Books & Words to Inspire


Understanding Scripture in Light of a Jewish Timeline

Posts tagged Eternal State
The New Jubilee

Once God’s Promised Kingdom, the Millennium is over, a new Jubilee is established. God creates anew. The earth is cleansed by fire (2Pt 3:10) and reformed. There is no longer a sea (Rv 21:1). This new earth is different from the old version. There is no longer a curse (Rv 22:3). Heaven comes to earth.

This time of earth’s future history has been compared to the Jubilee which God instituted with Israel.  It was a time when everything started anew. All debts were cancelled, all land returned to its original owner, and all slaves were freed (Lv 25). This was a time of great rejoicing. A lot can happen in fifty years. People can get into trouble, get financially bankrupt, and have to do whatever it takes to survive. God knew that. Therefore, he proclaimed Jubilee as a time of renewal, a time to start over. That is what this is for the earth. It is back to the beginning, back to the time of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden – before it all happened, before sin crept in and destroyed perfection. And that is what is presented here, the Garden of Eden reborn, but much better. Perfection reestablished.

There are two groups who enter into this Eternal State:

1.           Those who were resurrected or transformed at the Rapture, or resurrected just prior to Christ’s reign (and who had been serving/ruling with Christ during the Millennium). They will continue to serve/rule with Christ throughout eternity.

2.           Those who accepted Christ as Savior during the Millennium. Because the Bible does not indicate there is another resurrection, or another transformation, and the Bible does state that the Tree of Life will be used by the nations (Rv 22:2), it is likely these individuals will not be transformed into a body like Christ. It is more likely they will possess a body like Adam and Eve had at the beginning in the Garden of Eden but without a sin nature or the propensity to sin. They will eat of the Tree of Life and drink of the River of Life to sustain their eternal state. They may be able to have children since Adam and Eve were able to have children. These are probably those who are identified as “nations” (Rv 21-22).

Overpopulation will likely not be a problem. The earth could be larger than it is now. There will be less bodies of water. There could be up to eight times the present land mass because there will be no more sea. Also, the whole universe could be opened up for use and expansion of people. With God all things are possible.

Does this get you excited? I sure hope so, because this is the eternal hope we have when we trust in Christ as our Savior. Isn’t that what everyone wants: no more hardship, true peace, no more want, and freedom to live joyously? It can be your future, too. All it takes is a little faith and placing it in the one who can make it all happen. Jesus Christ has an extended hand waiting. Take it.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

Eternal State

We have now come to the final step of God’s plan, His Eternal State: True Heaven. We don’t have a lot of detail, but we have some glimpses of what life will be like. Let’s explore.

Knowing that the layout of the tabernacle was a pattern of what was in Heaven (Ex 25:9; Hb 8:5), and knowing that God has made many statements that Israel will be his people forever and be his witnesses to the world, it is likely that Israel will be surrounding the city of Jerusalem as they did when the tabernacle was first erected since God now dwells in the new Jerusalem. Also, there will be three gates on each side of the wall with a name of a tribe on each gate (Rv 21:12) – just like it stated in the Old Testament that three tribes camped on each side of the tabernacle (Nu 2). Again, it is likely that Israel will lead the nations in the worship of God (Is 43:10, 21).

As far as activities, the Bible does not have a lot to say on this subject. However, knowing that the intent is to return to a more Edenic state (however, it will be so much more), one can use that as a reference. The original intent for Adam and Eve was to have them have dominion over all the earth and to subdue it, and to “work it” and “to take care of it” (Gn 2:15). These words and concepts would imply exploration, production, guarding, and observing. Therefore, as then, one will learn about God: His attributes and His creation. All that one does will be to bring glory to God: everyone will explore His creation, learn more about God and recognize, acknowledge, and proclaim His attributes. This would be one fulfillment of Revelation 21:24, 26: “And the nations [peoples] of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honor into it... and they shall bring the glory and honor of the nations into it.”

Dr. Herman A. Hoyt, who graduated from Ashland Theological Seminary with highest honors and who later served as academic dean of Grace Theological Seminary for fourteen years (1948-1962) and then as its president for the next fifteen years (1962-1976), summarizes what life in the Eternal State will be like:

“Will the redeemed sink into a state of ineffable bliss marked by release from exertion and hardship on the one hand, but filled with enjoyment and idleness on the other? The answer to this seems to be a positive no. And even though there is little information in the Scriptures on this point, it is sufficient to draw a picture of wonder and attractiveness with which to excite anticipation for this glorious future.”

He goes on to provide these descriptions:

• the attitude of worship will permeate every aspect of activity and employment

• research will enter every area of creation and will reach beyond the wildest imagination of men

• the kings, that is, those in administrative authority over the nations, will bring the results of their accomplishments to the city as an offering of praise to the King of kings

• the perfect administration of the universe will at last be achieved through grace

• at last, redeemed mankind will have reached that place of purity and perfection in a land of life, light and love where the deepest desires of the human heart will be satisfied.

In addition, Dr. Robert Congdon, a noted international Bible teacher, conference speaker, author, and radio commentator on subjects related to Biblical prophecy and world events states the following:

“Unlike most scientists and writers of today, redeemed individuals of the new earth will delight in giving glory to God as they explore His creation, and through it learn more about Him. God’s attributes will be recognized, acknowledged, and proclaimed. For example: As one saint goes forth in the universe and studies some aspect of a planet that is unreachable today, he will discover a new aspect of God’s greatness. Immediately he will return to tell others of God’s glory. Another, searching the microscopic world, will see God’s infinite details and call others to see God’s greatness. This will be the fulfillment of several of David’s psalms: ‘The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handiwork’ (Ps 19:1), and ‘the heavens shall declare his righteousness: for God is judge himself’ (Ps 5-6).”

It seems that everyone during this time is going to be exploring further all of the things God knows that human beings do not. It is going to be a scientists’ wonderland!

Because of the large number of people, there will be the need for a lot of administration. Here are some of the groups and their likely responsibilities based upon what scripture has revealed about them:

• The Bride (New Testament Saints, i.e., the Church): assists in the administration and offers eternal testimony to God’s attributes of grace and love (Rv 2:26-27; 3:21; 20:6)

• The Resurrected Saints (Old Testament and Tribulation): friends and attendants of the Bridegroom (Mt 25:1, 10). They will rule over Israel and the nations.

• Israel: head of the nations and being God’s witnesses helping the nations worship the Lord (Is 61:6-11, 66:22; Dn 7:27).

• Kings and Nations: Administered by kings, the nations will carry on activity and production throughout eternity and bring the glory and honor that they find in their daily tasks and discoveries back to God for display when they visit the New Jerusalem (Rv 21:24).

This is only a peek of what things will be like. While everything can’t be directly supported by direct scripture references, many of these inferences are similar to the scenarios that have been provided above and give at least a glimpse of what true heaven may be like. Perhaps more was not provided because either mankind is not able to understand it or it is too wonderful to even describe. I’m reminded of the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey where the question was asked, “What’s going to happen?” The simple response was, “Something wonderful.” Well, that’s what’s going to happen here: something wonderful. Do you plan on being around to experience it? I trust you will. Come with me to visit Something Wonderful.

Quotes in this post came from the following:

Hoyt, Herman A. The End Times. Chicago: Moody Press, 1969.

Congdon, Robert R. Living in the New Heaven and Earth. Sixteenth Annual Pre-Trib Study Group: Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX, 2007.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

Eternal State Continued

It would seem life in the Eternal State may be similar to what life was like during the Millennium: Christ will continue to rule, Israel will continue to lead in worship, those glorified will continue to help rule, nations will still exist, and the people will continue to worship Christ with tribute of his glory. It is possible that now the whole universe will be open for exploration and bringing praise to God. All the talents and skills of each individual will be used to bring glory and honor to our King. However, there will also be key differences. The propensity to sin will be removed, the entire Trinity will dwell with mankind, and a New Jerusalem will descend out of heaven to earth and there will be no need for a temple (Rv 21-22).

This New Jerusalem will be huge and magnificent. It is possible that the new earth will be much larger than the earth today. That we don’t know, but we have been given the dimensions of this fabulous city: 1500 miles square. On today’s earth, if the current Jerusalem is its center, the city would stretch from the northern boundary of Turkey to the southern boundary of Egypt, and from Greece to parts of Iran. It would take up about two-thirds of the area of the continental United States. Some say it is cube shaped. Others, it is pyramid shaped. It may even be shaped like a ziggurat. No matter its exact shape, it will be magnificent.

Its streets will be of pure gold, a river (termed River of Life) will flow from God’s throne and the Tree of Life will be back again. Both the water from this river and the fruit of this tree will be the life sustainer of the nations of the earth. The city is composed of many precious stones, and most will be clear as crystal. The streets are of gold so pure they are transparent. God’s throne will be at the peak of the city. God’s Shekinah glory will radiate from there and through all the crystalline structures and streets of gold creating a glorious, colorful, and wondrous beauty. It is likely the river flowing from God’s throne will be like a huge waterfall through the middle of the city. Spray from it will create rainbows of color as the light refracts through the water droplets. It will truly be a wonder of the new world. If on today’s earth, and assuming no obstructions of the horizon, the city’s light would be seen from Alaska to South Africa, and from the east coast of the Americas to Japan. Of course, with God’s Shekinah glory being there, its light could extend much further.

As you can see, this will be the epitome of wonderful and this brief description will pale in comparison to how wonderful it will really be. Yet, I think you would agree this is not something to take lightly. Therefore, if you have not made Christ the Hope of your eternal future, you still have time. Don’t waste it but make haste. Such a glory should not be missed!


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

Eternal State

So, what happens when Christ’s Promised Kingdom, the Millennium, his 1,000-year reign, is over? We saw the initial part of that in our previous post: Satan is released (Rv 20:7) and he, along with those who have rejected Christ, wages war against Christ in Jerusalem. They are utterly defeated (Rv 20:8-9). The Great White Throne Judgment is held and Satan and all those who have rejected Christ are cast into the Lake of Fire (Rv 20:10-15). The current heaven and earth are destroyed with fire, and God creates a new heaven and earth (Is 65:17; 2Pt 3:10; Rv 21:1). Sin is thereby removed forever (Rv 21:27). The sea is no longer part of the new age (Rv 21:1). God dwells with his people.

When God states he will create a new heaven, what exactly is he meaning? There are three types of heavens referred to in scripture. The first is the atmosphere (Is 55:10), the second is outer space where the stars and galaxies reside (Dt 4:19), the third (also called heaven of heavens) is where the omnipresent God’s presence is perfectly displayed (2Ch 6:18; Ps 11:4; 2Co 12:2). It is possible that God creates an entirely new universe, but since the first heaven is tightly bound to the earth, saying “new heaven and earth” likely means the earth and its atmosphere.

So, who will enter the Eternal State? There are two main groups. First, those who were part of the 1st resurrection will enter. These include those resurrected or transformed at the Rapture, Old Testament saints, and Tribulation saints (and who had been serving/ruling with Christ during the Millennium). They all will continue to serve/rule with Christ throughout eternity. The second group are those who accepted Christ as Savior during the Millennium. These will not be transformed into a body like Christ, but into a body like Adam and Eve had at the beginning. They will eat of the Tree of Life and drink of the River of Life to sustain their eternal state. They may be able to have children since Adam and Eve were able to have children. While this is not explicitly stated or explained in scripture, it may likely be implied since “nations” still exist during the Eternal State (Rv 21:24, 26; 22:2).

What will people do for an eternity? Because of the large number of people, there will be the need for a lot of administration. Who is specifically identified? The Bride (New Testament Saints, i.e., the Church) will assist in administration and offer eternal testimony to God’s attributes of grace and love. (Rv 2:26-27; 3:21; 20:6). The Resurrected Saints (Old Testament and Tribulation) are identified as friends and attendants of the Bridegroom (Mt 25:1, 10). They will rule over Israel and the nations. Israel itself will be the head of the nations and be God’s witness helping the nations worship the Lord (Jr 31:36; 33:17-26). Then there are kings & nations identified. Administered by kings, the nations will carry on activities and productions throughout eternity and bring the glory and honor they find in their daily tasks and discoveries back to God for display when they visit the new Jerusalem (Rv 21:24-26).

These are the people identified, but what will they actually do? Let’s explore that next time.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens