Books & Words to Inspire


Understanding Scripture in Light of a Jewish Timeline

Period of Tribulation

God is always at work spiritually – even during the future time known as the Period of Tribulation. Not long after the Rapture happens, although the restraint of the Holy Spirit is removed, the Holy Spirit will be very active in creating an evangelistic force which God will use as His witnesses during this dark and horrific period of history. Many Israelites will put their faith in Christ and begin to evangelize the world (Rv 14:1-5). These one hundred and forty-four thousand individuals are protected so that the Antichrist cannot harm them, and their work can continue (Rv 7:1-8). However, not everyone who listens to, and accepts, their message are as protected, as there will be many martyrs during this time (Rv 6:9; 7:9-17). It seems that times of persecution actually help spread the gospel message much like it did during early church times. These Jewish evangelists will also evangelize Gentiles during this Tribulation Period as these martyrs will include people of all nations and languages (Rv 7:9).

Because these one hundred and forty-four thousand individuals are from almost all the identified tribes of Israel (Rv 7:4-8), some believe this could not occur as described here in Revelation because the ten tribes that composed the northern kingdom of Israel were lost to history after their captivity by Assyria (2Ki 17:5-6). However, as stated in earlier posts, there is profound evidence that the kingdom of Israel was larger than most think, and the ten northern tribes of Israel were not lost, but many from these tribes settled in and around Armenia and later became a significant force of the Parthian Empire. When that empire crumbled, many crossed the Caucasus Mountains into Europe. This helps to explain why there is an Armenian quarter in Jerusalem. There are two religious components: Christian and Muslim; then there are two ethnic components: Jewish and Armenian (representing the two components of the split Israeli empire: Judah and Israel, respectively).

Despite all of these disasters, the Antichrist tries to make the best of it to keep the world together and on his side. At the same time, he persecutes not only Jews, but Christians as well causing many to be martyred (Rv 6:9). As the Jewish evangelists are showing many how to be saved, the Antichrist uses religion to help unite his followers as well. Up until the middle of this seven-year period, a unified religion has been implemented that suits his unification purpose. It has been suggested that the worship of a deity mother could be this unification factor to appeal to almost all with different religious backgrounds. Ever since the time of the tower of Babel, a counterfeit religion of a mother and son has existed and has manifested itself into most religions of the world. Therefore, this is certainly a plausible scenario as people would not have to drastically change their belief system to fit into the new world-church order. This will meet the Antichrist’s initial needs as he unifies the nations of the world into ten regions that are in allegiance to him (Dn 7:24; Rv 17:12). However, once he is in control, this counterfeit religion and his treaty with Israel become hindrances to his lust for total domination. These restrict what he can do. Therefore, he attempts to get rid of both (Dn 9:27; Rv 12:17, 17:16).

About mid-way into the seven years, Satan’s access to heaven is denied (Rv 12:9). It seems that Satan has always had access to heaven (Jb 1:6). Satan was created as Lucifer, the cherub that covers (Ek 28:14), the one who was the closest to God Himself – before he rebelled. As a created being, he has always been subject to God’s control and the limitations God imposed upon him (Jb 1:12). However, that has not seemed to deflate his ego or his belief that he can get out of these restrictions. Since the dawn of time, he has tried to prevent God’s prophecies from coming true – and will try until the very end. He knows that if he can destroy all of Israel, then God’s promise cannot come true. Now with his access to heaven taken away, he intensifies his efforts. The second half of the Tribulation period is known as the Great Tribulation because of both the heightened intensity of Satan’s actions through the Antichrist as well as the more intense judgments that befall the earth.

In the next post, we will investigate what occurs during this time of Great Tribulation.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens