Books & Words to Inspire


Understanding Scripture in Light of a Jewish Timeline

Posts tagged Antichrist
Definition Change

Why does the Tribulation Period cause a definition change for Gentiles? Let’s get an understanding of what happens.

Although there are many Gentiles who turn to Jesus Christ during the Tribulation, the Antichrist will hold his sway over the majority. The nations look to him as their savior from the chaos which erupts after the Rapture, and he seems to be just that for the first few years. As conditions on earth start to get worse and worse, the Antichrist, just like Nero during the Roman Empire, makes Jews and Christians the scapegoat and punishes them severely. Many will blindly believe what the Antichrist tells them and cling more tightly to him because they feel he is their only hope.

The Antichrist brings almost all the armies of the world to the Middle East and the battle of Armageddon is fought which was described in previous posts. This leads to their ultimate destruction when Christ returns, as none of them can stand up to him.

Of course, this does not mean everyone on earth is in the Middle East for this battle. The ordinary men and women of all the earth’s nations are still going about their normal daily routine. The Bible states that what occurs is a reversal of the events which occurred previously at the Rapture. Now, all of those who are not believers in Christ will be taken while those who are left on the earth will be Christians (Mt 24:40-41; Lk 17:34-35). The nations will then be judged for how they treated Christ’s followers (Mt 25:32-46).

This pattern has been observed throughout history. God uses the animosity of nation against nation to achieve his desired plan. In this case, God uses the Antichrist and the earth’s nations to drive all the Jews and those of Israeli descent back to Israel forcibly so that He can in the end save them. Yet, these nations are then held accountable for their hateful actions.

Future Passovers from this time forward will not look back to the time God brought Israel out of Egypt but will look back to this Tribulation Period where God brought all of his chosen people back to their homeland (Jr 16:14-15). Both Israel and Judah will once again be reunited (Jr 30:3). Gentile nations will also partake in these Jewish feasts as well, but the Feast of Tabernacles will have a judicial ordinance attached to it to require attendance in Jerusalem (Zc 14:18).

This return of God’s chosen people to their homeland is comprised not only of Jews but also of Israelis. It was previously mentioned that those of Israeli descent were scattered throughout Europe and even to America. Over time, of course, no pure Israeli remained as they were integrated into the cultures of those nations. It has always been a mystery how those of Israeli descent will be driven back to Israel if they don’t even know they are of Israeli descent. This mystery may be solved. Today, one can more fully explore their ancestry by opting for a DNA test which will reveal their ethnic background and know from which countries and/or ethnicities their forefathers originated. It is possible that the Antichrist will utilize either this type of database or force everyone to take such a test. Then all those with Israeli or Jewish DNA will be persecuted and/or killed. That will force a mass exodus of these individuals to Israel for safety. It is likely many Gentiles will be surprised they are not truly Gentile after all. However, if they have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior, it will become a great blessing to them as they move into the Millennium as all the people of the earth will hold them in great esteem during that time.

The definition of Gentiles, therefore, changes back to the first century definition of Gentiles comprising anyone who is not an Israelite (non-Jewish and non-Israeli). This definition now continues into eternity.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

Period of Great Tribulation

The second half of the Tribulation Period is known as the Period of Great Tribulation. The Antichrist sets himself up as the one who should be worshipped by all (Rv 13:8). He has a death, or near-death, experience and recovers which only drives more loyalty to him by those on earth (Rv 13:14). He even sets himself up in Israel’s temple as the one to worship (Dn 9:27; Mt 24:15). He puts a mark on those who show their allegiance to him and only they can buy or sell (Rv 13:16-17). Without the mark, no one can buy anything and anyone without the mark is immediately sentenced to die.

Many Jews flee to a more southern region (Mt 24:16; Rv 12:14) which many believe will be Petra, which is located south of the Dead Sea and in today’s country of Jordan. Many Christians and Jews who have converted based upon the evangelistic campaign by the one hundred and forty-four thousand will likely be there to greet these refuges as they would have already searched the scriptures and know that Daniel and John prophesied God’s protection of this area (Dn 11:41; Rv 12:14) and that Isaiah had prophesied of Christ’s triumph in this region (Is 34, 63). The Antichrist is now also against the Jews and is determined to wipe them out. Satan, through the Antichrist, had to first gain the confidence and loyalty of all. Once he has that, and has gained sufficient power, he then follows through with this original plan. If he can wipe out the Jewish nation, then Christ cannot fulfill His final mission of ruling over His chosen people. Therefore, total Jewish annihilation is the only goal he will accept.

The Antichrist, however, is determined. He is able to muster most of the world’s military to the Middle East and sets up to go against both Jerusalem and, likely, Petra (Rv 16:14-16) for what has been termed the Battle of Armageddon (Rv 16:16). The reason is that many Jews fled to this area south of the Dead Sea and the Antichrist is very determined to annihilate all Jews. The Antichrist’s armies are therefore placed from Jerusalem down to Petra. Jerusalem is attacked, ransacked, and brought to the verge of annihilation (Zc 14:2). Petra is surrounded (Is 34:1-6, 63:1-6).

Then the long-awaited promise occurs. Those in Jerusalem finally say the very words Christ stated must be spoken before he would return: blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord (Mt 23:39). This is important because the context of these words is from one of the psalms (Ps 118:26), a psalm of deliverance. By saying these words, they are agreeing with the psalmist in asking for deliverance, a deliverance that results in their salvation and ushers in their Messiah’s reign. Jesus does not disappoint them. Descending from Heaven, He comes with all of those who had previously put their faith in him (Rv 19:11-14).

Just as Christ touches down on the Mount of Olives just east of Jerusalem, the biggest earthquake that mankind and the world have ever experienced occurs (Rv 16:18-20). This is likely the fourth earthquake mentioned in the previous post. It topples cities, moves mountains and islands from their places, and changes landscapes. The whole earth convulses and responds to the King’s touch. It causes all the faults in the area to separate. It has been found that the Arabian fault extends from the Afar Triangle (where the Arabian, African, and Somalian plates meet) up through the Gulf of Aqaba and through the Jordan River basin (called the Great Rift Valley) northward. In addition, there is a fault zone, called the Palmyra Belt of Faults and Folds extending from the Jordan River north of the Sea of Galilee to the Euphrates River. All throughout this area are subterranean riverbeds. A fault scarp (when land at the fault zone is thrown upward forming a cliff face on one side of the fault and a more level area on the other side of the fault) between Geba (about five miles north of Jerusalem) to Rimmon (about thirty-five miles south of Jerusalem) is formed which causes the area east to become a plain (Zc 14:10). The rift in the Mount of Olives will go westward to the Tyropoean Valley in Jerusalem (Zc 14:10-11) as well as eastward forming a scarp face which allows a subterranean river to flow from beneath the temple mount in Jerusalem toward the Dead Sea (Zc 14:8; Ek 47:1-12). Also, the Palmyra Belt of Faults will separate forcing the Euphrates River to flow into the Jordan River causing the remainder of the Euphrates River to dry up (Rv 16:12). Water from the Euphrates will then flow into the Jordan River as well as from other subterranean rivers now exposed from the scarp face. These fresh waters will flow into the Dead Sea making it vibrant for fish and vegetation (Ek 47:9-10); water will then flow out of the Dead Sea to the sea of Aqaba while another part of the Jordan will flow along the newly developed scarp face into the Mediterranean Sea (Zc 14:8). While all these events are to bring judgment, it seems they are also preparing the earth for the coming Millennial Kingdom.

Jesus first touches down on the Mount of Olives as was stated and then goes immediately to Bozra where the Antichrist’s armies were set against Petra and defeats the foes there. Defeating the enemy is not a hard task for him. It is, though, a very bloody task. A single word from Christ and the enemies’ flesh begins to disintegrate; there is panic and confusion and the army that the Adversary has brought starts fighting each other (Zc 14:12-15). The number of the enemy who fall is so great that blood spatters all the way up to a horse’s bridle (Rv 14:20). Jesus then heads up to Jerusalem in his blood-stained garments (Is 63:1) where he defeats all of his foes along the way and comes to Jerusalem victorious and enters Jerusalem through the Eastern Gate (Ek 43:1-5). This gate has long been closed (since 1541 AD by the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent) representing the hopelessness of the Jews and their lost promises. Yet, such a closure is no barrier for the King of kings.

Christ will fulfill everything he has promised. Time is immaterial. What is a long time to use is not for him. All will work out as he has ordained. We can bank on that. Don’t you want a sure thing? Who doesn’t? This is a sure thing. Trust him. You’ll be glad you did.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

Period of Tribulation

God is always at work spiritually – even during the future time known as the Period of Tribulation. Not long after the Rapture happens, although the restraint of the Holy Spirit is removed, the Holy Spirit will be very active in creating an evangelistic force which God will use as His witnesses during this dark and horrific period of history. Many Israelites will put their faith in Christ and begin to evangelize the world (Rv 14:1-5). These one hundred and forty-four thousand individuals are protected so that the Antichrist cannot harm them, and their work can continue (Rv 7:1-8). However, not everyone who listens to, and accepts, their message are as protected, as there will be many martyrs during this time (Rv 6:9; 7:9-17). It seems that times of persecution actually help spread the gospel message much like it did during early church times. These Jewish evangelists will also evangelize Gentiles during this Tribulation Period as these martyrs will include people of all nations and languages (Rv 7:9).

Because these one hundred and forty-four thousand individuals are from almost all the identified tribes of Israel (Rv 7:4-8), some believe this could not occur as described here in Revelation because the ten tribes that composed the northern kingdom of Israel were lost to history after their captivity by Assyria (2Ki 17:5-6). However, as stated in earlier posts, there is profound evidence that the kingdom of Israel was larger than most think, and the ten northern tribes of Israel were not lost, but many from these tribes settled in and around Armenia and later became a significant force of the Parthian Empire. When that empire crumbled, many crossed the Caucasus Mountains into Europe. This helps to explain why there is an Armenian quarter in Jerusalem. There are two religious components: Christian and Muslim; then there are two ethnic components: Jewish and Armenian (representing the two components of the split Israeli empire: Judah and Israel, respectively).

Despite all of these disasters, the Antichrist tries to make the best of it to keep the world together and on his side. At the same time, he persecutes not only Jews, but Christians as well causing many to be martyred (Rv 6:9). As the Jewish evangelists are showing many how to be saved, the Antichrist uses religion to help unite his followers as well. Up until the middle of this seven-year period, a unified religion has been implemented that suits his unification purpose. It has been suggested that the worship of a deity mother could be this unification factor to appeal to almost all with different religious backgrounds. Ever since the time of the tower of Babel, a counterfeit religion of a mother and son has existed and has manifested itself into most religions of the world. Therefore, this is certainly a plausible scenario as people would not have to drastically change their belief system to fit into the new world-church order. This will meet the Antichrist’s initial needs as he unifies the nations of the world into ten regions that are in allegiance to him (Dn 7:24; Rv 17:12). However, once he is in control, this counterfeit religion and his treaty with Israel become hindrances to his lust for total domination. These restrict what he can do. Therefore, he attempts to get rid of both (Dn 9:27; Rv 12:17, 17:16).

About mid-way into the seven years, Satan’s access to heaven is denied (Rv 12:9). It seems that Satan has always had access to heaven (Jb 1:6). Satan was created as Lucifer, the cherub that covers (Ek 28:14), the one who was the closest to God Himself – before he rebelled. As a created being, he has always been subject to God’s control and the limitations God imposed upon him (Jb 1:12). However, that has not seemed to deflate his ego or his belief that he can get out of these restrictions. Since the dawn of time, he has tried to prevent God’s prophecies from coming true – and will try until the very end. He knows that if he can destroy all of Israel, then God’s promise cannot come true. Now with his access to heaven taken away, he intensifies his efforts. The second half of the Tribulation period is known as the Great Tribulation because of both the heightened intensity of Satan’s actions through the Antichrist as well as the more intense judgments that befall the earth.

In the next post, we will investigate what occurs during this time of Great Tribulation.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens