Books & Words to Inspire

Cities of Light Series

The Earth is filled with the knowledge of God’s glory!

The Earth of tomorrow may be QuitE different from what you may think!


Beacon of Truth

What if the knowledge of God's glory covered the earth like the waters cover the sea?

 Killion is born several generations after the establishment of the Cities of Light which now sprinkle each continent of the world, places where God’s spirit produces a tangible presence felt by all who enter. Yet he is raised outside these cities, under the direction of Adar, who teaches his followers that such cities are dangerous, run by cult leaders, kill any who disagree with their teachings, and should be avoided at all costs.

 But circumstances cause Killion to enter a City of Light, and this begins his journey of discovery as he learns what he has been taught all his life doesn’t match what he now experiences. He must decide whose side contains truth that he can follow. Yet he finds the clarity he longs for proves harder for him to grasp than he ever thought possible.

 Beacon of Truth is part of a new prophetically-inspired trilogy entitled Cities of Light Series by futuristic fiction author Randy C Dockens. If you like Christian fiction with a science fiction feel, then you will love this fast-paced unique story occurring in the not-too-distant future. Come read what may be part of your tomorrow!

 Get your copy of Beacon of Truth and enjoy the first novel of this exciting new series today!

(Paperback, eBook, Kindle Unlimited)


Adar’s Revenge

A serious teleporter accident leads to a teleporter war.

Dante is now grown, married, has a son, and is obtaining his degree in Light Engineering. Killion is thinking his problems with Adar may finally be behind him. Yet, as Dante’s marriage starts to fall apart, Killion begins to wonder if Adar may be behind their troubles. Despite living in a City of Light which should repel those with evil intent, Adar finds a way to infiltrate and take revenge on Killion and his son by creating a serious teleporter accident with Killion’s grandson which leads to a teleporter war with Adar and his followers.

Killion now must decide how to deal with this new state of affairs and see how to push back on Adar and at the same time keep his family together, but he feels he is failing on both fronts.

(Paperback, eBook, Kindle Unlimited)