Books & Words to Inspire


Understanding Scripture in Light of a Jewish Timeline

God’s Glory and God’s Spirit

Over the last several posts, we have talked about what happens when individuals experience God’s glory and about a near future date when God’s glory will be poured out upon the earth in a big way. Is there a difference between God’s glory and God’s spirit?

The two are connected, but there seems to be a difference as well. We understand that the Trinity is intricately interconnected. Jesus stated that if we have seen him, we have seen the Father (Jn 14:9), and the writer of Hebrews states that Jesus is a reflection of God’s glory (Hb 1:3). Also, the Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Glory (1Pt 4:14) and is a Spirit of power enabling Christ to be raised from the dead (Ro 1:4). So, despite all these interconnections, what is the difference when it comes to experiencing God’s glory and God’s Spirit?

If we look at our past posts, those who experienced God’s glory fell to their faces in worship as they felt unworthy to be in God’s presence. His glory humbles us and puts us into a place where we can worship God in purity of intent without any hidden agenda. Yet, we find when people experienced God’s Spirit, they became empowered to act in a way that is pleasing to God and uphold God in the highest regard.

There were also physical manifestations when humans experienced God’s Spirit. In Acts chapter 2 we see that “tongues of fire” fell upon Christ’s disciples, they spoke in other languages, became embolden to proclaim Jesus Christ to the masses and many people came to believe in Jesus Christ that day. In many other encounters in Scripture, speaking in tongues was a manifestation of their experience of receiving God’s Holy Spirit, and many signs and wonders manifested as well. That was not always the case, but it did occur quite often. Why is that not seen today as well? This was covered in a previous post (Kingdom Age), so I will not go over that again here. I refer you to that post.

I will also point out that while the two are different, they do work in concert. God’s glory humbles people and helps them to understand their hopeless position compared to who God is, and that all praise must go to God because he is the all-in-all. Once an individual understands they are nothing compared to him, then God’s Spirit can use that person and make them a powerful instrument for God, embolden them to teach about who God is, his love for mankind, and how to help others come to him.

So, it seems we are poised for a time no one has ever witnessed before. God’s glory is going to fill the earth bringing in the greatest harvest of souls ever experienced by helping humans understand their place with God which will increase their desire to know him. Then God’s Spirit will empower those who come to him to go and be his ambassadors to their fellow humans to help them experience both God’s glory and God’s Spirit as well.

This will be a remarkable time in which to live. Are you ready for it?


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens