Books & Words to Inspire


Understanding Scripture in Light of a Jewish Timeline

Posts in End Times
An M-Theory to End-Time Prophecy

Scientists have sought for a long time to find a theory that unites gravity and quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics provides a description of atomic and subatomic particles into either zero-dimensional particles or as waves. Gravity, on the other hand, could not be explained in this same manner. The unification between them was sought with the development of different versions of superstring theory which looks at these subatomic particles as one-dimensional strings where their frequency of vibration defines each type of particle. Yet, the inclusion of the graviton or gravitational force was not achieved until the development of M-theory which some have called the Theory of Everything since it is inclusive of the graviton in its theorical predictions.

There were at least five versions of superstring theory before M-theory was conceived and developed. This theory was able to not only combine all the other forms of string theory into its model but also explain the graviton as well as other troublesome quantum areas which these other theories were unable to include.

I present this introduction because I think we can do something similar to the area of theology around the different doctrines of “end-time” prophecy. There was something missing in the five superstring theories that M-theory was able to unite. I think the same holds true for “end-time” prophecy regarding what many call the Rapture – the snatching away of God’s elect at some point in our future just before God’s wrath is poured out upon the Earth. Currently, there are five views of the Rapture as well:

1.      The Rapture will occur just before the seven-year Tribulation Period.

2.      The Rapture will occur half-way through the seven-year Tribulation Period.

3.      The Rapture will occur three-fourths through the seven-year Tribulation Period.

4.      The Rapture will occur at the end of the seven-year Tribulation Period just before Christ’s Second Coming.

5.      The Rapture will not occur at all.

In understanding end-time prophecy, there are several events we need to consider and be sure our understanding includes all of them in a logical and orderly manner. I have provided a short description of each, but we will go into more detail with each of these in future blog posts.

1.      Church Age: This began forty days after Christ’s ascension on Shavuot (Pentecost) and will last until the beginning of the Tribulation Period. I’ll later show that I think this Age can be divided into four phases.

2.      Kingdom Age: This is actually the fourth part of the Church Age which many have not considered in their discussion of end-time prophecy. Yet, it will likely play a key role in the unification of the various views of the Rapture. A future blog post will discuss this topic more thoroughly.

3.      Rapture: This is the return of Christ in the atmosphere to receive his elect, his bride, his Church (those alive and those who are dead).

4.      Marriage Supper of the Lamb: This is an important future event for the bride of Christ, his Church, to further help us understand important aspects of the Rapture and put events in their proper order.

5.      Tribulation: This is the beginning of hard times on the earth and will lead to the reunification of Judah and Israel.

6.      Great Tribulation: This is when hardships on the earth will be excruciating on those who live on the earth at this time. Understanding the order of the events mentioned here will help to put this one in its proper perspective and we’ll add to this in a future post.

7.      Second Coming of Christ: This is an event not really in controversy, but putting this event in its proper order will help us to better understand it.

8.      Millennial Kingdom: A future post will give more insight into this event and how wonderful it will be.

We will look at each of these in more detail in future blog posts. If we understand the order of these events and what each of these events entail, then I believe it will show how these different views of the coming Rapture will merge into only one view. I’m sure many feel that one must situate themselves into one of these camps defining the Rapture and reject the others. Yet, I believe they are all one and the same. Just as scientists thought they had to choose which of the five versions of superstring theory they believed in and then reject the others, I see the same thinking about the concepts of the Rapture. As scientists came to see their version of superstring theory was actually only one piece of the whole within M-theory, perhaps what many are predicting is coming upon us and the world in the very near future—even at our doorstep—will bring the same unification of our views of the Rapture as M-theory did for superstring theory.

I hope you will join me in this look at what God is going to bring to our world and to us individually as well. I’m always amazed at what God tells us and how he is such a uniting force for us. It is us humans who divide us. It is God and his wisdom who unites us once again.

All praise to God who is all knowing. Let us forever allow his wisdom to guide us.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

Life in the Millennium: Israel

Life in the Millennium will be ideal for those of Israel. Individuals belonging to Israel will have specially assigned territories within the Middle East and around Jerusalem depending upon which tribe they belong, and the overall territory of Israel will be what God originally promised Abraham (Ek 47:13 – 48:35). This territory will be for Jews and Israelites but there will be Gentiles allowed to live there as well (Ek 47:22-23). Who are these Gentiles living within the assigned territory of Israel? Scripture does not say, but perhaps these are Jewish proselytes who have no “official” Jewish or Israeli DNA, but because they have lived as being Jewish their whole lives, they are allowed to continue to do so. Although not an “official” Jew, they will be treated as though they are Jewish (Ek 47:22). Therefore, it would seem there is no real downside to not being an ethnically pure Jew as long as they are followers of their Messiah, Jesus Christ. This shows that God is always just and He is always more concerned about individual obedience than national obedience, even though both are important. God always rewards individual obedience which has already been shown in many examples provided in past posts.

There is another possibility in identifying those Gentiles who would be living within the borders of this New Israel. While this is speculative, it is consistent with God’s character and what He has promised in scripture, even though scripture does not explicitly state these activities. God has made each man and woman unique (Ps 139:13-16) and He treasures this about His creation. One’s uniqueness, one’s identity, will not be lost as one moves into the Millennium and the Eternal State.  Since the Millennium will be a time of great joy, then human beings being able to achieve and excel in their God-given talents, creativity, and personalities will most likely be highly encouraged by God Himself. One will then use these talents as one seeks to praise Him and seek to know Him better, which will be an adventure for many lifetimes over (Jb 36:26). Science has always been about understanding the unknown and the natural processes which occur on a day-to-day basis. There is no reason to believe this will end once mankind dwells with Christ. Since He has made mankind to be very inquisitive, and many have pursued this in a professional manner and have specialized in specific scientific areas, it is likely God will allow such to continue. After all, it seems God wants mankind to search out and discover things about Him (Pr 25:2). While in this present society many try to ignore God in this process of discovery, at this future time in earth’s history, it will be evident to whom all the glory for discoveries made should go. Bringing these scientific discoveries before Him and presenting these findings to all of earth’s inhabitants will further give glory to Him and help those who have not yet received Him as their Savior to have an even better appreciation for Jesus Christ, their King, Lord, and potential Savior.

Since Jerusalem will be the center for all things of the world during the Millennium, the oversight and administration for all these activities will likely also be centered in Jerusalem. Just as the Jews and Israelites will be the leaders of the worship of God during this time, those from the Gentile nations will likely be leading the world in these other avenues of praise to God through science, art, and other forms of creative expression since the Gentile nations are the ones to bring glory into Jerusalem and present this before Jesus Christ (Ps 86:9; Rv 15:4). It would make sense to have those who oversee such activities to also be in or near Jerusalem during this time. These may also be part of Gentile inhabitants to whom Ezekiel alluded when God showed him a vision of this time of earth’s history.

One can never outthink God and everything He has promised will most certainly come true, even if one cannot fathom how. It is likely one will be very astounded at the actuality of this time in earth’s future and will wonder why they limited their own thinking to its possibilities.

This reminds me of what Paul stated in 1st Corinthians: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who live Him” (1Co 2:9).


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

Definition Change

Why does the Tribulation Period cause a definition change for Gentiles? Let’s get an understanding of what happens.

Although there are many Gentiles who turn to Jesus Christ during the Tribulation, the Antichrist will hold his sway over the majority. The nations look to him as their savior from the chaos which erupts after the Rapture, and he seems to be just that for the first few years. As conditions on earth start to get worse and worse, the Antichrist, just like Nero during the Roman Empire, makes Jews and Christians the scapegoat and punishes them severely. Many will blindly believe what the Antichrist tells them and cling more tightly to him because they feel he is their only hope.

The Antichrist brings almost all the armies of the world to the Middle East and the battle of Armageddon is fought which was described in previous posts. This leads to their ultimate destruction when Christ returns, as none of them can stand up to him.

Of course, this does not mean everyone on earth is in the Middle East for this battle. The ordinary men and women of all the earth’s nations are still going about their normal daily routine. The Bible states that what occurs is a reversal of the events which occurred previously at the Rapture. Now, all of those who are not believers in Christ will be taken while those who are left on the earth will be Christians (Mt 24:40-41; Lk 17:34-35). The nations will then be judged for how they treated Christ’s followers (Mt 25:32-46).

This pattern has been observed throughout history. God uses the animosity of nation against nation to achieve his desired plan. In this case, God uses the Antichrist and the earth’s nations to drive all the Jews and those of Israeli descent back to Israel forcibly so that He can in the end save them. Yet, these nations are then held accountable for their hateful actions.

Future Passovers from this time forward will not look back to the time God brought Israel out of Egypt but will look back to this Tribulation Period where God brought all of his chosen people back to their homeland (Jr 16:14-15). Both Israel and Judah will once again be reunited (Jr 30:3). Gentile nations will also partake in these Jewish feasts as well, but the Feast of Tabernacles will have a judicial ordinance attached to it to require attendance in Jerusalem (Zc 14:18).

This return of God’s chosen people to their homeland is comprised not only of Jews but also of Israelis. It was previously mentioned that those of Israeli descent were scattered throughout Europe and even to America. Over time, of course, no pure Israeli remained as they were integrated into the cultures of those nations. It has always been a mystery how those of Israeli descent will be driven back to Israel if they don’t even know they are of Israeli descent. This mystery may be solved. Today, one can more fully explore their ancestry by opting for a DNA test which will reveal their ethnic background and know from which countries and/or ethnicities their forefathers originated. It is possible that the Antichrist will utilize either this type of database or force everyone to take such a test. Then all those with Israeli or Jewish DNA will be persecuted and/or killed. That will force a mass exodus of these individuals to Israel for safety. It is likely many Gentiles will be surprised they are not truly Gentile after all. However, if they have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior, it will become a great blessing to them as they move into the Millennium as all the people of the earth will hold them in great esteem during that time.

The definition of Gentiles, therefore, changes back to the first century definition of Gentiles comprising anyone who is not an Israelite (non-Jewish and non-Israeli). This definition now continues into eternity.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

Period of Great Tribulation

The second half of the Tribulation Period is known as the Period of Great Tribulation. The Antichrist sets himself up as the one who should be worshipped by all (Rv 13:8). He has a death, or near-death, experience and recovers which only drives more loyalty to him by those on earth (Rv 13:14). He even sets himself up in Israel’s temple as the one to worship (Dn 9:27; Mt 24:15). He puts a mark on those who show their allegiance to him and only they can buy or sell (Rv 13:16-17). Without the mark, no one can buy anything and anyone without the mark is immediately sentenced to die.

Many Jews flee to a more southern region (Mt 24:16; Rv 12:14) which many believe will be Petra, which is located south of the Dead Sea and in today’s country of Jordan. Many Christians and Jews who have converted based upon the evangelistic campaign by the one hundred and forty-four thousand will likely be there to greet these refuges as they would have already searched the scriptures and know that Daniel and John prophesied God’s protection of this area (Dn 11:41; Rv 12:14) and that Isaiah had prophesied of Christ’s triumph in this region (Is 34, 63). The Antichrist is now also against the Jews and is determined to wipe them out. Satan, through the Antichrist, had to first gain the confidence and loyalty of all. Once he has that, and has gained sufficient power, he then follows through with this original plan. If he can wipe out the Jewish nation, then Christ cannot fulfill His final mission of ruling over His chosen people. Therefore, total Jewish annihilation is the only goal he will accept.

The Antichrist, however, is determined. He is able to muster most of the world’s military to the Middle East and sets up to go against both Jerusalem and, likely, Petra (Rv 16:14-16) for what has been termed the Battle of Armageddon (Rv 16:16). The reason is that many Jews fled to this area south of the Dead Sea and the Antichrist is very determined to annihilate all Jews. The Antichrist’s armies are therefore placed from Jerusalem down to Petra. Jerusalem is attacked, ransacked, and brought to the verge of annihilation (Zc 14:2). Petra is surrounded (Is 34:1-6, 63:1-6).

Then the long-awaited promise occurs. Those in Jerusalem finally say the very words Christ stated must be spoken before he would return: blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord (Mt 23:39). This is important because the context of these words is from one of the psalms (Ps 118:26), a psalm of deliverance. By saying these words, they are agreeing with the psalmist in asking for deliverance, a deliverance that results in their salvation and ushers in their Messiah’s reign. Jesus does not disappoint them. Descending from Heaven, He comes with all of those who had previously put their faith in him (Rv 19:11-14).

Just as Christ touches down on the Mount of Olives just east of Jerusalem, the biggest earthquake that mankind and the world have ever experienced occurs (Rv 16:18-20). This is likely the fourth earthquake mentioned in the previous post. It topples cities, moves mountains and islands from their places, and changes landscapes. The whole earth convulses and responds to the King’s touch. It causes all the faults in the area to separate. It has been found that the Arabian fault extends from the Afar Triangle (where the Arabian, African, and Somalian plates meet) up through the Gulf of Aqaba and through the Jordan River basin (called the Great Rift Valley) northward. In addition, there is a fault zone, called the Palmyra Belt of Faults and Folds extending from the Jordan River north of the Sea of Galilee to the Euphrates River. All throughout this area are subterranean riverbeds. A fault scarp (when land at the fault zone is thrown upward forming a cliff face on one side of the fault and a more level area on the other side of the fault) between Geba (about five miles north of Jerusalem) to Rimmon (about thirty-five miles south of Jerusalem) is formed which causes the area east to become a plain (Zc 14:10). The rift in the Mount of Olives will go westward to the Tyropoean Valley in Jerusalem (Zc 14:10-11) as well as eastward forming a scarp face which allows a subterranean river to flow from beneath the temple mount in Jerusalem toward the Dead Sea (Zc 14:8; Ek 47:1-12). Also, the Palmyra Belt of Faults will separate forcing the Euphrates River to flow into the Jordan River causing the remainder of the Euphrates River to dry up (Rv 16:12). Water from the Euphrates will then flow into the Jordan River as well as from other subterranean rivers now exposed from the scarp face. These fresh waters will flow into the Dead Sea making it vibrant for fish and vegetation (Ek 47:9-10); water will then flow out of the Dead Sea to the sea of Aqaba while another part of the Jordan will flow along the newly developed scarp face into the Mediterranean Sea (Zc 14:8). While all these events are to bring judgment, it seems they are also preparing the earth for the coming Millennial Kingdom.

Jesus first touches down on the Mount of Olives as was stated and then goes immediately to Bozra where the Antichrist’s armies were set against Petra and defeats the foes there. Defeating the enemy is not a hard task for him. It is, though, a very bloody task. A single word from Christ and the enemies’ flesh begins to disintegrate; there is panic and confusion and the army that the Adversary has brought starts fighting each other (Zc 14:12-15). The number of the enemy who fall is so great that blood spatters all the way up to a horse’s bridle (Rv 14:20). Jesus then heads up to Jerusalem in his blood-stained garments (Is 63:1) where he defeats all of his foes along the way and comes to Jerusalem victorious and enters Jerusalem through the Eastern Gate (Ek 43:1-5). This gate has long been closed (since 1541 AD by the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent) representing the hopelessness of the Jews and their lost promises. Yet, such a closure is no barrier for the King of kings.

Christ will fulfill everything he has promised. Time is immaterial. What is a long time to use is not for him. All will work out as he has ordained. We can bank on that. Don’t you want a sure thing? Who doesn’t? This is a sure thing. Trust him. You’ll be glad you did.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

Period of Tribulation

God is always at work spiritually – even during the future time known as the Period of Tribulation. Not long after the Rapture happens, although the restraint of the Holy Spirit is removed, the Holy Spirit will be very active in creating an evangelistic force which God will use as His witnesses during this dark and horrific period of history. Many Israelites will put their faith in Christ and begin to evangelize the world (Rv 14:1-5). These one hundred and forty-four thousand individuals are protected so that the Antichrist cannot harm them, and their work can continue (Rv 7:1-8). However, not everyone who listens to, and accepts, their message are as protected, as there will be many martyrs during this time (Rv 6:9; 7:9-17). It seems that times of persecution actually help spread the gospel message much like it did during early church times. These Jewish evangelists will also evangelize Gentiles during this Tribulation Period as these martyrs will include people of all nations and languages (Rv 7:9).

Because these one hundred and forty-four thousand individuals are from almost all the identified tribes of Israel (Rv 7:4-8), some believe this could not occur as described here in Revelation because the ten tribes that composed the northern kingdom of Israel were lost to history after their captivity by Assyria (2Ki 17:5-6). However, as stated in earlier posts, there is profound evidence that the kingdom of Israel was larger than most think, and the ten northern tribes of Israel were not lost, but many from these tribes settled in and around Armenia and later became a significant force of the Parthian Empire. When that empire crumbled, many crossed the Caucasus Mountains into Europe. This helps to explain why there is an Armenian quarter in Jerusalem. There are two religious components: Christian and Muslim; then there are two ethnic components: Jewish and Armenian (representing the two components of the split Israeli empire: Judah and Israel, respectively).

Despite all of these disasters, the Antichrist tries to make the best of it to keep the world together and on his side. At the same time, he persecutes not only Jews, but Christians as well causing many to be martyred (Rv 6:9). As the Jewish evangelists are showing many how to be saved, the Antichrist uses religion to help unite his followers as well. Up until the middle of this seven-year period, a unified religion has been implemented that suits his unification purpose. It has been suggested that the worship of a deity mother could be this unification factor to appeal to almost all with different religious backgrounds. Ever since the time of the tower of Babel, a counterfeit religion of a mother and son has existed and has manifested itself into most religions of the world. Therefore, this is certainly a plausible scenario as people would not have to drastically change their belief system to fit into the new world-church order. This will meet the Antichrist’s initial needs as he unifies the nations of the world into ten regions that are in allegiance to him (Dn 7:24; Rv 17:12). However, once he is in control, this counterfeit religion and his treaty with Israel become hindrances to his lust for total domination. These restrict what he can do. Therefore, he attempts to get rid of both (Dn 9:27; Rv 12:17, 17:16).

About mid-way into the seven years, Satan’s access to heaven is denied (Rv 12:9). It seems that Satan has always had access to heaven (Jb 1:6). Satan was created as Lucifer, the cherub that covers (Ek 28:14), the one who was the closest to God Himself – before he rebelled. As a created being, he has always been subject to God’s control and the limitations God imposed upon him (Jb 1:12). However, that has not seemed to deflate his ego or his belief that he can get out of these restrictions. Since the dawn of time, he has tried to prevent God’s prophecies from coming true – and will try until the very end. He knows that if he can destroy all of Israel, then God’s promise cannot come true. Now with his access to heaven taken away, he intensifies his efforts. The second half of the Tribulation period is known as the Great Tribulation because of both the heightened intensity of Satan’s actions through the Antichrist as well as the more intense judgments that befall the earth.

In the next post, we will investigate what occurs during this time of Great Tribulation.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

Jacob’s Trouble

With so many disappearing all at once with the occurrence of the Rapture, there will likely be fear, panic, terror, chaos, and disinformation occurring. Therefore, Satan works in an individual who exudes charisma, is confident, wants power, and is one whom he can control. This one, the Antichrist, comes on the scene, likely working behind the scenes for many years prior to this time, and now surfaces as the one with the answers, the one everyone turns toward. His actions, his words, make sense and begin to calm fears. Many on the earth will feel putting him in charge will make sense and solve many of their problems. Satan has always desired to rule the world and have subjects who will worship him. He, therefore, works through this individual toward that end.

This period of time has become known as the time of Jacob’s Trouble (Jr 30:7) or the Tribulation Period (Rv 7:14). It is a seven-year period of time between the Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ; also known as Daniel’s Seventieth Week (Dn 9:27). It is also part of what Old Testament prophets called the Day of the Lord (Is 13:6; Ek 30:3; Jl 1:15; Am 5:20; Ob 1:15; Zp 1:14; Zc 14:1; Ml 4:5). The term ‘Day of the Lord’ includes this period of time, but also includes the individual judgment that will occur at the time of Christ’s second coming (Mt 25:31-46).

God has always stated Israel as a nation could know if they are in God’s favor. This statement is found back in Deuteronomy (Dt 27-28). God stated He would bless Israel if they were obedient: plenty of rain, plenty of crops, no enemies could overtake them, and they would be the ones taking care of other nations financially and provisionally. However, if the nation of Israel did not obey God, then a series of misfortunes would follow suit getting progressively worse and worse: disease, lack of rain, failed crops, overtaken by enemies, taken into captivity, and those in the land that are non-Israelites would overtake those living there. In ancient times, Israel as a nation was confined to a geographic region. However, today, Jews are everywhere around the globe and not in one geographical region. God could only get their attention if He acted where all Jews live. Therefore, today, this would involve the whole world.

As the Antichrist starts out on the heels of the great disappearances, the world is in chaos, and he seems to be the savior with answers for the nations of earth. He makes a treaty with Israel (Dn 9:27) and promises their protection. However, not everyone is in agreement with this, and a league of nations come against Israel. Likely, nations between and above the Caspian and Black Seas and northeastern Turkey, along with Georgia and Russia, will align with Iran, Sudan, and Libya to attack Israel (Ek 38:1-12). Peoples from the north, south, and east of Israel will attack. These nations have a 4-fold agenda: (1) obtain the wealth of Israel (Ek 38:11-12), (2) control the Middle East, (3) destroy Israel, and (4) challenge the authority of the Antichrist (Dn 11:40-44). The Antichrist as well as the nations in southern Arabia and Western Europe are against this invasion (Ek 38:13).

God intervenes and uses several natural disasters to hinder the invasion: (1) a great earthquake, (2) infighting among the troops of the various nations doing the invading, (3) disease, and (4) torrential rain, hailstones, fire and burning sulfur (Ek 38:19-22). There are four key events which follow this invasion: (1) birds and beasts are called to gorge on the dead bodies (Ek 39:4-5, 17-20), (2) burying of the dead takes seven months to complete (Ek 39:11-12, 14-16), (3) the weapons left from the invasion of the dead army provide enough fuel to last seven years (Ek 39:9-10), and (4) blessings, restoration, and salvation are provided to Israel (Ek 39:21-29). Although it is God Himself who actually saves Israel (Ek 38:21-23), the Antichrist claims credit and gets further respect from the other nations of the world and they see him as one dedicated to peace.

As the Antichrist is trying to set up his world-wide domination, there are natural disasters of epic proportion that also occur (Rv 6:12-14). There are four earthquakes that occur - each one more impactful than the previous: (1) the first marks the beginning of the Great Tribulation, i.e., the last half of the seven-year period (Rv 8:5); (2) God will send two witnesses who will preach from Jerusalem and be able to withhold rain and cause all sorts of plagues to occur on the earth as a way to get people’s attention. However, the Antichrist will be set against them and will eventually have them destroyed after three and a half years and will institute a celebration of their demise. However, after three and a half days, these two will be resurrected and ascend to heaven. At that point, a severe earthquake will occur. It will destroy a tenth of the city of Jerusalem, and seven thousand people will be killed (Rv 11:13). (3) Another earthquake occurs, along with a great hailstorm, not long thereafter (Rv 11:19). (4) The fourth earthquake is so severe that it breaks the city of Jerusalem into three parts and collapses cities all around the world. Mountains are leveled and islands submerged, or both are relocated and/or re-sculpted (Rv 16:18-21). This is likely the same earthquake that occurs at Christ’s second coming when he touches down on the Mount of Olives (Zc 14:4).

Many scientists proclaim today that space debris hitting the earth is not a matter of if it will happen but when it will happen. Apparently, the when is during the Tribulation period. The frequency and intensity of meteor showers will increase drastically (Rv 6:13). A massive hail and lightning storm occur which damages and burns a third of the earth’s vegetation (Rv 8:7). The removal of crop prosperity was one of the curses provided in Deuteronomy (Dt 28:18). Then come two large asteroids that land in the sea and on land which causes a third of the earth’s seas to become toxic so fish die and cause the fresh water supply to become too toxic to drink (Rv 8:8-11).

God then allows even more evil to be released on the earth. There will be a plague that lasts for five months on those who have not put their faith in Christ where the pain of their infliction will be excruciating but will not lead to death (Rv 9:1-6). Then there is another type of plague that kills one-third of mankind (Rv 9:13-15). However, even after all of this, most do not see a connection between these events and God’s wrath. By the end of the seven-year period almost one-half of the earth’s population will have been destroyed (Rv 6:8, 9:15). During the second half of the Tribulation the judgments intensify (Rv 16). Painful sores will break out on individuals. The seas become like blood causing the sea creatures to die. This then spreads to the fresh waters, the rivers, and springs. The sun becomes intense, and its heat kills many, and this is then followed by total darkness. The Euphrates River also dries up. This could be tied to the fourth great earthquake which could divert the flow of the Euphrates River.

Despite all of these events, the main purpose is a spiritual one. We’ll look at that aspect next time.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

Have We Missed the Signs?

Well, if you remember events of a decade ago, the world, according to many, was supposed to have ended on December 21, 2012, at 11:11 UTC. That would have been at 6:11 am where I live (EST).  Interestingly, I had my clock alarm set for 6:30. I figured if something cataclysmic would happen, that would be my alarm instead. However, for some reason I woke up at 6:09 am. OK, I thought, I will just sit here for two minutes . . . three . . . four . . . five. Ok, time for my shower.

So, why were some so sure of the end of the world? Oh, and why did so many think that Bugarach in the French Pyrenees was the parking lot for alien UFOs and the place where they would be saved by these aliens when the end of the world happened? Also, there were thousands of visitors at the Mayan ruins in Mexico at this time. So, why is it so easy for people to believe these types of things than it is for people to believe what the Bible says? Mankind is a strange creature. We pride ourselves for being so intelligent but yet we can get so easily duped.

We missed the signs. Yet, this is not really an uncommon phenomenon. It was even true the very first Christmas. There were many Old Testament prophecies that the Messiah’s birth was going to happen and if you had asked most Jews did they believe these prophecies to be true they would have stated a resounding yes. But, if you had asked them would it occur in their lifetime, most probably would have said no or just shrugged. Why? Well, believing something and expecting something are two different things. They believed, or wanted to believe, but they did not make it personal and were not expectant. What about the Jewish leaders? They should have known all the specific prophecies and even of Daniel's prophecy where at least the year of the coming Messiah could be known somewhat accurately. Shouldn’t they have known?  Well, when positions of spiritual authority turn into political positions and become “jobs,” a lot is lost. There is too much one must do to be sure their “job” is not taken away, there are many people with whom they need to meet and placate. Therefore, the component of spiritual overseer becomes diluted with managerial responsibilities. They also knew but were not expecting.

However, the clues of the Messiah’s birth were not really buried either—at least not to those who were observant. Let’s look at a few that the Jewish leaders at least should have recognized:

 1. Daniel’s prophecy (Dn 9:25-26). He prophesied when the Messiah would be revealed to his people. Now there is of course some knowledge of events that were needed, but the Jewish leaders, whose job it was to know their scriptures, could have figured out a general timeframe of when the Messiah would be expected; they should have been anticipating his arrival. However, they were not. Jesus even stated that it saddened him they were not expecting him (Lk 19:41-42).

 2. The Magi came to Jerusalem (Mt 2:1-12). This created quite the stir. When asked about the birth of the Messiah, it was the chief priests who told Herod and the Magi of the prophecy in Micah that he would be born in Bethlehem (Mi 5:2). The Magi went, the chief priests stayed. Doesn’t that strike you as odd? If the Magi thought the awaited Messiah had been born, why didn’t the chief priests go and find out? Both the chief priests and the Magi knew of the prophecy. The difference was that the Magi acted upon what they knew but the chief priests did not.

 3. The shepherds (Lk 2:8-21). These were not just ordinary shepherds but those who tended the sheep for the temple sacrifices. Therefore, they were under the supervision of the temple priests. Undoubtedly the shepherds told the priests what they saw, and I would think the priests would have told the chief priests. Why didn’t they put two and two together? They would also have known of Micah’s prophecy of the Messiah’s coming would be announced at Migdal Eder (the watchtower of the flock; Mi 4:8).

What about this Christmas? Are you missing the signs of the meaning of Christmas? Are you getting distracted by the business and commercialization of the season? Go back to the first few chapters of Matthew and Luke to rediscover the true meaning of Christmas. It will make a big difference and reignite the true holiday spirit.

Are there other signs we are missing? Well, the Bible does state that Jesus Christ will return one day and does provide signs for us to look for (Mt 24-25 plus others). Are we ignoring them? Are we believing them but not expecting them? Many say they believe but are not expecting that it can happen in their lifetime, and so are not living with anticipation. Jesus expected the Jews to be anticipating his first coming (Lk 19:42). He expects us to be anticipating his second coming (2Tm 4:8). Are you learning and looking for the signs? Don’t make the mistake the Jewish leaders made: the prophecy was made so long ago that they were not expecting it to occur in their lifetime. Just remember, the older the prophecy, the more likely for it to occur during your lifetime.

This Christmas look toward the signs that most people have missed. It is there where you will find the true meaning of Christmas. I hope your Christmas is a very blessed one this year. And remember, you survived the false end of the world, be sure you’re ready to survive the real one! That is only possible by understanding the true meaning of Christmas.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

Eternal State

So, what happens when Christ’s Promised Kingdom, the Millennium, his 1,000-year reign, is over? We saw the initial part of that in our previous post: Satan is released (Rv 20:7) and he, along with those who have rejected Christ, wages war against Christ in Jerusalem. They are utterly defeated (Rv 20:8-9). The Great White Throne Judgment is held and Satan and all those who have rejected Christ are cast into the Lake of Fire (Rv 20:10-15). The current heaven and earth are destroyed with fire, and God creates a new heaven and earth (Is 65:17; 2Pt 3:10; Rv 21:1). Sin is thereby removed forever (Rv 21:27). The sea is no longer part of the new age (Rv 21:1). God dwells with his people.

When God states he will create a new heaven, what exactly is he meaning? There are three types of heavens referred to in scripture. The first is the atmosphere (Is 55:10), the second is outer space where the stars and galaxies reside (Dt 4:19), the third (also called heaven of heavens) is where the omnipresent God’s presence is perfectly displayed (2Ch 6:18; Ps 11:4; 2Co 12:2). It is possible that God creates an entirely new universe, but since the first heaven is tightly bound to the earth, saying “new heaven and earth” likely means the earth and its atmosphere.

So, who will enter the Eternal State? There are two main groups. First, those who were part of the 1st resurrection will enter. These include those resurrected or transformed at the Rapture, Old Testament saints, and Tribulation saints (and who had been serving/ruling with Christ during the Millennium). They all will continue to serve/rule with Christ throughout eternity. The second group are those who accepted Christ as Savior during the Millennium. These will not be transformed into a body like Christ, but into a body like Adam and Eve had at the beginning. They will eat of the Tree of Life and drink of the River of Life to sustain their eternal state. They may be able to have children since Adam and Eve were able to have children. While this is not explicitly stated or explained in scripture, it may likely be implied since “nations” still exist during the Eternal State (Rv 21:24, 26; 22:2).

What will people do for an eternity? Because of the large number of people, there will be the need for a lot of administration. Who is specifically identified? The Bride (New Testament Saints, i.e., the Church) will assist in administration and offer eternal testimony to God’s attributes of grace and love. (Rv 2:26-27; 3:21; 20:6). The Resurrected Saints (Old Testament and Tribulation) are identified as friends and attendants of the Bridegroom (Mt 25:1, 10). They will rule over Israel and the nations. Israel itself will be the head of the nations and be God’s witness helping the nations worship the Lord (Jr 31:36; 33:17-26). Then there are kings & nations identified. Administered by kings, the nations will carry on activities and productions throughout eternity and bring the glory and honor they find in their daily tasks and discoveries back to God for display when they visit the new Jerusalem (Rv 21:24-26).

These are the people identified, but what will they actually do? Let’s explore that next time.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

Not So Easy a Transition

Through previous posts we have stated that Satan would be in the Abyss during the 1,000 years of Christ’s Kingdom (Rv 20:2). He will not be roaming the earth during this time and not be able to influence anyone born during this time. One would think this would make everything wonderful without problems. Unfortunately, that is not true and not what Scripture tells us. One reason for this is it will show the human race we cannot blame our disobedience on Satan alone. Those born during this time will also have the propensity to sin, just as we do today. The difference is that Satan uses this propensity against us today. Although that will not happen during the time of Christ’s kingdom, it does not mean people will always be obedient.

Scripture tells us Christ will rule with an iron scepter (Ps 2:9; Rv 2:27). This means those who disobey or become rebellious will be dealt with swiftly and justly. There is no need for a judiciary system with a trial and jury. Christ knows all, including our thoughts, so he can administer justice swiftly. Scripture doesn’t state how he will do this, but it may be those deemed rebellious will be immediately teleported into his presence for immediate questioning and/or sentencing. It is likely those who rebel, at least openly, will be the exception to the rule as, I’m sure, most will be appreciative of the wonderful world Christ will have created. Yet, then, just as today, many will resent being under the rule of someone else.

Once Satan is released, it seems he can get an innumerable force to turn against Christ (Rv 20:7-8). This likely means many who were not openly, but inwardly, rebellious, will more easily fall prey to Satan’s deceit. This will likely take time. It could take months or even years for Satan to gain all his forces to come against Christ in Jerusalem, the ruling capital city (Rv 20:9). The time between the end of the Millennium, or Christ’s Kingdom, and the Eternal state, when sin and human propensity to sin will forever be removed (Rv 21:27), will not be immediate.

Scripture does tell us the result of the rebellion of those who follow Satan and Satan himself. As they come against Jerusalem with an innumerable force, God, the Most Holy One, will destroy all with fire which will fall from heaven and destroy them all (Rv 20:9). Satan will then be sentenced forever to the Lake of Fire (Rv 20:10). God will also judge everyone who has rebelled against Him over the history of the earth and they, too, will be sentenced to the Lake of Fire (Rv 20:11-15). This is known as the second resurrection. All those of this resurrection are judged and sentenced to the Lake of Fire because they were not recorded in the Book of Life (Rv 20:15).


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

What will Christ's Kingdom be like?

In the last post, we looked at some of the events that start the Millennium, or Christ’s Kingdom. Many are surprised that the New Testament contains little about this future time of earth’s history. We go to the Old Testament to really understand what will occur. It seems the Old Testament prophets spent a lot of time focusing people's attention to this future time. Part of this was because God wanted Israel and Judah to know that even though He was going to allow them to go into captivity, that was not the end for them. His dealing with them, and their future hope was still just as real as ever. Even though they had given up on God, God was never going to give up on them. Don't you just love a God like that? We can falter and forget, but he is just the opposite. Whatever he says and promises will come to past just as He has promised. Nothing is too hard for him and time changes nothing for Him. Below are some of those findings which he has promised to us about our future.

Many scriptures state that we will be involved as judges, priests, and rulers (Rv 2:26, 20:4-6; Dn 7:18, 22, 27; 1Co 6:2-3; 2Tm 2:12; Ro 8:17). As priests we will likely oversee, lead, and teach about Christ and his redemptive work and make intercession for them (Is 2:3, 66:18-20). Those who accept Christ will be brought as an offering to Christ (Is 66:20). I think this means they will present themselves to Christ as a willful whole burnt offering, meaning they publicly dedicate their lives to him. As judges and rulers we will likely oversee the work needed to restore justice over every sphere of life and help establish the world government under Christ’s rule by helping to establish judges and governors or actually performing in such a capacity (Is 9:7, 11:3-5, 10:22, 28:17, 32:16, 42:1-4; Jr 30:21; Is 24:23, 32:1; Ek 45:8-9; Mt 19:28; Lk 19:12-28, 22:30; Zc 14:9; Ek 37:13-28; Rv 19:16).

We will likely be involved with overseeing what is rebuilt and restoring God’s order to the agriculture, atmosphere, and animal life (Rv 20:1-6; Is 2:1-4, 9:6-9, 11:1-16, 51:1-8, 60-62, 65:17-25; Ps 2:6-12, 110:1-7; Dt 8, 28; Mt 5:5, 6:10, 17:11, 19:28, 28:19; Ac 1:6, 3:21). All elements of life will continue but will be focused on the order that Jesus Christ establishes. We will be part of overseeing all these aspects of daily life. All our skills, talents, and personality we currently have will be used by, and for, Christ.

While Scripture states life will be more agrarian, I don’t think that means less technology. I believe the two will be incorporated and blended so that life can become less complicated but also easier at the same time. For instance, while more people will likely farm, there will likely be no harmful insects or weeds. The ground will produce in abundance. Yet, I feel we will have non-pollution technology to harvest and distribute the crops throughout the world for the people of the earth.

Israel will lead the world in the worship of God. Yet, those who came back with Christ will help to teach the world his scripture. They will also help those born during this time to understand Christ, what he did for them, and help them accept him as their King, Lord, and Hope of their eternal future.

I hope this whets your appetite to understand more about this time of our future history. It will be spectacular. Whatever you learn, multiply that wonder by at least a thousand-fold. We can’t imagine how wonderful this time will be for those who know him.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

Fall Jewish Holidays - Part 6: Between Sukkot and Jubilee - Not an easy transition

When I say between Sukkot and Jubilee, I mean what occurs between the juncture of their prophetic fulfillment: between the Millennium and the Eternal State. There are only a couple of scriptures that describe this juncture. Because the number of verses are few, many seem to imply that the juncture is quick. However, I am not so sure that is the case. Let's look at these scriptures more closely. The first is probably the more familiar. In Revelation we find the following: "When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God's people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them. And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever" (Rv 20:7-10).

We see here that Satan will go out and deceive the nations when he is released from the Abyss and allowed back on the earth. This would seem to imply that the deceit he wields will take time. Of course, many may be willing to be persuaded more than others, but when we see the number of people who are persuaded to be on Satan's side (like the sand on the seashore), then it would likely take a good amount of time to accumulate that number of people. It could take many years or even many decades.

The second scripture is found in Micah chapter 5. This is probably less well known and many have tried to make it fit into other prophecy, but it still seems to stand alone. Some of you may be familiar with verse 2 which predicts the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem, and we know that Jesus Christ was born there as prophesied (Lk 2). However, this chapter is very wide in scope. This coming Messiah is a ruler who will rule when Israel and Judah are recombined as a nation (v3) and he will rule over the entire earth in peace (v4-5). This undoubtedly speaks of Christ's Millennial reign. Verse 5 then transitions from a period of peace to a period of strife. While Assyria did invade Israel and take the northern tribes captive in 722 BC, the events in this chapter of Micah do not fit any scenarios of Assyria invading Israel and Israel never ruled Assyria. Therefore, these verses seem to point to the Messiah taking back the land over which Satan had gained control.

We know that during the Millennium, both Assyria and Egypt which had been adversaries against Israel for ages, become ruled by the Messiah and he calls them his people (Is 19:23-25). It seems that once Satan is released from the Abyss he likely sets up shop back in Babylon again—his  first place of rule led by Nimrod (Gn 10:8-12, 11:1-9; Mi 5:6). From here he campaigns throughout the whole earth to get recruits and is apparently very successful.

So why would God allow such to happen? After all, the people who are rejecting him came out of the Millennium under his rule. While scripture teaches that Christ will rule with an iron scepter (Ps 2:9; Rv 2:27, 12:5, 19:15) meaning any insurrection will be taken care of immediately (Is 65:20). However, there will be those who do not rebel openly, and these are the ones to whom Satan will appeal. It is hard to imagine such a thing where people will be born into an almost perfect state and not be appreciative. However, I think there are a couple of reasons for Christ to allow this to happen. First, God has always allowed people to have freedom of choice—even to their own detriment. He wants only those who are truly devoted to him to enter a state where they will live forever. Second, this gives everyone proof that their rebellion cannot be blamed on Satan as they had this built-up animosity against the Messiah during his rule when Satan was not present. Satan only capitalizes on their discord and is able to deceive them with, again, half-truths just like he has always done. This is a word of wisdom for us today. We, too, cannot use the excuse, "the devil made me do it." He certainly supplies the temptation, but not the desire. We need to pray to have the mind of Christ (1Co 2:16).

Needless to say, Christ is victorious as noted in Revelation (Rv 20:9). All those who are opposed to our Messiah are forever removed and only those devoted to him enter into the Eternal State. The time of ultimate peace will have arrived, and we will be forever with the Lord. We don't have time to go into how wonderful the Eternal State will be, but it will not be boring! We will save that for another time. It is also the subject in my book series, The Stele Prophecy Pentalogy. Please check out these books which will give you a fictional, but likely pretty accurate, depiction of what you can expect. After all, Paul tells us it will be greater than we can even imagine (1Co 2:9). So, come and imagine with me, and realize it will be even greater!


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens


Of all the remarkable things in the book of Ezekiel, probably the term “Prince” has to be one of the more interesting and controversial. Let’s take a look at this.

Who is this Prince? Some have stated it is referring to the Messiah, Jesus Christ, himself. Others say it is the Old Testament King David now serving as the Messiah’s, the King of kings’, viceroy. Others have proposed someone else entirely. So, why the confusion? For one, these passages of scripture are not very specific. Secondly, we expect certain things based upon what other scriptures tell us, and we try to make it all fit. But, should we? I think if we take a step back, we can put some of the clues given in Ezekiel with these other passages of scripture about God’s promises to David and formulate a scenario which makes it all fit seamlessly without having to put a round peg in a square hole, so to speak.

I think it is fairly easy to eliminate the first assertion above, that this Prince could be Jesus Christ. After all, if Jesus is the King of kings and has his throne in the Holy of Holies, and is the object of everyone’s worship, then this could not be Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the King of kings. After all, this Prince is the one leading everyone in worship of the King of kings (Ek 45:17, 22). Therefore, it would make sense it would be someone different from him. 

What about this Prince being King David? I think the confusion for this comes in because of the passage in Ezekiel which states, “I the Lord will be their God, and my servant David will be prince among them. I the Lord have spoken” (Ek 34:24). I think the term “prince” in this passage is showing the hierarchy in David’s relationship with God, the ultimate ruler. He will be of authority, but not ultimate authority. In addition, although subtle, there is no definite article with the use of this term “prince.” Therefore, I think this gives additional credence that this is a term of hierarchy than position. In addition, the Prince will be mortal and have children (Ek 46:16-17). David will be part of the first resurrection, have a glorified body, and will not marry and have children (Mt 22:30).

David, will, however, also be a king and rule over Israel (Ek 27:24). If Jesus Christ is to be the King of kings during this time, this would imply there will be many kings and Jesus will be the King over all other kings (Rv 19:16). There will be many nations during Christ’s kingdom (Is 62:2; Zc 14:16; Rv 20:3). So, just as there will be other kings over other territories, David will be the king over Israel during this time (Ek 37:24).

So, if Christ is the King of kings, and David is one of the many kings who will reign under the direction of Christ in his Kingdom, who is this Prince? From passages in Ezekiel, it suggests that this Prince will lead the people of the world in the worship of the Messiah, the King of kings, Jesus Christ. He will offer sacrifice for himself and for the people (Ek 45:22), he will be able to have children (Ek 46:17-18), and he will receive an inheritance of land like the tribes of Israel (Ek 45:7.18). From these passages, we gather this Prince is an Israelite and is mortal, as he will not have a glorified body. That would mean he had to come out of the Tribulation as a believer. This would give him a unique perspective for the people as he would understand the horrors of the world prior to Christ establishing his Kingdom, understand the importance of the people’s need to accept their King as the hope for their future, and will understand the importance of the sacrifices and what they mean for the people, and be able to teach them these things.

Because he came out of the Tribulation as a mortal, it would mean God had this plan for this one before Christ’s Kingdom was ever set up. That would at least suggest this one may have been one of the 144,000 prophets (Rv 7:4) who evangelize the world during the Tribulation as their lives would be protected (Rv 7:2-4) and would be assured to survive into the Promised Kingdom. This is not a guarantee of this, but, I think, is suggestive. Therefore, it would be plausible this one who becomes the Prince is from the tribe of Judah, where Jerusalem is located, and is one of these prophets the Lords raises up to evangelize the world before his return.

So, here is the hierarchy: Christ sets up his Promised Kingdom and reigns as the King of kings in Jerusalem. David reigns in his glorified state as the king of Israel during this time, just as other glorified ones will reign as king of other nations at this time. The Prince, non-glorified, will also live in Jerusalem, as he is an Israelite who will lead the people of the world in the worship of the King of kings and help the people of the world realize that Christ is not only their King, but also their Savior and their future hope for eternal life. While one-thousand years is a long time, it is still finite. Those born during this time must still chose Christ as their Savior and their hope, just as we do today, and this Prince will be instrumental in helping them see this need for their eternal future.

It’s interesting that God always seems to manifest and work in a triune manner. He is Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), the city of Jerusalem becomes three sections during his Kingdom (Rv 16:19), and the spiritual authority is also triune: Christ, the King of kings is the object of worship, David is the king of Israel, the nation leading the other nations in the worship of Christ, and the Prince is the one who can identify with the mortals of this time and lead them in the specific worship of Christ, their King, and their Messiah.

What about you? Are you going to be around to be part of all of this and witness it first-hand? Do you want to? Then take a note from Ezekiel and yield to this One who is now and forever the King of kings, the Messiah, and the Hope of your eternal future.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

Something New but Familiar

It seems it always helps when you experience something new to also have something familiar with which to reference. This is what Ezekiel experienced. In previous posts we discovered that his thoughts were on the temple since he was in captivity in Babylon. God gave him a vision of a new temple that would be established in the future. While many things were new and different, it had a feeling of familiarity at the same time.

The size of the temple complex is something to consider. If you take a football field and put three end-to-end both in width and length, that would be about the size of it. That’s quite the size, isn’t it? However, the size of the temple itself didn’t change much from that of previous temples. The size of the entire tabernacle could almost fit inside the temple structure of Solomon’s temple, although the entire complex was much larger. Yet, the size of Solomon’s temple was basically equivalent to that of Herod’s temple and of the temple in Ezekiel’s vision. The size of the entire complex of each temple did increase with each successive temple.

The tabernacle, Solomon’s temple, and Herod’s temple had a bronze altar, a laver, a menorah, a table of shewbread, and an altar of incense. Herod’s temple did not have the ark of the covenant and the mercy seat as those were lost in Ezekiel’s day when Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the temple. The temple in Ezekiel’s vision had only the bronze altar and the altar of incense. We discussed this briefly previously. All the other elements had been fulfilled by Christ: the laver represents the word of God which cleanses from sin (Ep 5:26). Christ is the living word of God (Jn 1:1) and is physically present. The menorah represents Christ as the light of the world (Jn 9:5), the table of shewbread represents Christ as the bread of life (Jn 6:35), the ark of the covenant represents Christ’s glory dwelling in the Holy of Holies (Ek 43:7), and the mercy seat represents Christ as the propitiation for sin and is already completed (1Jn 2:2). The bronze altar represents that atonement is still needed for those born, and the altar of incense represents the prayers of thanksgiving by those who have accepted Christ’s atonement for one’s sins and who is the hope of their future.

The bronze altar is arranged in a tier fashion and has steps leading up its eastern side. It is interesting that in Solomon’s temple this was a ramp instead of steps and was located on the southern side of the altar. This altar is quite large, being 10.5 feet high with its top being 21 ft sq. It would seem the priests will have to be quite strong to carry these sacrifices up these steps and get them close to the center of the altar.

It seems that the same sacrifices as previously made will now continue: burnt offerings, peace (fellowship) offerings, sin offerings, trespass (guilt) offerings, grain (meat) offerings. Why is this? Sacrifices are now needed for three basic reasons: (1) because a theocracy is re-established where sin must be dealt with when part of the sinless Trinity is physically present, (2) it seems death no longer occurs as there is no additional resurrection of the righteous dead mentioned in scripture, (3) sacrifices were always symbolic for they never took away sin and faith has always been required. All of these reasons help those born during this time to see their need for accepting Christ their King as their Savior and the Hope for their future.

It also seems that four of the seven feasts typically celebrated each year (Lv 23) will still be celebrated during this time: Pesach (Passover), Matzah (Unleavened Bread), Bikkurim (Firstfruit), and Sukkot (Tabernacles). While these have been fulfilled, these are still needed because these feasts represent the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, as well as his literal dwelling with his people. The other three are already fulfilled and are not needed: Shavuot (Pentecost) – the giving of the Holy Spirit; Rosh Hashanah (Trumpets) – God remembering his covenant with Israel (Tribulation Period), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) – God forgiving Israel of their sins (at Christ’s return).

As you can see, there will be many similar things that have been reshaped and slightly different. What is familiar has been reshaped for the needs of the new age. These things will help those who are already bound to their Messiah, their King, a new way to celebrate and worship him. These things will help those who need to make a decision about their King a way to understand their need to accept him. What is new will also be familiar.

This is going to be an amazing time. I hope you are making plans to not miss it. Something so wonderful should not be missed.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens