Books & Words to Inspire


Understanding Scripture in Light of a Jewish Timeline

Posts in Tower of Babel
God Shows Up at the Tower of Babel

We find the story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis chapters 10 and 11. Nimrod rebelled against God and created a kingdom rather than having people spread throughout the world as God had commanded. It is believed that this biblical figure is the same historical figure as Gilgamesh. He and his wife created a new, separate, religion apart from God where they worshipped the stars, the Nephilim, and all the hybrid creatures these fallen angels had made. This was likely the start of all the mythologies of the various cultures we know about today and became the counterfeit to what God established. His wife, Semiramis (Summer-amat) became known as Queen of Heaven and her son as Tammuz, the sun god, as he was touted to be a resurrection of his father, Nimrod, who supposedly had manifested himself in the sun after his death and had impregnated Summer-amat via rays of the sun.

Satan again tried to establish his one-world government through Nimrod (Gilgamesh) and to unite the people through a polytheistic form of worship that was opposed to God. As counter to this, God confused their language so they would have to obey his requirement to spread throughout the world (Gn 11:9). Man had become arrogant and full of pride and wanted to do things their way rather than how God wanted things to be done.

God worked differently this time. He demonstrated himself to be Jehovah Royi, the Lord my Shepherd. He forced the people to separate into various languages and dialects so they would spread throughout the earth as he ordained. Shepherds sometimes must do something drastic to some of his sheep to force them to obey him and prevent the other sheep from following along with the sheep that is disobedient. This is what God had to do in this situation as well. He showed himself to be El Kanna, Jealous God, by limiting how one group of humans could force their will onto the entire population – at least for a time. He wanted their worship and praise and was making every opportunity for them to do that. God was also Jehovah Shalom, the Lord our Peace, as it would be quite some time for mankind to overcome their differences and be able to act globally again. God protected man from Satan’s influence and made Satan have to start over again on his plan. Satan was not as brazen this time as he was previously, but he was certainly not subtle either.

Tune in next time when we will see how God began to work with a group of people to portray his character to the world and how Satan did all he could to prevent that.

Until then, God bless.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens