Books & Words to Inspire


Understanding Scripture in Light of a Jewish Timeline

Posts tagged Christ's First Coming
Prophecy of Christ’s First Coming

There is actually a lot of prophecy concerning Christ’s first coming to the earth. One can debate one or a few, but as the number of prophecies and their fulfillment grows, one must take a mental pause and really think about this. Could one person really fulfill all these prophecies? I think the odds are very low.

As we start toward the holiday season, I think this is an appropriate time to really look and see what Scripture says about his first coming. I have listed several of them below. Take a look.

Prophecy                                                                                                              Fulfillment

Did you count them? I have listed 70 of them, but this is not an all-inclusive list. Do you really think one person could fulfill all of these and manipulate his life and those of others to make them happen? No, no one could do that. After all, many of them were outside his control.

So what do we do with this? I would encourage you to go over this list again, look up the verses, and research this for yourself. Maybe what you’ve been thinking was not quite as accurate as you thought. And, if all of these turned out to be true, then the rest of scripture would also be true. He came once. He’s coming a second time. Will you be ready?


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens