Books & Words to Inspire


Understanding Scripture in Light of a Jewish Timeline

Posts in Bible Prophecy
Not So Easy a Transition

Through previous posts we have stated that Satan would be in the Abyss during the 1,000 years of Christ’s Kingdom (Rv 20:2). He will not be roaming the earth during this time and not be able to influence anyone born during this time. One would think this would make everything wonderful without problems. Unfortunately, that is not true and not what Scripture tells us. One reason for this is it will show the human race we cannot blame our disobedience on Satan alone. Those born during this time will also have the propensity to sin, just as we do today. The difference is that Satan uses this propensity against us today. Although that will not happen during the time of Christ’s kingdom, it does not mean people will always be obedient.

Scripture tells us Christ will rule with an iron scepter (Ps 2:9; Rv 2:27). This means those who disobey or become rebellious will be dealt with swiftly and justly. There is no need for a judiciary system with a trial and jury. Christ knows all, including our thoughts, so he can administer justice swiftly. Scripture doesn’t state how he will do this, but it may be those deemed rebellious will be immediately teleported into his presence for immediate questioning and/or sentencing. It is likely those who rebel, at least openly, will be the exception to the rule as, I’m sure, most will be appreciative of the wonderful world Christ will have created. Yet, then, just as today, many will resent being under the rule of someone else.

Once Satan is released, it seems he can get an innumerable force to turn against Christ (Rv 20:7-8). This likely means many who were not openly, but inwardly, rebellious, will more easily fall prey to Satan’s deceit. This will likely take time. It could take months or even years for Satan to gain all his forces to come against Christ in Jerusalem, the ruling capital city (Rv 20:9). The time between the end of the Millennium, or Christ’s Kingdom, and the Eternal state, when sin and human propensity to sin will forever be removed (Rv 21:27), will not be immediate.

Scripture does tell us the result of the rebellion of those who follow Satan and Satan himself. As they come against Jerusalem with an innumerable force, God, the Most Holy One, will destroy all with fire which will fall from heaven and destroy them all (Rv 20:9). Satan will then be sentenced forever to the Lake of Fire (Rv 20:10). God will also judge everyone who has rebelled against Him over the history of the earth and they, too, will be sentenced to the Lake of Fire (Rv 20:11-15). This is known as the second resurrection. All those of this resurrection are judged and sentenced to the Lake of Fire because they were not recorded in the Book of Life (Rv 20:15).


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

What will Christ's Kingdom be like?

In the last post, we looked at some of the events that start the Millennium, or Christ’s Kingdom. Many are surprised that the New Testament contains little about this future time of earth’s history. We go to the Old Testament to really understand what will occur. It seems the Old Testament prophets spent a lot of time focusing people's attention to this future time. Part of this was because God wanted Israel and Judah to know that even though He was going to allow them to go into captivity, that was not the end for them. His dealing with them, and their future hope was still just as real as ever. Even though they had given up on God, God was never going to give up on them. Don't you just love a God like that? We can falter and forget, but he is just the opposite. Whatever he says and promises will come to past just as He has promised. Nothing is too hard for him and time changes nothing for Him. Below are some of those findings which he has promised to us about our future.

Many scriptures state that we will be involved as judges, priests, and rulers (Rv 2:26, 20:4-6; Dn 7:18, 22, 27; 1Co 6:2-3; 2Tm 2:12; Ro 8:17). As priests we will likely oversee, lead, and teach about Christ and his redemptive work and make intercession for them (Is 2:3, 66:18-20). Those who accept Christ will be brought as an offering to Christ (Is 66:20). I think this means they will present themselves to Christ as a willful whole burnt offering, meaning they publicly dedicate their lives to him. As judges and rulers we will likely oversee the work needed to restore justice over every sphere of life and help establish the world government under Christ’s rule by helping to establish judges and governors or actually performing in such a capacity (Is 9:7, 11:3-5, 10:22, 28:17, 32:16, 42:1-4; Jr 30:21; Is 24:23, 32:1; Ek 45:8-9; Mt 19:28; Lk 19:12-28, 22:30; Zc 14:9; Ek 37:13-28; Rv 19:16).

We will likely be involved with overseeing what is rebuilt and restoring God’s order to the agriculture, atmosphere, and animal life (Rv 20:1-6; Is 2:1-4, 9:6-9, 11:1-16, 51:1-8, 60-62, 65:17-25; Ps 2:6-12, 110:1-7; Dt 8, 28; Mt 5:5, 6:10, 17:11, 19:28, 28:19; Ac 1:6, 3:21). All elements of life will continue but will be focused on the order that Jesus Christ establishes. We will be part of overseeing all these aspects of daily life. All our skills, talents, and personality we currently have will be used by, and for, Christ.

While Scripture states life will be more agrarian, I don’t think that means less technology. I believe the two will be incorporated and blended so that life can become less complicated but also easier at the same time. For instance, while more people will likely farm, there will likely be no harmful insects or weeds. The ground will produce in abundance. Yet, I feel we will have non-pollution technology to harvest and distribute the crops throughout the world for the people of the earth.

Israel will lead the world in the worship of God. Yet, those who came back with Christ will help to teach the world his scripture. They will also help those born during this time to understand Christ, what he did for them, and help them accept him as their King, Lord, and Hope of their eternal future.

I hope this whets your appetite to understand more about this time of our future history. It will be spectacular. Whatever you learn, multiply that wonder by at least a thousand-fold. We can’t imagine how wonderful this time will be for those who know him.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

Millennium or Promised Kingdom – Its Beginning

We mentioned in the last post that Rosh Hashanah (i.e., Feast of Trumpets) marks the beginning of the Tribulation Period as this is when God once again deals with Israel as a nation based upon his covenant with them. The entire period lasts for seven years. Judah and Israel are brought back together forcefully (Jr 33:7) due to the persecution by the Antichrist (Rv 6:9; 13:7) who is trying to establish his rule during this time (Rv 13:8). Once the seven years are up and Jerusalem is pushed to the brink of being destroyed (Zc 13:8-9; 14:2), Israel finally calls upon God for their salvation (Zc 12:10; 13:9). He hears and his long-awaited return finally occurs (Zc 14:3). We saw in the last post this is marked by the Day of Atonement because the remnant of Israel will be saved and recognize Christ as their true Messiah (Zc 12:10).

In the book of Daniel are a few unique and curious verses: From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days. As for you, go your way until the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance (Dn 12:11-13). What is being told to Daniel here? If the entire Tribulation is seven years (and scripture usually has a month as 30 days), then that would be 2,520 days. We know the Antichrist will set up an image of himself in the temple at the middle of this time (3.5 years, or 1,260 days; Mt 24:15, Rv 13:14). Of course, it would take time to set up such an image. If we assume such a feat would take a month to do, then that period plus the last half of the Tribulation Period would be 1,290 days as stated in these verses in Daniel. Once Christ returns, it will likely take time to get things organized for the Kingdom to officially start and be governed. If we allow 45 days for that, then the 30 days we just talked about, the 3.5 years of the last half of the Tribulation Period, and the 45 days to establish the Kingdom, then that yields 1,335 days as stated in these verses of Daniel.

To break this down, we have the following:

•From the time of the Antichrist’s decision to stop sacrifices to the erection of his image in the temple: 30 days.

•From the time of the erection of the Antichrist’s image in the temple to the return of Christ: 1,260 days. Cumulative number of days; 1,290.

•From the time of Christ’s return to the establishment of his Promised Kingdom: 45 days. Cumulative number of days; 1,335.

Let’s break down this last bullet. The transition from the old order to the new order will likely take 45 days.  During this period several events will take place:

•The angels will be judged. ( 1Co 6:3, Mt 25:41)

•The survivors will be judged (Mt 25:31-46)

•Assignments for the saints will be set in motion (Dn 12:13, Jr 30:9, Mt 19:28)

•Nations, property, and laws will be established for the next 1000 years (Zc 14:17-21).

In addition, Christ’s return prepares the area geographically as well. A great earthquake occurs when Christ returns (Zc 14:4; Rv 16:18). The Mount of Olives is split in two and the rift runs toward Jerusalem and merges with a rift that is running from south to north through the Tyropoeon valley (Zc 14:10). This is the valley between the area of Jerusalem which housed the older part of the city, sometimes called the City of David, as well as the Temple, and the newer part of the city more toward the west of that valley. This causes a scarp face to form which pushes the western portion of the city upwards. Jerusalem then becomes the tallest point on earth as the great earthquake causes other mountains to fall and many islands to disappear (Rv 16:20). In addition, Jerusalem is split into three portions (Rv 16:19). This rift that runs south to north also causes the Euphrates River to flow into the Jordan River which floods the Dead Sea and turns it into a living sea (Ek 47:8-9). From the scarp face and under where the temple is built is a river that flows from it (Ek 47:1-2), down the scarp face, and into the Jordan River, with a portion flowing into the Dead Sea and a portion flowing around the scarp face into the Mediterranean Sea (Zc 14:8). The whole area becomes lush and green (Ek 47:7, 12; Zc 14:10) and fishing is done from the once Dead Sea with En Gedi becoming a great seaport (Ek 47:10). The curse on the Earth is lifted and the whole Earth becomes a land of plenty (Is 51:3; Ek 36:35; Ac 3:19).

Can you imagine being a part of this? It will be truly spectacular. What a way to begin the Promised Kingdom. Can you imagine living in a utopian society for one-thousand years? Can you picture it? Can you hardly wait?!


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

Why is Israel so Important?

I have made a few statements in previous posts about how important and critical Israel is for us understanding the fate of our world. So why is that? More is explained in my book, Why is a Gentile World Tied to a Jewish Timeline?, but I will try and summarize here so we can understand better this issue. First, let's look at a few scriptures to see what God said about Israel:

Gn 13:14-17: The Lord said to Abram after Lot had parted from him, "Lift up your eyes from where you are and look north and south, east and west. All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring forever. I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth, so that if anyone could count the dust, then your offspring could be counted. Go, walk through the length and breadth of the land, for I am giving it to you."

Pretty nifty promise, huh? However, this promise did not progress to all of Abrahams descendants, but just to Isaac (Gn 26:3-6) and then to Jacob (Gn 28:13-15) whose name was later changed to Israel (Gn 32:28). There are many scriptures that re-emphasize this promise to the nation of Israel. Perhaps Jeremiah sums it up best: This is what the Lord says: "If I have not established my covenant with day and night and the fixed laws of heaven and earth, then I will reject the descendants of Jacob and David my servant and will not choose one of his sons to rule over the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. For I will restore their fortunes and have compassion on them" (Jr 33:25-26).

Even Paul, who was the apostle to the Gentiles and yet still a Jew, stated the following: "I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in. And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: 'The deliverer will come from Zion; he will turn godlessness away from Jacob. And this is my covenant with them when I take away their sins.' As far as the gospel is concerned, they are enemies on your account; but as far as election is concerned, they are loved on account of the patriarchs, for God's gifts and his call are irrevocable" (Ro 11:25-29).

Therefore, God keeps his promises no matter if anyone else even remembers them. God doesn't forget, even if we do. Some say that because Israel as a nation rejected Jesus Christ as their Messiah when he came the first time, that Israel is no longer in the picture. Jeremiah and Paul seem to disagree. They may be set aside for a while but will come back into the picture in a huge way.

Paul also defines the Israelites thusly: "Theirs is the adoption as sons; theirs the divine glory, the covenants, the receiving of the law, the temple worship and the promises. Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of Christ, who is God over all, forever praised! Amen" (Ro 9:4-5). Therefore, all that we know about God has come through Israel. It would seem odd that would be the end of the story about them. We should also remember that in Exodus when God first established His covenant with Israel as a nation, he made the following statement, "you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation" (Ex 19:6). Therefore, they were to be those who revealed God to the rest of the world. Although they did not fulfill this as God had laid out the plan for them, i.e., their obedience would heap all sorts of blessings upon the nation that would then draw other nations to want to know their God, we see that Paul is stating that God did accomplish a lot through Israel. In the end, Jesus Christ was revealed through Israel, even though, as a nation, Israel rejected Jesus Christ as their Messiah. This then led to the allowance of Gentiles to become part of God's family. All of this was by God's design, as Paul pointed out.

So, back to the intent of this post. Why is Israel important? We see that Israel was the one to point the world to God and revealed God to the world through the life of Jesus Christ. Therefore, Israel has partially fulfilled God's command to them back in Exodus. However, the full fulfillment is yet to come. In the future, Israel is going to lead the entire world in praise and worship of Jesus Christ, their Messiah—and ours! God is going to allow Israel to fulfill the command He gave to them so long ago. That is why He is not done with Israel. God has chosen Israel to be the leader of mankind's praise to God for all eternity. Wow! What a great blessing! A missed opportunity that God is still going to allow to happen. And, if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Messiah, your Savior, by accepting his payment for your sins on the cross, you, too, will be able to witness this prophetic fulfillment and be able to join in that praise as well. Hallelujah!

That is why Israel is so important. God promised it and He is not going to allow it not to happen. That is why Israel has been so persecuted for so many generations. Satan, the Adversary, does not want this to happen. If he can get rid of Israel, then all of God's promises will fail and he will be the victor. Do you think God is going to allow that to happen? I don't think so. Want to be a part of all of this? You can. Just be willing to humble yourself and admit that you cannot save yourself and that you need a Savior.

Now, what about you that are Jewish now. Well, you can have your cake and eat it too! You are the remnant of which Paul spoke (Ro 11:5). You have access to all of Israel's previous promises and to the promises for the Church, His Bride. You have the best of both worlds! Isn't God good? Think about that.

Until next time. God bless!


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens

No Room in the Inn?

Many of the events around Christ’s birth have been verified historically. Although, for some, the dates don’t seem to jive, but evidence is not always the force that causes one to believe. There is evidence that Caesar Augustus had 3 censuses during his reign with one being in 8 BC. As we have learned previously, Christ was likely born in 2 BC. So, is this a discrepancy? Not really. Think about how long it would take to do a census in 8 BC. Just because Caesar said to “make it so” in 8 BC, would it occur everywhere at the same time? We are so used to internet and microwaves that we forget the time in which we are referring. Taking six years to reach Palestine and getting the framework set up to taking such a census in that region is doing pretty good. Others have criticized Luke stating that “this taxing was first made when Cyrenius [Quirnius] was governor of Syria” (Lk 2:2). History does show Quirnius to be in Syria during this time period but not as Governor. He was governor in 6-7 AD. Again, a blunder? Not really. Just as our American words can have different meanings so can Greek words. The word translated ‘first” (i.e., prote) can also mean “prior to.” Therefore, the statement could be that this is the census before Quirnius was Governor in Syria. The historical placement of the event can be considered accurate.

Joseph had to return to Bethlehem to get registered for the taxation which was being implemented (Lk 2:1-3). He was from the lineage of King David, and Bethlehem was David’s home town (Lk 2:4-5). With Mary being pregnant and on the journey with him, it took longer than normal to travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Yet, there were so many people traveling for this same issue, the roads were likely safer than they ever were previously. Yet, it took a lot out on Mary.

Back in the first century, Bethlehem was not a booming town. Even when the prophecy was given by Micah (Mi 5:2), it was not a booming town. It is only about six miles south of Jerusalem and was not a city where many people traveled since it wasn’t on a major Roman road of the day. Besides, even if someone was on such a road, would they stay in Bethlehem when Jerusalem was so close? In addition, the custom of the day was for family to stay with family—not in an inn or other places of abode. Inns were more common in large cities, like Jerusalem, and perhaps on major thoroughfares, as travelers would not have close relatives nearby, because they had not arrived at their final destination where family likely were located. In addition, the word used here (kataluma) is the same word used more definitely for a spare room (Lk 22:11) rather than a separate lodging (pandokheion, Lk 10:34; 11:22) which uses a different word for such. The guest room was already full of additional relatives (Lk 2:7).

Also, Bethlehem was a shepherding community and not one where travelers would frequently travel through. For someone to go to a place like Bethlehem, they had to be wanting to go there—not passing through. Therefore, the need for an inn was very low, and the number of visitors an innkeeper would get would likely be too low to make it profitable. The fields around Bethlehem was where the flocks for temple worship were kept and raised. This is a critical point for us to consider later.

When did Mary and Joseph arrive in Bethlehem? Most movies and plays about this story have them arriving while Mary is delivering, and Joseph is desperate to find a place—any place—anywhere. But is that what scripture is really telling us? Luke tells us that Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem and “while they were there” she had her baby (Lk 2:6). This doesn’t sound like this was an immediate need or crisis. So, where were they? Well, since Joseph was of the lineage of David, he had to travel to his ancestor David’s birth place, i.e., Bethlehem. Therefore, he would have relatives there. As we just pointed out, relatives stayed with relatives. Let’s not put our social mores on this concept. Often, we would gladly stay in an inn than with relatives, but this was not the case in this culture. It was a privilege and honor, as well as a duty, to take care of visiting relatives, no matter the occasion. So, if they were with relatives, where did the stable, animals, shepherds, etc. come into the story? Let’s consider that.

Because of the need for so many people to come to Bethlehem because of the tax registration, Bethlehem became crowded—very crowded. Joseph and Mary were only one couple among hundreds to thousands who had to return. People’s homes were very crowded and filled to capacity. Mary and Joseph were very welcome to stay until she was ready to deliver. It may sound cold to us today, but Mary would not have been welcome to have her baby in a house filled with so many people. This is for two major reasons. One, there was no privacy. Second, she would be considered unclean for up to a week (Lv 15:19-23). But it is even more complicated as this passage tells us. Everything she touches, everyone she touches, become unclean. That is a problem in a house filled with so many people. The logistics to have Mary there as she gives birth and for the week after becomes untenable. Joseph has to find a solution. Where could Joseph take Mary where she could be taken care of in such a crowded place where there wasn’t an inn? Think about it, even if there was an inn, would an innkeeper want a delivery in his inn where his room, of which he would likely have few, would become unclean? It would be a big burden to get everything clean again. Certain things would have to be washed, some scrubbed, and some destroyed (Lv 15:12). So, as you can see, this was quite the dilemma for Joseph and Mary due to the customs and social mores of their day.

Looking for a place proved more difficult than Joseph thought. Because all the houses were so crowded, most could not bring their animals into their home at night as normal. Therefore, even the outside areas for animals were full to capacity and some people had to stay all night outside with the animals to prevent robbers from taking them or them wandering off in the middle of the night. Finding a place to have a baby proved extremely difficult.

So, where could Joseph find a secluded place that would not be a burden to others, yet would be comfortable for Mary to have her child? Migdal Eder. You see, God knew this all those years ago and had Micah prophesy of this (Mi 4:8). Joseph likely didn’t even know he was fulfilling prophecy. He was just looking for a logical, viable, and satisfactory solution to their need. You see, because Bethlehem was not only a shepherding community, it was a special shepherding community. The shepherds here were not regular shepherds, but were trained for how to raise sheep for the purpose of them being used as a sacrifice at the temple. Not just any animal could become a sacrifice. It had to be without blemish. Do you realize how hard it is to have an unblemished animal in the wild? All sorts of things could happen to the animal. These shepherds had to ensure nothing happened to these animals. It wasn’t just taking care of them, mending their injuries, and making them acceptable for human use. No, it was raised to another whole level. If the animal was injured, they were no longer acceptable for sacrifice, even if the animal recovered. It was now considered blemished. So, in order to ensure things went well with the sheep birthing process, a special place was made for the sheep to have their lambs. This was at Midal Eder, the watchtower of the flock (Mi 4:8; Gn 35:21). They built a place here. Maybe it was a cave or some type of shelter for both the shepherds, their supplies, and likely other animals they would need to take supplies from Bethlehem or from Jerusalem to this shelter for them to use as they watched after the sheep. When the lambs were being prepared for sacrifice, they would swaddle them to prevent the lambs from hurting themselves. They would then place them in the manger there made especially for this purpose to calm the animal so it could more easily be inspected for any blemishes. Because of these lambs’ special religious nature, nothing was taken for chance. All was a very methodical process to ensure each and every animal was without blemish (Ex 12:5). They tried to remove all obstacles that would cause or induce injury.

Once the cramping started, Joseph led Mary out to Midgal Eder on their donkey. Likely a few of the women went with him. It was now June, the time of Shavuot—a Jewish holiday which represented paradigm shifts and the inclusion of non-Israelites. The time of birthing sheep had recently ended, so there was no competition for using the shelter at Migdal Eder (Mi 4:8). While not ideal by our standards, I’m sure Joseph considered it pretty ideal, and he likely felt fortunate. It was a place still in Bethlehem, so relatives were close by if needed. Likely some of them helped with the baby’s delivery. It was almost abandoned that time of year, although it likely contained supplies for the shepherds and likely a donkey or two for hauling supplies. It may have had other animals, like goats and oxen, for various needs: milk, carrying cargo, and maybe even food. It provided a quiet place for Mary to have her baby and would be a place to stay until her uncleanness was over. Afterward, she could be welcomed back into the crowded house. Then everyone would ooh and aah over the infant.

Joseph thought back on the things that Mary had told him. The angel Gabriel had appeared to her in the sixth month (Lk 1:26), just before Rosh Hashanah which occurred on the first day of the seventh month (Lv 23:23-25). He now understood this was the time of the baby’s conception by the Holy Spirit (Lk 1:35). Thanks to the Jewish leaders adding Adar II to their calendar, this Shavuot was now nine months later. The baby was conceived on Rosh Hashanah when all of Israel asked God to remember his covenant with his chosen nation. Now, the baby was being born on Shavuot when God instituted paradigm changes and when Gentiles were accepted. He was now being born at Midgal Eder where the sheep born to be temple sacrifices were born—where they were wrapped in swaddling cloths and placed in the manger for inspection. Joseph looked at this one born on this Jewish holiday. Did he recognize all the symbolism God had bestowed on this special day? Did the shepherds? They were the ones who provided lambs and goats for temple sacrifice. Now, this baby was lying in their special manager wrapped in cloths they used to swaddle newborn lambs so they could inspect them for any blemishes. Did they understand the significance?

After the baby was born, Joseph wanted to get back to Nazareth, but knew he needed to wait until the baby was older and stronger. His cousin insisted he stay with them a few months until the baby and mother could travel. When the time of purification was over, Joseph took Mary to the temple in Jerusalem to offer her offering of purification (Lk 2:22-24; Lv 12:6-7). This is where they met Simon and Anna who prophesied about Jesus (Lk 2:22-38). They then returned to the house in Bethlehem where they were staying. When Jesus was about six months old, they were visited by the Magi who gave the child gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh (Mt 2:1-12). These men told Mary and Joseph all they had seen and heard. An angel appeared to Joseph to have him take Mary and Jesus to Egypt (Mt 2:13) so he would not get killed by Herod’s order to kill all infants two years old and younger (Mt 2:16). Once Herod died, Joseph came back to Israel with Mary and Jesus, and took them to Nazareth (Mt 2:19-23).

Are you starting to see the symbolism here? Do you now see why swaddling was a significant sign? All babies were wrapped in swaddling clothes—that was their custom. Yet, only one was wrapped in swaddling cloth normally used for lambs born to become a sacrifice. And only one was wrapped in swaddling cloth, lying in the manger at Midgal Eder. The angel’s announcement was very specific and not vague at all. This was a significant sign, and one I am sure was not lost on these shepherds. This also explains why angels appeared to these shepherds—because they were not ordinary shepherds, but the ones taking care of sheep for sacrifice. The angels were basically stating that their jobs were now complete. The lamb they were waiting for had come. He was in their shelter, their stable, their manger, wrapped in swaddling clothes for special lambs born at Midgal Eder. This lamb was not just for a special sacrifice for someone’s sin debt, but for payment for the sins of the entire world.

While this is not the usual Christmas story, it seems to align more closely with scripture and with what the Jewish holidays represented. These Jewish holidays which God instituted with Israel back in Leviticus when he first formed their nation have many purposes. A significant purpose is their prophetic significance. Jesus’ conception and birth are two of them. Isn’t it interesting how God coordinates so much, and we take so much of it for granted? The Bible is full of such wonderment if we only look. May we be more attentive to what God is doing in our lives as we embark on the coming year.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens