Books & Words to Inspire


Understanding Scripture in Light of a Jewish Timeline

Posts tagged end-times
An M-Theory to End-Time Prophecy

Scientists have sought for a long time to find a theory that unites gravity and quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics provides a description of atomic and subatomic particles into either zero-dimensional particles or as waves. Gravity, on the other hand, could not be explained in this same manner. The unification between them was sought with the development of different versions of superstring theory which looks at these subatomic particles as one-dimensional strings where their frequency of vibration defines each type of particle. Yet, the inclusion of the graviton or gravitational force was not achieved until the development of M-theory which some have called the Theory of Everything since it is inclusive of the graviton in its theorical predictions.

There were at least five versions of superstring theory before M-theory was conceived and developed. This theory was able to not only combine all the other forms of string theory into its model but also explain the graviton as well as other troublesome quantum areas which these other theories were unable to include.

I present this introduction because I think we can do something similar to the area of theology around the different doctrines of “end-time” prophecy. There was something missing in the five superstring theories that M-theory was able to unite. I think the same holds true for “end-time” prophecy regarding what many call the Rapture – the snatching away of God’s elect at some point in our future just before God’s wrath is poured out upon the Earth. Currently, there are five views of the Rapture as well:

1.      The Rapture will occur just before the seven-year Tribulation Period.

2.      The Rapture will occur half-way through the seven-year Tribulation Period.

3.      The Rapture will occur three-fourths through the seven-year Tribulation Period.

4.      The Rapture will occur at the end of the seven-year Tribulation Period just before Christ’s Second Coming.

5.      The Rapture will not occur at all.

In understanding end-time prophecy, there are several events we need to consider and be sure our understanding includes all of them in a logical and orderly manner. I have provided a short description of each, but we will go into more detail with each of these in future blog posts.

1.      Church Age: This began forty days after Christ’s ascension on Shavuot (Pentecost) and will last until the beginning of the Tribulation Period. I’ll later show that I think this Age can be divided into four phases.

2.      Kingdom Age: This is actually the fourth part of the Church Age which many have not considered in their discussion of end-time prophecy. Yet, it will likely play a key role in the unification of the various views of the Rapture. A future blog post will discuss this topic more thoroughly.

3.      Rapture: This is the return of Christ in the atmosphere to receive his elect, his bride, his Church (those alive and those who are dead).

4.      Marriage Supper of the Lamb: This is an important future event for the bride of Christ, his Church, to further help us understand important aspects of the Rapture and put events in their proper order.

5.      Tribulation: This is the beginning of hard times on the earth and will lead to the reunification of Judah and Israel.

6.      Great Tribulation: This is when hardships on the earth will be excruciating on those who live on the earth at this time. Understanding the order of the events mentioned here will help to put this one in its proper perspective and we’ll add to this in a future post.

7.      Second Coming of Christ: This is an event not really in controversy, but putting this event in its proper order will help us to better understand it.

8.      Millennial Kingdom: A future post will give more insight into this event and how wonderful it will be.

We will look at each of these in more detail in future blog posts. If we understand the order of these events and what each of these events entail, then I believe it will show how these different views of the coming Rapture will merge into only one view. I’m sure many feel that one must situate themselves into one of these camps defining the Rapture and reject the others. Yet, I believe they are all one and the same. Just as scientists thought they had to choose which of the five versions of superstring theory they believed in and then reject the others, I see the same thinking about the concepts of the Rapture. As scientists came to see their version of superstring theory was actually only one piece of the whole within M-theory, perhaps what many are predicting is coming upon us and the world in the very near future—even at our doorstep—will bring the same unification of our views of the Rapture as M-theory did for superstring theory.

I hope you will join me in this look at what God is going to bring to our world and to us individually as well. I’m always amazed at what God tells us and how he is such a uniting force for us. It is us humans who divide us. It is God and his wisdom who unites us once again.

All praise to God who is all knowing. Let us forever allow his wisdom to guide us.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens