad wrap when it comes to their acceptance of Jesus Christ as their Messiah. Let’s see if we can understand what they believed and why. There were not only Pharisees and Sadducees but also Essenes, Hellenists, and Zealots. There were likely even additional groups that would be somewhat like these with some differences. So, what were the differences between these groups? Well, it gets even more complicated because there were graded beliefs within these groups. My purpose here is not to provide all similarities and differences between the beliefs of these groups but help us to see how each of these groups could have believed Jesus not to be their Messiah.

In general, the Pharisees believed in most of the Old Testament scriptures that we have in our Bible today plus the Oral Law of Moses. Yet, even here, there was a division between the Pharisees. You have those who were more liberal in their interpretation of Scripture and those who were stricter and more conservative in their interpretations. In general, they believed in angels, the resurrection of the dead, and in a coming Messiah. Most believed their coming Messiah would be someone with military clout and rid them from all oppressors (especially the Romans), return them to how things used to be before they were oppressed, and that Israel would be the head of a Kingdom of Peace with the Messiah as their crowned king. They believed the coming Messiah would uphold all the Jewish laws and customs and they would be prominent in his kingdom because this is what they tried to be: a devout Jew keeping all the laws prescribed in the Torah (the books of Moses, which are the first five books of our Bible) as well as those taught in the oral traditions as they believed they were also presented by Moses. While they tolerated Rome, they did not like Rome interfering in their lives. While they had less prominence in the Sanhedrin, that is, the Jewish Supreme Court, so to speak, they were quite influential because they typically had the backing of the common people.

The Sadducees, on the other hand, only believed in what was in the Torah. This led them to not really believe in angels, or a resurrection of the dead, or even in a coming Messiah (they were sad, you see). They were more aristocratic and kept more to the temple than with the common people. The high priest was typically always a Sadducee and they had ingratiated themselves with Rome to maintain their prestige and influence.

The Essenes had migrated out of the city of Jerusalem, with many being at Qumran, because they believed both the Pharisees and Sadducees were corrupt. They devoted themselves to the study of the Scriptures and their meanings. From their study, they believed there could be two possible Messiahs: one who would be more spiritual helping Israel to lead a spiritual kingdom and one who would be earthlier and free Israel from all oppressors setting up an earthly kingdom with Israel as its center.

The Zealots were all about freeing Israel from Roman oppression. They were looking for a Messiah who would do just that. For them, the spiritual aspects were not as important as being free from Roman oppression.

The Hellenists Jews were those who had adopted Greek influences: both its language and practices. Many had been raised outside Judea and had returned, bringing their Greek culture with them. Many found the two worlds a compatible lifestyle. They were likely more like the Sadducees and did not necessarily believe in a coming Messiah. This may be another reason that Sadducees were able to blend into the upper echelons of Greek and Roman society.

So, Jesus disrupted each of these groups’ thoughts about the Messiah they expected. To the Sadducees and Hellenists, Jesus was just a nuisance because he stirred up people and created crowds which made Roman officials nervous that a rebellion would be forming. This then made the Sadducees anxious because if the Roman officials were nervous, then these officials would hold them responsible for this uproar of the people and their sphere of influence could be taken away from them.

Jesus was a threat to the Pharisees as well. He did not fit into their ideal mold of a Messiah. They believed the Messiah would keep all the Laws of Moses and because they did that to the max, they were expecting to be praised for their efforts and not ridiculed for them. What Jesus tried to get them to realize was that if their hearts were pure, then their actions would be pure. God is concerned with not only what they did, but why they did what they did. Jesus often referred to the ancient prophets’ teaching as he told them what they did should not be undone, but they should not ignore the greater edict of God where they were to show mercy and kindness. They were to be teachers and not just moral examples without any compassion for the people.

Jesus didn’t really fit into the Essenes’ or Zealots’ view of a coming Messiah either. While Jesus claimed to be divine, he did not teach the kingdom the Essenes were expecting. He also did not become a military presence which irritated the Zealots. Therefore, Jesus was not fitting into any views these groups expected a Messiah to be like.

Yet, if the members of any of these groups truly listened to Jesus, his claims, and spent time with him asking him questions and truly listened to his responses, they would have understood who he really was. The way Pharisees and Sadducees taught was first to study the writings of prominent Jewish leaders and then go to the Scriptures themselves. This led to a promulgation of what was taught before and not necessarily fresh or illuminating ideas. Many scriptures were emphasized while others were not focused on which led to a narrative of what prior teachers had taught, and not necessarily what Scripture itself taught.

Jesus wanted to get the members of these groups to understand the meanings and intent behind the laws they taught and not have them follow rituals for rituals sake. It was not their actions which made them righteous but their faith. The intent of what they did was more important because if the intent was right then the correct action would come automatically. Yet, because Jesus did not act as they expected, they dismissed him rather than trying to understand what he was actually telling them.

No one ever asked Jesus where he was born. Again, they heard he was from Nazareth and dismissed him immediately because they knew Scripture stated the Messiah would come from Bethlehem. Plus, of course, there was a geographical bias. Those who lived in the area around Jerusalem were considered better than the country bumkins who lived in the north around Galilee.

Jesus performed miracles, signs, and wonders to get the people’s attention so they would listen to him. Yet, the Jewish leaders, rather than understanding that Jesus was showing them he was the Messiah who could bring in the kingdom they were expecting (the reign of the Messiah with the earth being fruitful and plentiful, and all its inhabitants being healthy and free from disease), tried to discredit him and prove he was false because Jesus did not fit into the Messiah-mold they expected of such a one. Jesus did not have a commanding presence physically, was not military minded, was not from the right geographical region, and did not revere the Jewish leaders and praise them for being so good at keeping all the nuances of the Law. This bias against him led them to make ridiculous claims as to how he could do what the people said he did (e.g., casting out demons with the authority of the prince of demons). They became so agitated against Jesus that they could only think of one thing that would solve their dilemma: death.

These religious biases led the Jewish leaders to miss the coming of their Messiah. Yet, have we become so much more enlightened than they? In many ways it seems that the religious biases of these groups are still alive and well today. Next time we’ll go into this in more detail and see if we have gotten better within the two thousand years that have passed.

The Holy Spirit Will Come Upon the Earth Like a Flood

For many of you, I’m sure the last several posts have been like being on a roller coaster. It has been new, somewhat exhilarating, yet riddled with much caution. I get you. I was there for a long time. Let me get a little personal and show how the Lord has led me here.

In 2019 my son, only 28, died from cholangiocarcinoma. This is somewhat of a rare autoimmune disease where the body attacks one’s own bile ducts. By the time it was discovered, the tumor had already spread beyond the liver itself. Therefore, surgery, the only sure form of treatment, was no longer possible. He quickly went from working full time, to being in the hospital, to being placed in hospice, to entering eternity. While we knew he was in heaven as he had accepted Christ as his Savior, it was still devastating to live through. My wife went through a type of crisis wanting to really understand for sure that our son was where we knew Scripture stated he now dwelt. It wasn’t a crisis of hope or not believing, but one of reassurance. She read books about the experiences of those who had died and came back to life as well as listened to several prophets, one being one who claimed to have been in heaven many times.

I, of course, was extremely skeptical, but knew I needed to listen as I wanted to be supportive of my wife and at the same time ensure she was not getting trapped into anything contrary to Scripture. There were several of these “prophets” who seemed to refer to scripture with their claims. So, I had to reconsider some of the things I had thought my entire life. During this time came the lockdowns, the mandates, and the chaos. This made me rethink what I had been taught about many aspects of end-time prophecy. The more I read Daniel chapter 7, the more I felt we were living through the very pages of Scripture as I read and reread them.

I then began to hear about another outpouring of the Holy Spirit that was coming which we should prepare for. I then learned how our country turned from a Republic to a Corporation in 1871 and how our enemy, Satan, had been scheming for way longer than I ever realized to rebuild our world into his image. But I knew that prophecy, if from God, always had a message of hope within its message of doom. That’s where Daniel 7 first came into play for me. I saw the message of hope there. The kingdoms of the world would be turned over to the holy ones, i.e., the followers of Christ. I then began to see all the other scriptures that supported this and are the ones we have covered over the last several posts. I encourage you to go back and review those.

So, the bottom line is that it seems we are on the verge of God doing something wonderful—bringing about the biggest revival the world has ever experienced. Does this excite you? Are you ready for something like that? But we also have a responsibility. Paul gave that to us. He said, “For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say ‘No’ to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age” (Tt 2:11-12). I grant you; this is easier said than done. We live in a world where feelings have been equated with truth. But if we follow what Paul has said, what is the outcome? “The appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good” (Tt 2:13-14). Again, the prophet Habakkuk tells us, “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea” (Hk 2:14). Can you imagine it? The outpouring of the Holy Spirit that will make Acts 2 look small and insignificant in comparison. Buckle up. It’s coming. I hope you’ll be ready.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

Empowerment by the Holy Spirit

In the last few posts, we have talked about how the Old Testament references the Earth being filled with the Holy Spirit again, post Acts chapter 2. This time, we want to see if the New Testament also supports such a claim.

The account in Acts was a localized outpouring of the Holy Spirit but then spread quickly and widely due to the evangelism of those who accepted Christ as their Savior and then received God’s Spirit. We found out in the book of Habakkuk that the next outpouring of the Holy Spirit will be far more reaching and be like a flood over the Earth. Is such a thing possible? And is there other proof of this event occurring?

First, I think we need to look at how the differences between Christ’s first and second comings were ascertained. Prior to Christ coming the first time, there was much confusion to which Scriptures pointed to his first coming and which to his second coming. After all, much of the religious leader’s resistance to Jesus being the Messiah was that he was not fulfilling all the prophesied claims of the coming Messiah, which, today, we realize will be fulfilled at his second coming.

But, are there any doctrines today that even teach of such an outpouring. Once we get the Holy Spirit, we have him, and he is with us forever. While I can’t say there are no denominations today that teach otherwise, I do know there are many prophets today who are teaching about a greater outpouring coming and do bring in scripture to support their claim. Let’s see what they say about this claim in the New Testament.

One such claim is the gospel message that Jesus taught when he first began his ministry. He taught, as did John the Baptist, to “repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near” (Mt 3:2; 4:17). To which kingdom were they referring? I was always taught he was referring to Christ’s Millennial Kingdom, but John seems to indicate something else. John told the Jewish leaders that he baptized with water for repentance, but Jesus would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire (Mt 3:11). Christ was not going to fulfill his kingship at this time because that would limit who all would have a chance to accept him.

It seems Jesus’ ministry was a transformative ministry to prepare people for the coming filling of the Holy Spirit. This would give them the power to also become transformative in the lives of others (Jn 14:12-14). Paul explained this further stating that by what Jesus did on the cross was more significant than we could even imagine. The power of the Holy Spirit which allowed Christ to be raised from the dead also dwells in us (Ep 1:20-21) and will allow all the miracles that Jesus performed to also be performed by those who have the Holy Spirit dwelling in them (Jn 14:12-14).

So, what happened? That doesn’t seem to be happening today. Well, it did happen in the beginning. Likely Paul felt he was living in this time of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit because he observed God working many signs and wonders which served as a testament to the power of God and led many to believe in Christ.

Yet, it seems over time, the church became hierarchical and then those in elite positions did not have the Holy Spirit but coveted power and wealth over the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. While accepting Christ as one’s Savior was still taught, the power of the Holy Spirit was not. We discussed some of this previously (Kingdom Age). Christianity became societal transformative and not spiritually transformative. People became good and moral but not necessarily transformative with the power of the Holy Spirit in the lives of others.

Over time, this led the church to become more and more inept and allow the enemy, Satan, to develop a stronghold that became stronger and stronger. Our enemy has been patient and we have seen how he has ravaged our societies over the last several years. We also discussed this aspect earlier (Will God Show Up Today?).

Just as Israel missed its charge of being priests to the world (Ex 19:5-6), the church has missed its charge to be transformative in the lives of others via the Holy Spirit. Israel will fulfill its charge in the coming Millennial Kingdom of Christ (Kingdom of Priests). It seems that the church will fulfill its charge of the Great Commission when the Holy Spirit’s outpouring comes over the Earth like a flood. A great time to be alive, for sure.

The book of Titus was written later in Paul’s ministry. I think due to the infiltration of false teachers within the church, he likely concluded that they were not living in the time when the Spirit of God would become like a flood over the Earth as Habakkuk had prophesied. He told Titus to teach what Jesus had taught them until God’s glory has manifested itself to purify a people for his very own (Tt 2:11-14).

Maybe this has been a lot for you to understand and process. After all, it is not what many of us have been taught in regard to our future. Me included. Stay with me and I’ll try and summarize next time. I hope you join me.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

A New Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

Some prophets today are claiming that a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit is upon us. Let’s explore that and see if there are scriptures that would support such a claim. We looked at the passage in Daniel chapter 7 last time but now want to see if there are other passages that support God doing such a work.

This time I would like to explore a passage that is often quoted, but typically without context. Joel 2:27-28 says, “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.”

What is meant by “and afterward”? It seems, based on the verses prior to these, that a type of restitution has occurred. Today’s prophets have also mentioned this aspect that is also coming in which everything that has been stolen from us by certain privileged elites of this world will be coming back to us. Then, it seems God will pour out his spirit again in large measure and many will prophesy and have visions of what God has planned for us during this time. We can know this is not referring to the Millennial Age because the verses after these seem to be talking about that aspect of our future. This time is very near for us. That’s rather exciting, isn’t it?

We can also know that this is not talking about the Millennial Age because Peter quoted these verses after the Holy Spirit was given in Acts chapter 2. Certainly, he did not see this time as being after Christ returns, but before. He even believed it was at least partially fulfilled during his lifetime as the Holy Spirit came upon them (Ac 2:16-21).

The prophet Habakkuk speaks of the intensity of this outpouring of the Holy Spirit: “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea” (Hk 2:14). He states that this is for “an appointed time” and even though “it lingers,” it will come to pass. It seems the world has been waiting and, according to the prophets, the time is nigh.

Many have grown weary because of all that has transpired over the last few years and the moral decay that has occurred worldwide. They believe the only answer is the return of Jesus Christ to receive his bride. Yet, many prophets today say this is not the Lord’s answer to our current problem. The answer is a return to the power the early Church possessed through the Holy Spirit. God will once again bless us with the empowerment of his Spirit.

But why would he not come for his bride now rather than empowering her? Think about it. Would a bridegroom want to come and receive an battered and torn bride who is all but lifeless? That is not the dream of a bridegroom for his bride, is it? A bridegroom wants a bride who is fresh and eager for his coming and ready to receive him with open arms. He wants her to run into his arms because of love and adoration, not out of desperation and heartbreak. I think Paul summed it up nicely: “I am jealous for you [the church] with a godly jealousy. I promised you to one husband, to Christ, so that I might present you as a pure virgin to him” (2Co 11:2).

If the prophets are right, then the church will once again become pure and powerful in the Spirit and reunited in Christ with an expectancy as we fulfill the great commission with which we have been charged (Mt 28:18-20).

Now, if such a great event is indeed upon us, wouldn’t there be at least clues in the New Testament as well. I think there are. We’ll explore that next time. Join me.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

The Message of Modern Prophets

In my previous post, I discussed what modern prophets should be focused on if they are indeed prophets of God. In this post, I want us to focus on the main topic that has been brought forth and for us to consider if such is true or not. So, what is this message that has stirred up so much controversy within Christian circles: a new outpouring of God’s glory on the earth.

Prophets in the past tried to warn their fellow citizens of the error of their ways and to focus on what they could not see rather than what they were seeing all around them. Many believed they were doing nothing wrong and that all was in order. Yet, the prophets stated that was not the case and they were living in sin. If they didn’t repent, then God was going to bring doom to them (in their case, captivity). Many did not listen, but for those who were true followers, the prophets also gave a message of hope to those who would hear. Isaiah prophesied and warned of the kingdom of Israel being taken captive by Assyria (Is 8:7-8) but also prophesied of their coming Messiah (Is 7:14), Jeremiah prophesied that Judah would be under Babylonian rule for seventy years (Jr 25:11) but also prophesied of their divided kingdom one day being reunited (Jr 30:3) even more glorious than the way it had been in the past (Jr 31:38-40), and Ezekiel prophesied of the destruction of Jerusalem’s temple (Ek 24:29-21), but then prophesied of a new and glorious temple that God would have built so they could worship God once again (Ek 40-48). Each of these prophets wanted their people to come back to God but warned of consequences of not doing so. Yet, they also made sure everyone knew that God would never abandon them and would bring wonderful things for them in their future.

Is this what modern prophets are doing as well? It seems some are. What is the message of hope some are giving to us? I have talked about this somewhat in a previous post (Kingdom Age). As I mentioned in that post, while some are saying we are on the cusp of the Kingdome Age, I see this as a fourth and final component of the Church Age. What are the Scriptural bases for such a thing to come about?

One such passage of Scripture is Daniel chapter 7. I have spoken about this passage as to what has been going on in our world recently (Will God Show Up Today?), but let’s focus on what was told Daniel that would come about after this. We find this in verses 26-27: “But the court will sit, and his [i.e., the fourth beast’s] power will be taken away and completely destroyed forever. Then the sovereignty, power and greatness of all the kingdoms under heaven will be handed over to the holy people of the Most High. His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will worship and obey him.” It would seem this is not Christ’s Millennial Kingdom because he will be sovereign at that time, not the holy people themselves. Perhaps this is to what Paul alluded to when he said, “Or do you not know that the Lord’s people will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases?” It seems Paul is comparing the Christians in Corinth to how they will be before Christ’s Kingdom, otherwise, it would not be such a straightforward comparison as to how they would be able to judge others.

Some have stated that this passage is referring to Christ’s Millennium Kingdom because the next sentence states that the kingdom of the Most High will last forever. While this is true, it is not necessarily implying that this kingdom is the same as the kingdom of the previous sentence. The consistency between the two sentences is the “Most High” not the “kingdom” of each sentence. While it is the holy people, or followers of Christ, who will be the rulers of this kingdom, it is under the leadership of the Most High as will the Millennial Kingdom be under his direction as well.

So, it would seem that our hope is not the return of Christ as this time, but the return of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. While this is not saying that all Christians don’t have the Holy Spirit living within them, we must admit that we are not operating in all the power of which we have access to through the Holy Spirit. Paul does tell us that because of what Christ did on the cross, we have access to the same power that raised Christ from the dead. Who can say we are operating with that same power?

If this is the only passage of Scripture about this, we would perhaps gloss over it. Yet, there are others we should review before we make a final consensus on this topic. Join me, and we’ll discuss this topic next time.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

The Prophets are Speaking. Should We Listen?

We know there were prophets in the past who God used mightily. After all, there are whole books of the Bible that were written by these prophets who God told to do certain things and to speak certain words. I have mentioned in a previous post how the messages these prophets spoke, typically of impending doom, were peppered with messages of hope (God's Prophecy of Hope) and that hope is not hope unless it is actually tangible and will come to be in the physical as prophesied.

Do such prophets exist today as well? One of the arguments by many against this tenet is that today we have all Scripture from God so there is no need for prophets today. But did God only use prophets to provide his scripture to us? As I pointed out in another post (Church Age), there were many other prophets who God used but their words did not become part of our canon of Scripture. It would seem it was not the office of prophet that determined the use of their words, but God’s intended purpose of their inspired words which the Holy Spirit gave them. Yet, the common denominator seems to be that all those whom God called to be a prophet pointed their audience to God and to God’s scripture. Their main purpose was to help prevent God’s people from going astray or to help them understand the error of their ways so they would return to God wholeheartedly.

So, if there are prophets today, they should be doing the same. I think there are three criteria they would be fulfilling based on what I just stated above: (1) they provide God’s inspired words, but not adding to what the Bible already has told us; (2) they point people back to God and his precepts; and (3) while they may be speaking about what God will be doing or is doing, they are not adding to Scripture, but utilizing Scripture for us to focus on to either teach us some aspect of Scripture we have not, or are not, abiding by or recognizing.

Yet, we need to recognize that prophecy can be tricky for us to validate before we jump in wholeheartedly. After all, the enemy has his prophets also. Our enemy, Satan, uses them to distract, divide, and confuse us so that we focus on the division their words cause us rather than on the message the true prophets are trying to get us to understand. It seems this has been his modus operandi from the very beginning. Maybe a few examples will help us. During the time of Jeremiah, there were those who opposed his prophecies as being untrue and unfounded and even publicly ridiculed him (Jr 28:1-11), and God proved the false prophet to be untrue as he met an untimely death (Jr 28:12-17). God revealed these false prophets’ true motives as being from the enemy (Jr 23:13-14). Almost all God’s prophets had to deal with false prophets who tried to make the people believe their words null and void. This was true of Isaiah (Is 8:20) and Ezekiel (Ek 22:28) as well.

We find similar cautions in the New Testament also. Jesus warned people of this issue even in his day (Mt 7:15) as well as what would happen in their future (Mt 24:24). John (1Jn 4:1), Peter (2Pt 2:1-3), and Paul (Cl 2:8) also provided this same warning.

So, if we know there will be false prophets among us, wouldn’t that suggest we would also have true prophets of God in our midst as well? Why would we need them if we have all of God’s scripture? Well, it seems the false prophets are using scripture (or, rather, misapplying scripture) to support their false theories and teachings (2Co 11:13). We need true prophets to cause us to focus on the true meaning of scripture and not fall for such false teachings. While, yes, we can accomplish the same on our own, we also know most of us do not dive into scripture and personally pray to understand its true meaning. True prophets will (and should, if they exist today) cause us to focus correctly on what God is telling us through Scripture.

If this was not true, then why would John say to test the spirits to tell if a prophet is true or false (1Jn 4:1)? What was the litmus test? “Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God” (1Jn 4:2-3). So, listen to several messages from those who claim to be prophets. Are they consistent in their messaging? Do they talk about other prophets and demean them? Do they point you to Scripture or focus you on what they say? Does their message align with all Scripture or just the point they are making with a specific scripture reference (which may be out of context if it doesn’t align with all scripture). And, as John told us, is Jesus Christ the center of their teaching?

So, what are these prophets telling us that is putting so many people in a quandary? We’ll get into that in my next post. I hope you join me.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

Cautions When We Partner With Angels

In the last several posts, we have talked about how we are to partner with angels. Yet, we also need to understand some of the cautions we need to consider which Scripture warns us about.

Just because we work with angels does not mean we revere them too highly. Scripture is clear on this: we are not to worship angels. When Satan encountered Jesus and tempted him in the wilderness just before Jesus began his ministry to Israel, Jesus said to him [Satan], “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve him only’” (Mt 4:10). The apostle Paul also held the same caution: “Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you” (Cl 2:18a). The apostle John did likewise: “I [John] fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing them [revelations of visions] to me. But he said to me, ‘Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your fellow prophets and with all who keep the words of this scroll. Worship God!’” (Rv 22:8b, 9).

We should take note that the spiritual realm is very real, and we should learn to operate in it. We use prayer to fight in the spiritual realm. Prayer is not just a way to ask God for things we think we need but is a way to bring down our enemy’s spiritual strongholds using the authority of the Word of God. Both Christians and angels are followers of Christ and do his bidding. We need to be as steadfast in our devotion to Christ and his will as are his angels. Angels obey God’s written words as well as his commands. We should as well.

Thereby, Christians and angels operate together to accomplish God’s plan. By serving Christ, we empower and enable angels and they empower and encourage us. Just because we don’t see the spiritual should not mean we don’t trust and operate in it. Actually, it is the only way we can achieve victory in this life and in the life to come.

Another caution: Christ is greater than any angel. The book of Hebrews tells us four reasons for this fact: Christ is the creator of the world and the heir of all eternity (Hb 1:2). Christ reflects the glory of God and holds all things together by his power (Hb 1:3). Christ has made purification of sins and has sat down at the right hand of God (Hb 1:3). Christ has a name more superior than that of any angel (Hb 1:4). Therefore, only Christ, not angels, deserves our worship. Angels will never desire your worship. Only prayers that are according to his will does he answer, and he uses both us and angels to accomplish it. We are only effective if we operate within the will of God.

We become warriors on our knees. We can’t know his will unless we operate in the spiritual realm through prayer, reading and knowing his written word, which are the very words of God. All that comes through the power and understanding the Holy Spirit gives us. And we can’t receive the Holy Spirit unless we acknowledge our sin and understand that we need rescuing from our sin. That is what Jesus Christ did for us: the one without sin, took on our sin, so he could pay the sin debt for us that neither we, nor anyone else, could pay for us. That’s why we must come as we are because we cannot change or save ourselves. It is only after we trust in what Christ has done for us that he gives to us the Holy Spirit who imparts power and authority to operate in the spiritual realm through our prayers as we yield more and more of ourselves to him. The spiritual realm then becomes more real to us because that is where the true fight for our future resides. I invite you to do just that.

We can never understand all of God’s wisdom and ways. And that’s okay because if we accept what Jesus has done on our behalf so that our sins are blotted out of the sight of God the Father by Christ’s blood, we can be declared righteous and have an eternal inheritance with him. Let us learn how powerful our prayers can be if we direct them to Christ with full faith and understanding of the power and authority God’s Holy Spirit has given to us. We can then truly be powerful partners with God’s holy angels and help bring God’s will for the world into reality. Isn’t that an exciting challenge? Are you ready?


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

God Uses Both Christians and Angels to Accomplish His Plan

In my last post, I went over three of the seven ways Christians and angels are similar. Let’s go over the final four now.

1.      Both are Called to Obey and Enact Christ’s Word (that is, the Logos of God)

David tells us about angels in Psalm 103: “Praise the LORD, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word” (Ps 103:20).

John tells us what Jesus said about us: Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching [Greek: logos: i.e., word]. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them” (Jn 14:23).

The Holy Spirit enables us to do, or possess, at least six things: (1) Our Speech: “For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit” (Jn 3:34). So, the Holy Spirit allows our speech to be in alignment with God’s Word; (2) Our Authority: “And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus” (Ep 2:6). Therefore, we have authority given us though the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in us as we yield to his control; (3) His word to not return void: “It [my word] will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it” (Is 55:11). Therefore, if we speak God’s words, they will also not return void; (4) His word to not fail: “For no word from God will ever fail” (Lk 1:37). So, if we speak his words, they also will not fail; (5) Us to remember His words: “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you” (Jn 14:26). We can rely on the Holy Spirit to bring to our minds God’s words appropriate for whatever occasion we need them, as long as we have stored them in our minds; and (6) Us to have the mind of Christ: The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments, for, “Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ” (1Co 2:16). Therefore, the Holy Spirit will help us to think like Christ does.

Scripture (words of God) impacts both us and angels. When we pray Scripture, we are giving voice to God’s Word causing angels to respond. Angels will serve us: “Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” (Hb 1:14). Therefore, they minister for us because they obey God’s word. If we have the mind of Christ, then we will be praying his words which will be effective and enable angels to act on our behalf. This does not mean we are praying to angels, but we are aligning our thoughts and desires with those of God. And angels act on God’s words. The Holy Spirit allows us to do this. It is amazing how the Trinity works in concert in our lives.

We influence angels according to Scripture because angels observe us. Paul tells us, “. . . We have been made a spectacle to the whole universe, to angels as well as to human beings” (1Co 4:9). We should therefore be conscious of our actions because not only are others looking at us but so are the angels. Are we teaching the right things to those who observe us?

We help angels understand salvation. Peter tells us, “Concerning this salvation . . . Even angels long to look into these things” (1Pt 1:10-12). Salvation is an awe and mysterious thing to angels. We should not take it for granted for, indeed, it is awesome and a mystery. While the angels had a choice to make, they did not have multiple opportunities as we do or have their status change by choosing Christ over Satan as has been done for us. We are now joint heirs with Christ. That is not true for angels.

What can praying scripture do for us? It aligns our thoughts and will with that of God. We cannot be effective if we are not in his will. It gives us confidence in our prayers because they are aligned with the word of God. Only his word is powerful and effective; ours is only if they repeat back to him his words or our words are spoken according to his will. It increases our faith because God cannot go back on his word so we can pray with confidence in his response. His words will not return to him void.

God’s word is powerful. Scripture tells us: “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Hb 4:12). His word changes us inside and out. Scripture also tells us: Praise the LORD, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word (Ps 103:20). His word sends angels into action.

2.      Both are to Fight Against Evil

Paul tells us in Ephesians: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ep 6:12). We often forget this and make our struggle with other individuals forgetting the dark forces which are manipulating many human beings. We need to focus on the spiritual. God’s angels also fight these dark forces. Scripture tells us that Michael the archangel helped to defeat a principality of Persia so another angel could get a message to Daniel (Dn 10:13); Michael will defeat Satan in the end (Rv 12:7-8).

Angels fight for us and with us. We have examples in Scripture of this to encourage and strengthen us. In one example, the king of Aram, a country in Mesopotamia where the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers are located, which is today’s Iraq, went to capture the prophet Elisha because he was telling the King of Israel how to evade the Aramean army. The king of Aram thought he had a spy in his army but was told the prophet Elisha was telling the King of Israel his own battle plans. He therefore sent his army to the city of Dothan in Samaria where Elisha was staying so he could capture him and thereby prevent him from speaking further to the king of Israel.

We find what happened in 2 Kings chapter 6: “When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots [of Aram] had surrounded the city. ‘Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?’ the servant asked. ‘Don’t be afraid,’ the prophet answered. ‘Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.’ And Elisha prayed, ‘Open his eyes, LORD, so that he may see.’ Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hill full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha” (2Ki 6: 15-17). God had his angels to protect Elisha with an entire angelic army and in greater number than the king of Aram could muster in the physical.

Angels fight other angels of Satan. An angel fought a demon to get an answer to Daniel concerning his prayer (Dn 10:12-14). Angels fight against human foes as well. A large host of angels came with God to Mt. Sinai (Dt 33:2) and provided protection to Israel (Ps 68:7, 17). As we just mentioned, an angel army surrounded Elisha when the Arameans came to take him (2Ki 6:17). Jesus had access to more than twelve legions of angels at his beck and call (Mt 26:53). We would likely be surprised at what we would see if we could visualize what is going on around us in the spiritual realm.

3.      Both Have Abilities to Fight and Serve

Not all angels are of the same rank and purpose, and, therefore, have different missions in how they follow and obey God’s purpose, whether it is to deliver messages, protect, or to fight against the enemy. Christians are given different gifts of service and ministry for fighting spiritual battles as well. All Christians have access to the armor of God (Ep 6).

Angels do God’s bidding on our behalf. There are many examples in Scripture of this as well: Angels visited Lot and his family in Sodom to keep his promise to Abraham (Gn 19:1); an angel helped Eliezer, Abraham’s servant, obtain a wife for Isaac (Gn 24:40); an angel guarded the children of Israel along their way (Ex 23:20); an angel kept Daniel safe from the lions (Dn 6:22); an angel fought a demon to get a message from God to Daniel (Dn 10:13); an angel rolled the stone away from Christ’s tomb (Mt 28:2-7); an angel opened the gates of the prison for Peter to escape (Ac 5:19); and an angel caused Herod Agrippa to be struck with a sickness causing him to die quickly (Ac 12:23).

We are also equipped to do God’s bidding. God has given us both defensive and offensive weapons (Ep 6): the belt of truth holds the armor together understanding that Jesus Christ and his words are the only truth in this world; our minds are protected with the helmet of salvation as the knowledge about our present and our future is based upon what Christ did for us on the cross; we have the breastplate of righteousness which we have only because of Christ’s blood which he shed for us. God who is above any and all declares us righteous. Anyone who says otherwise are in error to the One True God. We have the shield of faith which is strong enough to defend anything the enemy sends our way because we are solid in our belief in what Christ has done for us. And we have the Sword of the Spirit; the Word of God; which wields only truth and is sharper than any two-edged sword which penetrates to the very essence of one’s thoughts and world perspective to deliver that truth. All of this is accomplished through the footwear which delivers the Gospel of Peace beyond all comprehension to all those who we come in contact with: both friend and foe alike. All of this makes us truly powerful in our spiritual battles with the enemy.

4.      Both Encourage Each Other

We are told in Psalms: “For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways” (Ps 91:11). While this is also a prophetic psalm about Christ, the psalmist is also stating what is true about his followers.

The psalmist also tells us: “The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them” (Ps 34:7).

Peter tells us: “Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest care, trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of the Messiah and the glories that would follow. It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you, when they spoke of the things that have now been told you by those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. Even angels long to look into these things” (1Pt 1:10-12).

We need to be more mindful of our actions because the spiritual realm is listening, watching, and being taught by us. Next time, we’ll look at some cautions we need to consider as we partner with angels to follow God’s commands.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

Why Should We Care About Angels?

To answer this question, we need to take several things into consideration.

Our focus should be on the spiritual. After all, we are not of this world. Jesus said of his disciples as he prayed to God, the Father, “I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world. My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it” (Jn 17:14-16). If we are not of this world, then this means we are part of the spiritual world and should operate in it.

Our battle is a spiritual one. In Ephesians, we read: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ep 6:12). We far too often focus on people rather than the power behind the person causing them to do what they are doing. This causes us to miss the important message that this person is being manipulated by dark spiritual forces who is our true enemy.

Next, we must recognize where we should fight. We operate in the spiritual just like the angels do. Satan, who is spiritual, is against those who follow Christ. We must fight where our enemies dwell. This brings us back to the question we asked last time: does this mean we should partner with God’s holy angels?

There are at least seven ways Christians and angels are similar:

1.      Both Are Called Sons of God

Angels: In Job we read: “On what were its [the Earth’s] footings set, or who laid its cornerstone—while the morning stars sang together and all the angels [in Hebrew: ben Elohim: i.e., sons of God] shouted for joy?” (Jb 38:6-7).

Us: And in Galatians: “So in Christ Jesus you are all children [in Greek huios: i.e., sons] of God through faith” (Ga 3:26).

Contrary to popular belief, all humans are NOT God’s children. Everyone is born into Satan’s kingdom, not God’s Kingdom. We find proof of this in the Gospel of Matthew: “Again, the devil took him [Jesus] to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. ‘All this I will give you,’ he said, ‘if you will bow down and worship me’” (Mt 4:8-9).

Action must be taken to become part of God’s Kingdom. In the Gospel of John, we have Jesus speaking to Nicodemus: “Whoever believes in him [Christ] is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son” (Jn 3:18).

And in Colossians, Paul states, “For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves” (Cl 1:13).

We are not equal as “Sons.” Our inheritance is not the same as that of angels. There is no scripture stating angels’ status changes. Yet, if we accept Christ for our eternal future, several things change for us. Angels are either in God’s kingdom or Satan’s kingdom. We go from Satan’s kingdom into God’s kingdom when we accept what Christ did for us. Apparently, angels had one chance to choose sides. It seems a third of the angels followed Satan and the remainder followed God. Their fate and loyalty were then sealed for all eternity. Humans, on the other hand are given numerous opportunities to choose Christ. Why is that? We don’t know for sure, but it could be that angels were originally in God’s kingdom, and some chose Satan over God. Humans on the other hand are born into Satan’s kingdom so God is giving every opportunity possible for us to choose his kingdom.

Our current status is not the same as that of angels. In Ephesians, we read: “And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus” (Ep 2:6). Therefore, we have been made joint-heirs with Christ, and Paul goes on to say we have been given authority with the same power that raised Christ from the dead if we yield to the power of the Holy Spirit (Ep 1:19-20). Our future status is also not the same as that of angels. In 1 Corinthians, we read: “Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life!” (1Co 6:3). The authority Christ has won for us will be for all eternity.

2.      Both are servants of Jesus Christ to do his bidding

For angels, we read in Revelation: “I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I had heard and seen them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing them to me. But he said to me, ‘Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant (Greek: doulos: i.e., bondservant or slave) with you and with your fellow prophets and with all who keep the words of this scroll. Worship God!’” (Rv 22:8-9).

For us, as stated by Paul in Galatians: “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant (Greek: doulos: i.e., bondservant or slave) of Christ” (Ga 1:10).

We both willingly submit ourselves to God like a bondservant or slave does to their master. But our position is by choice.

Let’s further look at the term “doulos” (or bondservant / slave). First, we need to understand that the term “slave” is different from that of a “servant.” A servant is one in the employ of another and can one day be on their own. They have a will different from their employer. A slave, especially a bondservant, on the other hand, is the property of another and can never be on their own. They have no will different from their owner. From these two passages just mentioned, we read that both angels and the followers of Christ have only the will of Christ which they enact.

3.      Both are Christ’s Messengers

There are several examples in the Bible where angels delivered messages from God to various individuals. Angels delivered a message to Abraham (Gn 18:2) about the prophesied birth of Isaac and to Lot (Gn 19:1) to get him to leave Sodom as God promised Abraham. The angel Gabriel delivered a message to Daniel (Da 8:15-16) for which he prayed about, to Zechariah (Lk 1:19) concerning the birth of John the Baptist, and to Mary (Lk 1:26-28) concerning the birth of Christ; many angels delivered a message to shepherds (Lk 2:8-11) about Christ being born in their manger.

Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians: “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God” (2Co 5:20). Both are in this world but not of this world just like an ambassador who is not in their own country but represents their country. We are in Satan’s kingdom but are representing God’s Kingdom. We also have diplomatic immunity. We are not subject to the laws Satan uses to control his subjects. We are under the laws of God and his will only.

Both angels and Christians deliver what has been charged to them to deliver and to whomever is designated. Angels deliver whatever message God or Christ wants delivered to whomever they designate. Christians deliver the message of the Gospel to fellow humans so they can also have the opportunity to choose Christ as their Savior.

We operate under the directive Christ gave to his disciples: “Go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I command you. Behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Mt 28:19-20).

Can you begin to see why we should be caring about angels? We are in a partnership with God leading us both. Isn’t it awesome? Next time, we’ll go over the additional four reasons we should be caring about this partnership. I hope you’ll join me.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

Partnering With Angels

When was the last time you thought about angels? Likely, Christmas and Easter are about the only two times we think about angels and how God used them. It seems at other times, we as Christians fail to recognize the spiritual realm in which we are to operate. After all, the spiritual realm is probably the more real dimension than is even our current reality and the place where we will spend most of our eternal existence. After all, we were created eternal beings. We will go from mortality to immortality once our life here is over. Our existence in our present reality is such a short period of time compared to eternity.

So, we should ask the question: Should, or can, Christians partner with angels? And is that even possible? Before we go there, though, let’s first consider the question: what do we know about angels? If you ask most people, you’ll likely get an answer that is not biblically based. Why? Because art and Hollywood have distorted our view of angels. What are some of the things we learn from such media?

There is a famous painting titled Sistine Madonna painted in 1512 by the Italian painter Raphael. While a beautiful painting, it gives us some errant information about angels. If you look at the bottom of the painting, you’ll see two infant cherubs. This part of the painting has even become more popular than the overall painting itself. You’ll see these cherubs on valentine cards and in many different types of decorations. Maybe you’re like me and didn’t even know they were part of another painting. They are drawn to look innocent, cute, and engender a sense of happiness and frivolity—and, sometimes, with just a hint of mischief. Also, when someone very young dies, you’ll often hear people say something like, God needed another angel in heaven, or something to that effect. Yet, the Bible’s view of a cherub is far different from this. Also, humans never become angels when they die, no matter how young they were.

Another famous painting is titled Song of the Angels, painted in 1881 by William-Adolphe Bouguereau. Again, it is quite beautiful and engenders a sense of happiness and tranquility as the angels in the painting are playing music for the infant Jesus to enjoy. Yet is this true? It, too, provides errant teaching. This painting portrays angels to be quiet, demure, and feminine. This is not how the Bible portrays angels at all. Everyone in the Bible who encountered an angel was usually at first terrified and fell to the ground in deference.

Also, Hollywood has had a huge influence on our understanding of angels. Remember Clarence Oddbody in It’s a Wonderful Life? He was George Bailey’s guardian angel and had come to earn his wings by helping George realize just how valuable to others he really was. It’s a great story. Just not true to Biblical teaching. Angels do not undergo self-improvement techniques to earn their wings and they do not go from one phase of being an angel to another.

Remember Touched by an Angel? Monica and her boss Tess had a caseload of humans to go through to try to better their lives and give them a helping hand. While the stories were wonderful and engendered a message of hope to its audience, the teaching was, again, errant in its overarching message. Angels are not put on assignment to better themselves or to be able to get to a desired designated rank.

So, this begs the question: What are angels? The designation “angel” simply means “messenger.” They are spirit beings who operate in this world without usually being seen by humans and were created by God. Some look human, some do not; some have wings, some do not. They operate under the direction of God; yet some are under the direction of Satan. There are hundreds of thousands of angels who operate in a hierarchy.

What kind of hierarchy, you ask? Let’s explore that question. Some have divided the angels into three orders and nine classifications:

Highest Order: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones

Second Order: Dominions, Archangels, Powers

Third Order: Virtues, Principalities, Angels

These names do come from Scripture, but someone had to use their own reasoning to put them in this particular order. Yet, as we’ll see, this order does make some sense. The prophet Isaiah had an encounter where he saw one order of angels, called seraphim: “Above him [the LORD] were seraphs, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying” (Is 6:2). These are considered the highest order because they are around the throne itself. Their name means burning or fiery one—likely meaning they are of copper color.

The prophet Ezekiel experienced a different order of angels, called cherubim: “I looked, and I saw the likeness of a throne of sapphire above the expanse that was over the heads of the cherubim” (Ek 10:1). The cherubim are considered the second rank because they are just below God’s throne.

The apostle Paul, in Ephesians, mentions several of the orders of angels: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers [principalities], against the authorities [virtues], against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ep 6:12). This verse is talking about Satan’s kingdom, yet, if the order of angels is true, it seems he gained some of the second and third order of angels into his domain. This shows that God is a God of order and Satan has exploited his work.

Paul mentions some of these same orders of angels in Colossians: “For by him [Christ] all things were created whether thrones or powers [dominions- this is a different Greek word than what was translated as powers in the Ephesians passage] or rulers [principalities] or authorities [virtues]; all things were created by him and for him” (Cl 1:16).

And we see the order of archangel in the book of Jude: “But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not dare to bring a slanderous accusation against him, but said, ‘The Lord rebuke you!’” (Ju 9).

And of course, the generalized term “angel” is mentioned throughout the Bible.

This hierarchy of angels was codified by a man who originally claimed to be Dionysius (one of the converts by the apostle Paul in Athens) who was a member of the Athenian Areopagus. His exact identity is not known, so historians have termed him as Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite. The Areopagus was something like a Greek thinktank for people to come, discuss, and debate all sorts of ideas and beliefs. Paul used their process and curiosity to his advantage in his first visit to Athens to talk to the Athenians about their statue made to what they termed, “the Unknown God.” The Athenians believed in a pantheon of gods and did not want to snub a god whom they did not know. Paul used this as a means to discuss with them the God of the Universe. The Areopagus was also denoted as Mars Hill by many.

It is believed by some that this hierarchy of angels was a teaching of early Christians; some say by Gnostics. We do know that Gnostics had a habit of calling their works by a renowned biblical or Christian figure. While Scripture does allude to an angelic hierarchy, it is not specific in the exact hierarchy or the role of each of these divisions.

Let’s take a closer look at this hierarchy of angels and see what this Pseudo-Dionysius said about them.

Highest Order: Heavenly Angels

Seraphim (Is 6:1-17) – minister around God’s throne and have six wings.

Cherubim (Ek 10) – had four faces and wings; located under God’s throne in the stones of fire.

Thrones (Cl 1:16) – while not stated, perhaps these are the Living Creatures that are before God’s throne (Rv 4:6-8); each had six wings with eyes, and each had the face like of one of the heads of the Cherubim.

Second Order: Warrior Angels

Dominions (Cl 1:16) – deliver God’s justice in unjust situations.

Archangels (1Th 4:16; Ju 9) – likely leaders of warrior angels as one, Michael, helped a messenger angel get a message to the prophet Daniel by fighting a powerful demon; the Bible only names one archangel: Michael (Ju 9).

Powers (Cl 1:16) – warrior angels under the direction of Archangels.

Third Order: Messenger Angels (but not devoid of fighting)

Virtues (Ep 1:21 DRV) – “Unyielding courage”; strengthen mankind’s faith in God. [Note: Douay-Rheims is the only version that lists “authorities” as “virtues.” This translation is made from the Latin Vulgate version of Scripture and was the first English version of the Bible accepted by the Catholic Church.]

Principalities (Ep 1:21) – watch nations and ensure the fulfillment of God’s will.

Angels – minister to mankind.

There is another angel mentioned in Scripture who is different from the other angels we just mentioned and discussed. This is The Angel of the Lord. While he is called an angel, he is a special and unique angel. This angel would be called The Messenger of Jehovah, since “angel” means “messenger” and “LORD” means “Jehovah” [or Yahweh]. The definite article is always used in reference to this angel’s designation, meaning this entity is likely none other than the preincarnate person of Jesus Christ. This being the case, we see Christ was very active in the Old Testament as well. He appeared to various individuals: Hagar (Gn 17:7) when running from Sarah; Abraham (Gn 22:11) to let him know his son, Isaac, would be born to Sarah; Moses (Ex 3:2) at the burning bush; Balaam (Nu 22:22) to block the way of his donkey in order to get his attention so he would bless and not curse Israel as the king of Moab wanted him to do; Israel as a nation (Jd 2:1) to state not to make a covenant with Canaanites; Gideon (Jd 6:11) to tell him to deliver Israel from the Midianites; Manoah (Jd 13:15) as well as his wife (Jd 13:3) to tell them they would have a son, Samson; David (2Sa 24:15) to deliver judgment of a plague because he did a census of the Israelites against God’s will; Gad (1Ch 21:18) for him to tell king David to build an altar at the threshing floor of Araunah to stop the plague sent among the people; Elijah (1Ki 19:7) when he fled from Jezebel after killing her prophets of Baal; and Zechariah (Zc 1:11) to tell him to continue building the temple and to encourage Zerubbabel to do the same. He also executed judgment: on Israel (1Ch 21:12) because king David took an unsanctioned census, and on the Assyrians (2Ki 19:35) when they came against King Hezekiah in Jerusalem. He also camps around those who fear the LORD (Ps 34:7).

Now that we know about the classifications and potential hierarchy of these beings, our next question is, why should be care about these angelic beings? Join me next time, and we’ll discuss that very subject. Until then, may God bless.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

12 Days of Christmas

While many of us are getting over the excitement of Christmas and preparing for the New Year, there are others who are still in the thick of Christmas celebration. Before Christmas, we celebrated the four weeks of Advent as we prepared and celebrated the birth of Christ. For some, Christmas was just the beginning of another celebration that lasts for twelve days and leads from Christmas to Epiphany. What is this celebration and what is Epiphany? Let’s find out.

For many of us, The 12 Days of Christmas is just a zany Christmas song that is sung in a round and keeps repeating itself. It’s just a fun song that a group of people can really get into. Yet, this song refers to an almost two week celebration of Christ’s birth and what he has given to us.

The celebration of The 12 Days of Christmas, or Christmastide, was established by the Council of Tours in 567 AD. The lyrics were published in 1780, but likely existed far earlier. While it is unknown when the song was first written, it is believed to originally be of French origin and began as a memory and forfeits game. This is a game where one makes up unrealistic lyrics to a song to stunt your opponent. If not repeated correctly, that person must forfeit something to the other person. The tune we know of today is from the English composer Frederic Austin in 1909.

The first Christmas was celebrated in 336 AD under the Roman Emperor Constatine. Christmastide goes from the first day being Christmas day to the night before Epiphany, January 6th. Epiphany was first celebrated around 200 AD and was originally the recognition of Christ’s baptism and a time when new converts to Christianity were baptized. It is still celebrated by the Eastern Orthodox today. Yet, by 361 AD, Epiphany was changed to be a celebration of the visit of the Magi to Jesus and their presentation of their gifts to him. Yet, when the Schism of the Catholic Church occurred in 1024 AD, the West continued with the celebration of the Magi on Epiphany while the East officially adopted the celebration of Christ’s baptism.

Some say the song The 12 Days of Christmas was derived or used by Catholics as a secret code to teach catechism and avoid persecution. Some believe this to be untrue for a couple of reasons: (1) the English monarch in 1780 was George III who was considered by many to be a devout Christian. Yet, he took seriously his role as the defender of the Anglican Church. While not actively against those outside the Anglican Church, he would not be supportive of them either. (2) Yet, again, there is nothing taught by this technique that would be contrary to the teachings of the Anglican Church and strictly Catholic in origin. But still, far less reasons for persecution between Catholics and Protestants had been instituted in the past. We have discovered that “conspiracy theories” often have a habit of being true. And it is interesting how the symbolism plays out quite conveniently to the lyrics of this song even though they sound rather zany at first glance.

So, let’s investigate this song and the meanings to which may be inferred.

Each stanza of the song starts with the saying, “My True Love Sent to Me . . .” This is a reference to none other than God Himself. The Bible teaches us that God is love. John tells us, “This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us” (1Jn 4:9-12). Jeremiah stated, “The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness” (Jr 31:3). We may not originally think of these things in the song as gifts, but as we explore, I think we can agree these are definitely gifts from a loving God. Also, the number twelve is significant because it represents perfection, authority, and completeness. So, these twelve gifts should represent the perfect gifts of God to us.

On the 1st Day of Christmas, a partridge in a pear tree is presented. This represents Jesus Christ providing wisdom and prosperity. Jesus Christ’s birth is celebrated on the first day of Christmastide. In some Christian circles, the pear signifies knowledge and wisdom, as some believe the pear was the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden, and believe the shape of the pear is linked to humanity’s sorrows. The partridge symbolizes protection and sacrifice because a partridge will give its life to defend its young. This is quite as accurate symbolism of Jesus Christ as to his origin, suffering, and sacrifice. All the gifts within this song point to him, represent him, or come from him.

On the 2nd Day of Christmas, two turtle doves are presented. These represent the Old & New Testaments, which is the provision of the complete plan of God. It is often said the Old Testament is the New Testament concealed and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. As doves are a representation of the Holy Spirit; it is the Holy Spirit who ties all of scripture together. Paul stated in 2nd Timothy, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2Tm 3:16).

Doves also represent peace and harmony. Jesus stated, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them” (Mt 5:17). By fulfilling the Law, much of the Old Testament seems like it is null and void, but because it is fulfilled, much of the Law no longer has the same impact on us because Jesus became our Old Testament required sacrifice so that we can now petition directly with the Father: The writer of the book of Hebrews tells us, “Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience, and having our bodies washed with pure water” (Hb 10:19-22).

On the 3rd Day of Christmas, three French hens are presented. These represent Faith, Hope, & Love. The apostle Paul stated, “And now these three [gifts] remain: faith, hope and love, But the greatest of these is love” (1Co 13:13).

French hens come in various colors and patterns, depending on the breed. They are known for their unique feather patterns, colorful eggs, and personality. Like these hens, faith, hope, & love are related but distinct on their own. They each have their own “personality” so to speak. All the other gifts given by the Holy Spirit hinge on these three. Paul tells us that other gifts without, especially, love is like listening to clanging cymbals. One must first have these three to make any other gifts effective and used in the way God intended them. The other gifts without these three can lead to pride and conceit, just the opposite of what any gift is designed to achieve.

Faith is trusting in God for what he says. Hope is believing in what God says about our future as if it already was. Love is demonstrating the trait God has shown to us to others. These are definitely gifts that can only come from God Himself.

On the 4th Day of Christmas, four calling birds are presented. These represent the four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John. Although the lyrics today say “calling birds,” it seems originally it was “four colly birds.” Colly birds are typically European black thrushes but can represent any small songbird of any color. This is a great depiction of the Gospels: each one calls to all but with a slightly different song and perspective of Jesus: Matthew presents Christ as the Messiah; Mark present Christ as Our Sacrifice; Luke presents Christ as Savior to all; and John presents Christ as the Son of God.

On the 5th Day of Christmas, five gold rings are presented. These represent The Pentateuch (Torah), or the five books of Moses (i.e., Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy). Gold rings signify covenant and promise. The first five books of the Bible provide God’s covenant with Israel and the set up for the new covenant which he also promised to Israel and which we, as Gentiles, are grafted into once we accept Christ for our future. Understanding the old covenant is foundational to understanding, and appreciating, the new covenant Christ has extended to us. Genesis presents how everything began by God’s design and introduces his Promised Kingdom he will one day provide through a coming Messiah. Exodus speaks of deliverance from sin and old ways and turning toward God and how to worship him. Leviticus presents the Law—a binding to God. It shows how to obey and worship a holy God. Numbers is a representation of sanctification over time like the Children of Israel enduring various trials as they traveled through the wilderness on their way to their Promised Land. Deuteronomy was a remembrance for the Children of Israel as Moses reminded them what God did for them, and he prepared them for their future once they reached their Promised Land.

On the 6th Day of Christmas, six geese a-laying were presented. These represent the six days of creation. Each day could be considered hatched, or birthed, by God. As geese lay eggs from within them to give birth to chicks, God birthed creation into existence from within him, being created from nothing already existing. Understanding how creation came to be is foundational to a proper worldview and understanding how God and we are intimately connected to each other. In various cultures, geese have been associated with creation, community, martial harmony, and seasonal changes. On Day 1, light was created. Light is paramount to life; Jesus stated he is the light of the world (Jn 8:12). On Day 2, the firmament was created which gives us air to breathe and protection from cosmic radiation, just as Jesus is our sustainer and protector (Mt 6:25-34). On Day 3, land & vegetation were created, providing us a place to live and nutrients for our needs, reminding us that Jesus is our life sustainer. On Day 4 the sun, moon, and stars were created which provide just the right balance for life to exists on the Earth—all sustained by Jesus Christ himself (Cl 1:17). On Day 5, birds & fish were created providing beauty and nourishment to sustain us—again reminding us that we are sustained by Jesus Christ himself. On Day 6, land creatures & mankind were created. The land creatures provide us nourishment, companionship, and a way to get work done. Again, all sustained by Jesus Christ.

On the 7th Day of Christmas, seven swans a-swimming were presented. These represent the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In some Christian literature, swans represent the Holy Spirit or God’s unconditional love for humanity. In some cases, swans are even used to symbolize Christ himself – his purity and grace being represented in this beautiful creature. Isaiah 11: 2-3 presents these gifts: (1) The Spirit of wisdom and (2) of understanding, (3) the Spirit of counsel and (4) of might (fortitude), (5) the Spirit of the knowledge and (6) fear of the LORD (piety), and he will (7) delight in the fear of the LORD. Let’s look at these more closely.

Wisdom is discernment, insight, and rightly applying God’s word. The psalmist says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise” (Ps 111:10). So, wisdom is something that we should all be pursuing.

Understanding is the ability to comprehend, learn, and connect to God’s word. Solomon, in Proverbs, says, “Folly brings joy to one who has no sense, but whoever has understanding keeps a straight course” (Pr 15:32). Understanding leads us to having a course in life pleasing to God.

Knowledge is the theoretical and practical understanding of truth expressed through God’s word. Solomon told us, again in Proverbs, “The one who has knowledge uses words with restraint, and whoever has understanding is even-tempered” (Pr 17:27). So, knowledge of God leads us to understanding who he is, and that leads us to have awestruck respect for God which is wisdom.

Counsel is the ability to convey insight from God’s word to others. The psalmist said, “I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me” (Ps 16:7). God’s word is where we should receive our counsel for how to make our plans successful.

Fortitude is courage to stand and persevere during adversity knowing God is on your side based upon His word. James tells us, “Because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance” (Ja 1:3). We should know who we are in Christ so that we can stand in spite of circumstances and chaos which may surround us.

Piety is devotion in service of God according to His word. The word piety in this verse is translated from the Latin Vulgate. It is not listed in other translations. Yet, the concept is definitely taught in scripture. In Deuteronomy, we read, “It is the LORD your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him” (Dt 13:4). Understanding and practicing all the previous gifts enables us to serve out of gratitude, not out of duty or necessity for approval or winning favor.

The fear of the Lord is a state of holy reference as well as being in awe of who God really is, both his wonderful love as well as his longsuffering judgment. Isaiah actually has this as two separate gifts where one has been interpreted as piety, the fear of the LORD, and secondly to delight in the fear of the LORD. To delight in the fear of the Lord is to have a relationship with this one who you can call “Abba Father” and at the same time know his capability of discipline. Solomon also said in Proverbs: “The fear of the LORD leads to life; then one rests content, untouched by trouble” (Pr 19:23). It is one thing to have fear, or reverence, for the Lord, but another to delight in this reverence which is another way of saying you have an intimate relationship with God. All of the previous gifts lead to being able to have this one.

On the 8th Day of Christmas, eight maids a-milking were presented. These represent the Beatitudes: those who inherit the kingdom. In 16th century England, women working as day laborers would indicate they were quite poor for they would normally take care of their house or someone else's. So, the beatitudes represent those who the world considers “lowly” but whom God esteems greatly (Mt 5: 3-10): blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven; blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted; blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth; blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled; blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy; blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God; blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God; blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. God’s kingdom is upside down to how mankind has set up kingdoms on this world (much from the influence of Satan).

On the 9th Day of Christmas, nine ladies dancing were presented. These represent the fruit of the Spirit. Dancing represents emotions and spiritual experiences. So, it isn’t a stretch to understand that nine ladies dancing would represent the fruit of the Spirit (Ga 5:22-23): Love, Joy, Peace, Forbearance, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control. These add grace & beauty to anyone’s life and to all those around us.

On the 10th Day of Christmas, ten lords a-leaping are presented. These represent the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17). Lords have always been associated with making proclamations, laws, and commandments. The 10 commandments are both God-relational and fellow man-relational. They cover: (1) our relationship with God: Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only; Do not take God’s name in vain; Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy; (2) Our relationship with family: Honor your father and mother. (3) Our relationship with others:  Do not kill; Do not commit adultery; Do not steal; Do not bear false witness. And (4) the respect we should have for others and what is theirs: Do not covet your neighbor’s wife; Do not covet your neighbor’s possessions. These all represent how to live a harmonious life but require all to follow them.

On the 11th Day of Christmas, eleven pipers piping are presented. These represent the eleven disciples. Judas Iscariot is not included because he did not carry forth the gospel. It’s interesting that the disciples are contrasted to “pipes” or woodwinds. There are various kinds of woodwinds and can be used as solos, in combination together to play the melody, or to support the melody. The disciples were similar in that each had different talents and skills, and each complemented the building of the church and spreading the gospel to many places. Judas, of course, is excluded from this list because of his betrayal of Jesus, and a reminder that we must stand for Christ to be counted worthy by God.

On the 12th Day of Christmas, twelve drummers drumming are presented. These represent the 12 Points of the Apostle’s Creed. Drummers keep the beat or cadence for others to follow. This fits in well with the Apostle’s Creed for it is also the beat, or belief, all Christians should follow so that we are united within the body of Christ. Unity is an important point made in Scripture: The psalmist states, “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” (Ps 133:1). Paul tells us in Ephesians, “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace” (Ep 4:3). And states in Colossians, “And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity” (Cl 3:14). Now let’s look at each of the 12 points in more detail:

Apostle’s Creed #1: I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth.

Paul tells us in Colossians, “For in him [Christ] all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together” (Cl 1:16, 17). Therefore, all things originated from God.

Apostle’s Creed #2: I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.

Paul stated, “He [Jesus Christ] has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time” (2Tm 1:9). Jesus is the ultimate solution to our sin problem.

Apostle’s Creed #3: He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.

Isaiah prophesied, “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel” (Is 7:14). Matthew tells us, “This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was pledge to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit” (Mt 1:18). As well as, “But he [Joseph] did not consummate their marriage until she [Mary] give birth to a son. And he [Joseph] gave him [the infant] the name Jesus” (Mt 1:25). Luke adds to this by saying, “You [Mary] will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus” (Lk 1:31). A virgin birth is paramount to how Jesus Christ can save us. Only someone fully human yet full God could accomplish this.

Apostle’s Creed #4: He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.

Matthew states, “What shall I do, then, with Jesus who is called the Messiah?” Pilate asked. They all answered, “Crucify him!” (Mt 27:22). John tells us, “Then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged. The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head” (Jn 19:1-2). He goes on to say, “Finally Pilate handed him [Jesus] over to them to be crucified. So the soldiers took charge of Jesus” (Jn 19:16). He then adds, “When he [Jesus] had received the drink. Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit” (Jn 19:30). Mark tells us, “So Joseph [of Arimathea] brought some linen cloth, took down the body [of Jesus], wrapped it in the linen, and placed it in a tomb cut out of rock. Then he rolled a stone against the entrance of the tomb” (Mk 15:46). Christ was the only one who could atone for the sins of everyone.

Apostle’s Creed #5: He descended into hell [Sheol]. On the third day, he rose again.

Paul tells us in Colossians, “And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross” (Cl 2:15). Peter adds to this by saying, “After being made alive [in the Spirit], he went and made proclamation to the imprisoned spirits” (1Pt 3:19). Paul tells us in First Corinthians, “But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep” (1Co 15:20). Christ’s resurrection is the hope and assurance of our resurrection and having a glorified body that will be like his for all eternity.

Apostle’s Creed #6: He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

We read in Acts, “After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight” (Ac 1:9). Paul tells us in Romans: “Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us” (Ro 8:34). Christ is our ultimate high priest and makes intercession on our behalf to God, the Father.

Apostle’s Creed #7: He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

We read in Acts, “Men of Galilee,” they [the angels] said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven” (Ac 1:11). John tells us in Revelation, “I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war” (Rv 19:11). And goes on to say, “Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire (Rv 20:15). He is a God of love but ultimately a God of justice.

Apostle’s Creed #8: I believe in the Holy Spirit

In Acts we read, “All of them [Christ’s disciples] were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them” (Ac 2:4). John reminds us of Jesus’ words: “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you” (Jn 14:26). The writer of Hebrews tells us, “God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will” (Hb 2:4). And the apostle Paul tells us, “The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace” (Ro 8:6). We can have the power and mind of Christ because we have the Holy Spirit.

Apostle’s Creed #9: I believe in the holy catholic Church

The word catholic here means “universal.” Paul tells us in Ephesians, “Christ is the head of the church” (Ep 5:23). And also states, “The church submits to Christ” (Ep 5:24). And then tells us, “Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her” (Ep 5:25). He also tells us in Second Corinthians, “I am jealous for you [the church] with a godly jealousy, I promised you to one husband, to Christ, so that I might present you as a pure virgin to him” (2Co 11:2). He also speaks to the church in his epistle to the Philippians: “then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind” (Pp 2:2). We are to have unity as the body of Christ.

Apostle’s Creed #10: I believe in the communion of saints

The writer of Hebrew states, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hb 12:1). As well as telling us, “. . . Not giving up meeting together . . .” (Heb 10:25). Paul tells us in Second Corinthians, “And when he had given thanks, he broke it [the bread] and said, ‘This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me. In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me’” (1Co 11: 24-25). We are to meet together to strengthen and encourage one another.

Apostle’s Creed #11: I believe in the forgiveness of sins

Paul tells us in Ephesians, “In him [Jesus Christ] we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace” (Ep 1:7). And also in Colossians, “When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins” (Cl 2:13). John wrote, “I am writing to you, dear children, because your sins have been forgiven on account of his [Jesus’] name” (1Jn 2:12). This gives us hope and the opportunity to live with Him forever.

Apostle’s Creed #12: I believe in the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting.

In John, we read, “Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die” (Jn 11:25). And Paul stated, “For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his” (Ro 6:5). As well as, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Ro 6:23). His resurrection gives us assurance of an eternity with him if we have accepted what he has done for us and the hope of our eternal future.

While the 12 Days of Christmas is just a zany Christmas song to many, I hope the next time you hear it, you will remember the key elements of our faith, what Christ gave up to give us all of these gifts, and to appreciate them and review them every time you hear this song in the future.

Paul tells us in Ep 3:20-21: Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

We have a lot to live for and even more to experience both in this life and in the life to come!


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

A Tribute

Our pastor has decided to retire this next year. He and his wife have been such a great asset to our church and to all of us individually. I wrote this sonnet several years ago, but still feel the same way today.


Christmas is a time of gifts and good cheer.

A time of good deeds and being benevolent.

But sometimes a pretty package leads one to say, “Oh dear!”

Because what was wrapped was actually a white elephant.


Other gifts are expensive and showy which reflect more the giver

Than reflecting on what was wanted, what was needed, or desired.

Some gifts are timely and precious putting a smile on the receiver,

Making onlookers wish to the same they had aspired.


Then come the gifts devoid of pretty packages and bows,

Whose contents, though intangible, are as precious as one’s youth.

Unwrapped is not a thing but a person God bestows,

With a desire to share the Christmas story based upon God’s truth.


And that brings us to the gift Countryside received more than a decade ago,

When God brought to us the gift of Mike and Kaye Otto.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

Christmas - Three Perspectives

This poem alternates between three Christmas perspectives: Angelic viewpoint; Joseph’s viewpoint; and modern day viewpoint.


I don’t understand. Was this the plan? Is this what Jesus will do?

How could he leave and go to the Earth, and grieve those here who remain?

I hear the love that resides in him is so great that he will now woo

The humans he loves because that is what he does and their future he will soon regain.


I don’t understand why his plan is entrusted to someone like me.

Can I as a father not bother to care for the life of such a one?

Yet, if he is the Savior which his angel has said, then what can I to him be?

But I will obey and ensure the way so his will for me can be done.


I don’t understand why we wrap all these presents. I for one say nay.

They’re such a chore, a pain, and a bore—that’s for sure and certain.

Is anyone even grateful for how much I spend and just give it all away?

I wouldn’t shed a tear if on all this “cheer” we would just close the curtain.


I can’t believe what I just heard! How can it be? It can’t be true.

He’s bringing his love, which comes from above, but these humans won’t even care.

Gabriel has said of this he knew, but his birth would somehow become a clue

For those who follow, his love they hallow, and it to others they bear.


I can’t believe the shepherds would come to observe our baby just born here at Migdal Eder.

Angels, it seems, had said to them to be of good cheer for he lay here in their manger.

I thought they would be mad but one shepherd replied and spoke as if their leader.

He said no, they were happy to ponder this Promised Wonder; Israel to God no longer a stranger.


I can’t believe my wife had me purchase such an expensive type of wrapping paper.

Why does the color need to be gold with texture stiff and hard to fold? But that’s what I had to buy.

Yeah, she said beauty of the color reminds her of the gold, and the frankincense and myrrh

That was given so freely, on that first Christmas really, to the baby Jesus by the regal Magi.


I think I get it now, even though it is strange to see it all play out.

Jesus left heaven on that Shavuot, being born as a sin antidote, arriving on Earth as an infant

So he could with humans identify even though their allegiance lays often in doubt.

But he assures his love will win in the end, freeing mankind from sin, becoming transcendent.


I think I get it now, this Promised One in my arms giving me a feeling of awe.

Knowing that God has visited this sod in such a glorious and magnificent way.

It’s beyond my comprehension how his tiny little fingers reach out and touch my jaw.

My eyes fill with tears realizing Mary’s fears will manifest on that future dark day.


I think I get it now: this present wrapped in gold donning its delicate bow changes my attitude.

I anxiously await as the giver for the receiver to open this gift wrapped with so much care.

It then hits me. God felt the same giving his Word, his Son, without any platitude.

What mattered was not its inception but its open reception without any needed fare.


I bow my head and raise my hand as I am taught this love which Jesus freely flaunts.

Humans are not worth the mention but that does not change the attention that is given.

“It was all for naught,” “it will not last,” “and all will forget,” the Adversary taunts,

But love, a sacrificial cause, will give the receiver applause as one day to be risen

To a life anew forever united with this One who loved them so.

Their praise will last forever because their Savior will never let them go.


I bow my head and raise my hand as I look at the shepherds and Magi here on their knees

Realizing I am part of the prophecy of the supremacy of this dear one now in Mary’s arms.

Yes, sadness will come but will not remain for there is more to these prophecies

Which state my adopted son will one day reign King of kings and free us all from any harms.

My heart beats with pride as I look at this one so tiny in this lowly of places.

Knowing I’m fulfilling God plan for me, for Israel to see, and for the world full of so many faces.


I bow my head and raise my hand, a better attitude now found.

Presents are a symbol of the love that does resemble what occurred on that first nativity.

How love came down in the form of an infant, and to all mankind did abound.

Even to those who refuse his gift and remain amused in their negativity.

But Christ’s love bestows new life to those who believe and keeps the evil that comes at bay.

So shout it and say, “I thank you Yahweh for the love you gave on that first Christmas Day.”


By: Randy C Dockens


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

A Shepherd's Story

Can you believe that? Almost being fired for delivering news we have all waited for for centuries. I mean, who else should be more excited than me about this, but them? I thought that was why my great grandfather, by grandfather, my father, and I have worked as shepherds for the temple.

My father taught me it was an honor to watch over the sheep that produce lambs for temple sacrifice. We have always taken great pride in ensuring the animals are without any blemish because we want only the best to be offered to Yahweh. The Torah commands it. We obey. That’s what the priests teach us and repeat to us almost every time we bring them the lambs.

“We can’t afford to offer anything with any hint of sickness, deformity, or blemish,” they say. “It’s your job to ensure that,” they drill into us.

And we do! I can’t remember a single time I had to be reprimanded for bringing in a bad lamb or goat.

I learned from my father and grandfather what to do. And I was determined to do it even better. I was going to be known for the quality of my work. I would watch each ewe carefully for when they showed signs of being ready to deliver. I would bring them to Migdal Eder, our watchtower for the flock just outside Bethlehem, when they got near their time for delivery so I could watch them closely. As soon as the lamb was born, I would grab it, wrap, and swaddle it so neither the mother could accidently kick or step on it nor the lamb somehow injure itself. The swaddling cloths would cause the lamb to calm. After it calmed down, I would place it in the stone manger and examine every square inch of its body to ensure it was a lamb worthy of temple sacrifice: free from any blemish or malady. I had to watch all the lambs born for an entire year to ensure they fed properly, didn’t become too rambunctious, or do anything that could potentially harm or mar them in any way. Even if I do say so myself, that’s a lot of hard work. And I take great pride in it. Doing otherwise yielded harsh consequences.

Oh, I saw how these “benevolent” priests could get so riled when things didn’t go their way. I was determined not to go through their scolding. They can be brutal. After all, wasn’t it only a couple months ago they were commending me on the quality of sheep they got from me for Passover? Now, today, they tell me I must be drunk because I saw hallucinations, and if I don’t stop spreading these false rumors, they will not only fire me but excommunicate me. And maybe even my entire family from the temple! I can’t bring such a disgrace to my family.

But I can’t deny what happened and what I saw either.

There we all were, sitting around the campfire as the sheep had finally settled down. All of a sudden, the dark, night sky burst into glorious light. It was a light almost like that of the sun, but different somehow. I was able to look at it. The light began to move, and I realized it wasn’t light after all, but an angel! I didn’t know what was happening and wanted to run, but my feet wouldn’t move. I was terrified, I tell you. But the angel spoke. Such a calming tone yet commanding somehow.

“Don’t be afraid,” the angel said. “I bring you good news of great joy which is for all people. Born to you, even today, in the City of David is a Savior, the Christ, the Messiah you have been waiting for. Here is a sign for you: you will find him as a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in the manger.”

Then, suddenly, the night sky exploded with light. Many, many angels seemed to be everywhere around us! Each shining like a glorious star—and singing. I can still hear them:

“Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, good will toward men.”

We all were stunned, standing there looking into the sky with mouths partially open. I don’t know how long it lasted. It seemed like an eternity and like a split second at the same time. Then, just as suddenly as they appeared, they vanished.

The darkness enveloped us once again.

We all just stared at each other for several seconds.

Benjamin broke the silence and said, “What just happened?”

“A miracle,” Elimelech added.

I then chimed in, “Let’s go see.”

“See what?” Benjamin asked. Benjamin has always been a little slow on the uptake, granted, but I just couldn’t believe him.

“See what? The baby, the Messiah, of course.”

“Let’s do it,” Eldad replied, “but where?”

Maybe they were still too stunned, but I know they heard the same words as I did.

“Why, Midgal Eder, of course. Where else has a manger we know about?”

So, we left Simon and Jesse with the sheep as the rest of us headed to the watchtower.

As we approached Migdal Eder, we saw a small fire going, so we knew someone was using the watchtower. The timing for birthing of the lambs was practically over so we only had some supplies and a few animals there at the time. When we poked our heads in, a woman and man looked at us, at first startled, but the mother then smiled at us—almost like she knew we would be coming. She was somewhat rocking the baby as it lay in the stone manger; she waved for us to come closer.

The man spoke first. “I am Joseph. This is my wife, Mary. And this . . .”

Mary picked up the infant so I could see his face, “is our son.”

I think I gasped. It was such a special moment.

Now any baby is cute, but this one—well, he was different. Looking into his eyes was like looking into eternity. I can’t really explain it, but I just knew he was special—he was the One Israel had been waiting for. With eyes like that, yes, he was the One.

“What is his name?” I asked.

The mother smiled and said, “Jesus.”

I grinned. “The Lord Saves.”

Mary nodded. “He will save his people from their sins.”

My eyes began to water. “My name is Joshua,” I said.

Mary smiled again. “Then you both have something in common already. Your names are similar to each other,” she said as she placed her son back in the manger.

I nodded again—overcome with emotion.

I looked down at the infant in the stone manger, and I gasped again. He looked just like a newborn lamb I would wrap in swaddling cloths inspecting it for blemishes to ensure it would be suitable for sacrifice. It hit me like a ton of bricks. This is the One who would save his people from their sins. Sin requires sacrifice. This meant he would, somehow, become the sacrifice for Israel. How he would do that I had no idea but knew he would. This One had come to be born to die.

My eyes watered again, and I looked at Mary who seemed to know what I was thinking. She gave a slight nod as her eyes watered as well.

It then struck me what Joseph had said. “If you are married, how can you be the virgin to give birth to our promised Messiah as prophesied by the great prophet Isaiah?”

Mary touched my shoulder and looked into my eyes. “I assure you; the Holy Spirit has conceived this child. Joseph and I have not yet been together.”

When I looked at Joseph, he nodded. “I took her as my wife to protect her.”

I nodded as I knew immediately what he meant. Knowing the wrath the priests could bring upon someone, I knew he had likely saved her from being stoned to death. But I just knew the high priest would welcome this one with open arms. After all, this baby was fulfilling prophecy, several in fact, and the Sanhedrin certainly believed in prophecy, or so I thought.

I told Joseph and Mary all that had happened: about the angel and what he said, about the angels singing, and the bright star I had noticed.

“Oh,” she said, “I don’t think many even look up to notice the star. How did you notice it?”

I laughed. “A shepherd has two things to do,” I said. “Tend sheep during the day and look at the stars at night. And I’m certainly not going to count sheep at night to go to sleep. I spend all day counting sheep. I’d rather just look at the stars until I fall asleep.”

Both Mary and Joseph thought that a little funny.

We stayed a little longer and then left the couple there with their infant so they could have privacy and get some sleep themselves.

I had a hard time sleeping that night, though. What would the priests say? Would we still have a job if the true sacrifice was already with us?

But I learned something. Greed trumps prophecy. I overhead some of the priests say that if the people heard what I had just told them, then they may stop buying sheep for sacrifice. They definitely didn’t want that to happen. Then, as I said earlier, they threatened me to remain silent. I eventually told them what they wanted to hear: I would not spread false rumors.

But what I saw and heard was not false. No! It was truth!

Truth is something to be shared. And that is what I will do! I will share the truth because it is the truth that will set one free. So, I will go and spread truth. After what you’ve heard from me, I hope you will do the same. Until we meet again. Shalom.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

Millennial Kingdom

All that occurs when Christ returns to this earth is in preparation for Christ’s Millennial Kingdom when He will reign over all the earth (Zc 14:9). However, before this, Christ’s kingdom will only include those righteous as Satan will not be loose during this time (Rv 20:1-3).

The beginning of the Millennium is almost like the antithesis of the earth after the Rapture. This time all those who have not accepted Christ as their Savior are removed.

There are two groups who enter the Millennium. One group is composed of those who were alive at the time of Christ’s return and who had accepted him as their Savior. They enter the Millennium in their current human bodies. The other group is composed of those who are part of the first resurrection and enter the Millennium in glorified bodies. These consists of the following:

·       Those who returned with Christ when He came to destroy the Antichrist and bind Satan (Rv 19:14). These are considered the church, i.e., those from Christ’s resurrection until the Rapture who put their faith in Him.

·       Those that put their faith in the Messiah prior to his resurrection (Dn 12:1-2). These are resurrected after Christ’s return and before the start of His reign (Rv 20:4).

·       Those martyred for their faith during the Tribulation period. These also are resurrected after Christ’s return and before the start of His reign (Rv 20:4).

Those of the Gentiles who are left will travel to Jerusalem each year to worship the Lord (Zc 14:16) and the punishment for not doing so will be lack of rain (Zc 14:17) and those of Egypt will receive plagues as punishment for not worshiping the Lord (Zc 14:18-19). Egypt here may be a metaphor for all the Gentile nations where lack of rain would not be devastating due to river irrigation and, therefore, more severe punishment will be instituted to show to all the world that nation’s disfavor with God. God will establish Jerusalem as the place from which He will reign and will become a holy city dedicated to the Lord (Zc 14:20-21).

A sacrificial system is reinstituted. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, death is abolished. There is no mention of another resurrection of believers after the first resurrection at the beginning of the Millennium (Rv 20:5-6). Sacrifices are the only way the people will know what death means. Those born during the Millennium will need to accept Christ by faith just as all who lived previously had to do. These sacrifices will help those born during the Millennium to understand the death Christ underwent to pay for their sins. The sacrificial system will be used threefold:

·       Sacrificial system depicts what Christ has done for every individual.

·       Sacrificial system depicts what death and separation from Christ looks like.

·       Sacrificial system shows that cleansing is needed to worship a holy God.

Four of the seven feasts will be observed: (Pesach) Passover, (Matzah) Unleavened Bread, (Bikkurim) First Fruits, and (Sukkot) Tabernacles. These represent the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, as well as his literal dwelling with his people. The other three feasts are fulfilled and not needed.

Israel will fulfill their original mandate to be the priests to the world. Israel will lead the world in worship of the Messiah. Just as the Church led to the final harvest prior to the Rapture, Israel is now leading the world to how to worship the Messiah under a sacrificial system. This will be led by an individual known as the Prince. Jesus Christ is the King of kings during this time and over all the other kings of the nations during this time with David serving as the king of Israel. The Prince will be a non-glorified human who will be of the tribe of Judah and lead all the world into the worship of Jesus Christ. It is thought he may be one of the 12,000 Jews of the tribe of Judah who served as evangelist during the Tribulation and Great Tribulation periods.

We have so much to look forward to! It is hard to believe how much he loves us and does for us—both now and in our future. If you accept him and put your faith in him for your future, you too, can be a part of all of this!


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

Second Coming of Christ

At Christ’s second coming, He will remove all sin from the land of Israel, including idolatry, evil spirits and false prophets (Zc 13:1-2). Yom Kippur is the prophetic Jewish holiday of this event. Those false prophets who continue will be turned over for destruction and even if they feign to be otherwise, the evidence of their true nature will give them away (Zc 13:3-6). However, only one-third of the Jews will even live to see this day (Zc 13:7-9) because when the entire world turns against them (Zc 12:3), most will be killed but when the remnant calls upon the name of the Lord, he will answer (Zc 12:9) just as Jesus promised (Mt 23:39).

Christ will first touch down on the Mount of Olives (Zc 14:4), the same place of his ascension (Ac 1:11-12). The mount will split forming a valley east and west (Zc 14:4) which forms a way of escape for those fleeing Jerusalem (Zc 14:5). This day of Christ’s return will be a unique day (Zc 14:6-7) with it being neither a day of light nor dark but something in between.

It has been found that the Arabian fault extends from the Afar Triangle (where the Arabian, African, and Somalian plates meet) up to the Gulf of Aqaba and through the Jordan River basin (called the Great Rift Valley) northward. In addition, there is a fault zone, called the Palmyra Belt of Faults and Folds extending from the Jordan River north of the Sea of Galilee to the Euphrates River. All throughout this area are subterranean riverbeds. When Christ returns to the Mount of Olives, it triggers a massive earthquake which causes all these faults in this area to separate. A fault scarp between Geba (about 5 miles north of Jerusalem) to Rimmon (about 35 miles south of Jerusalem) is formed which causes the area east to become a plain (Zc 14:10). The rift in the mount of Olives will go westward to the Tyropoean Valley in Jerusalem (Zc 14:10-11) and eastward also forming a scarp face and allow a subterranean river to flow from beneath the temple mount in Jerusalem toward the Dead Sea (Zc 14:8; Ek 47:1-12). Also, the Palmyra Belt of Faults will separate causing the Euphrates River to then flow into the Jordan River causing the remainder of the Euphrates River to dry up (Rv 16:12). Therefore, even more fresh water will flow into the Jordan River from the Euphrates and from other subterranean rivers now exposed from the scarp face and will flow into the Dead Sea making it vibrant for fish and vegetation (Ek 47:9-10) and water will then flow out of the Dead Sea to the sea of Aqaba and another part of the Jordan will then flow along the newly developed scarp face into the Mediterranean Sea (Zc 14:8).

Christ immediately goes to the Petra area to save the people there and then goes up to Jerusalem destroying the enemy as he goes. Christ will fight all the enemies of Israel that have come against them, and God will cause a plague to strike them and they will fight among each other, and in the end, Jerusalem will be victorious (Zc 14:12-15). He banishes the Antichrist and Satan who has possessed him to the Abyss (Rv 20:2-3), and then begins the process of setting up his kingdom, which will be a 45-day period (Dn 12:11-12). During this time several events will occur: the angels will be judged. ( 1Co 6:3, Mt 25:41), the survivors will be judged (Mt 25:31-46), assignments for the saints will set in motion (Dn  12:13, Jr 30:9, Mt 19:28), nations, property, and laws will be established for the next 1000 years (Zc 14:17-21), and the temple will be built (Ek 43:6-7; Zc 6:12-13).

Our future will be a glorious one. This is something you don’t want to miss. I hope you don’t. Join us. He is waiting for you. It is just a simple decision of faith on your part, but it opens up so much to a glorious future.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

Tribulation / Great Tribulation

Most believe in a coming Tribulation Period. Some believe we are already in it while others believe it is tied to the Rapture with this period of earth’s history to be after the Rapture event. Yet, if we understand that the evil we see today and the evil that will be during this period of history are not the same due to the Kingdom Age, or the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the earth during the end of the Church Age, then this begins to bring these two views into alignment.

This is a period that will start sometime after the Rapture. As stated earlier, when we understand the Kingdom Age at the end of the Church Age, then all the beliefs of the Rapture coalesce into the Rapture occurring at the end of the Kingdom Age. The Tribulation will be for three and a half years when the Antichrist will come to power and make a treaty with Israel (Dn 9:27). Israel will again build a temple (Ek 40-48) which will be protected by two individuals termed the Two Witnesses (Rv 11:1-14). God will allow much hardship to come upon the earth. Yet, he will also have the entire earth evangelized with his gospel message (Rv 7:3-17). At the end of the three and a half years, the Antichrist will seize more control over the earth and of the temple itself. This will usher in an even greater time of hardship on the earth, labeled the Great Tribulation.

The Bible teaches that this time begins when the Antichrist desecrates Israel’s temple by erecting a statue here known as the Abomination That Causes Desolation (Dn 9:27; Mt 24:15). Both Israel and Christians will undergo intense persecution and there will be many martyrs (Rv 6:9-10). This intense persecution of Israel will culminate with the battle known as Armageddon (Rv 16:16) when the Antichrist will come against Israel with his internationalistic military force and will come against both Jerusalem and against, most likely, Petra where Christians and Jews have congregated to try and escape persecution (Is 63:1-6; Rv 14:20).

This time is called “the day of the Lord” (Zc 14:1) also known as the Great Tribulation period or the “time of Jacob’s trouble” (Is 24:1-20; Jr 30:7; Dn 12:1; Zp 1:14-18; Mt 24:22). As this period climaxes, the Battle of Armageddon ensues where most of the Gentile nations are gathered together against Israel, Jerusalem is taken, and half of the people are taken captive (Zc 14:2), many killed, and many women raped with only a remnant (one-third, Zc 13:9) surviving in the city. It is at this time that Israelites will call upon the name of the Lord and Christ will come forth and fight against these nations that have come against Israel (Zc 14:3) because this remnant finally called upon God (Zc 13:9).

God always keeps his promises no matter how many years, decades, or centuries, it is for us. Our God is a faithful God!


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens