Books & Words to Inspire


Understanding Scripture in Light of a Jewish Timeline

We are All Connected

There seems to be so much division in our world today with many trying to find ways to make us all against each other rather than us finding common ground so we can build a relationship with each other. Yet, what does the Bible say about this? You will find that the God of the universe wants a personal relationship with everyone. How amazing is that?

Now the Bible does make distinctions between us as citizens of the world. Yet, it seems to only look at people in two ways: Jews and Gentiles. Is that significant?

It seems this is very significant because while the Bible provides these distinctions, it really is a way for God to provide inclusion rather than exclusion. I did several blog posts on this point of inclusion. We find that God cares for both sets of people. While, yes, he chose Jews as “his chosen people” (Ex 19:5; Dt 14:2), this phrase means something different than most tout. It wasn’t that Jews were more special, but that Jews had a greater responsibility to point the world to their God, Yahweh. You see, God had a plan from the very beginning of the world for inclusion of all people on Earth into His plan.

My book Why is a Gentile World Tied to a Jewish Timeline? covers this topic and helps you to see that the Bible has a plot just like any other book. Really? you may be asking. There’s a plot? Yes, there really is. But there is a lot of “stuff” in there you may be thinking. And, yes. Yes, there is. But isn’t there “stuff” in your life also? What does this “stuff” do? It distracts us from what is truly important. We often need to look through the “stuff” to find the truly important things in life. So, if you get to “stuff” in your reading and that bogs you down, just plow through because something amazing is on the other side of it.

You will find that the Bible is really a unique book. It has mystery, intrigue, subterfuge, action, adventure, and peril. You can even find what almost seems like science fiction. It presents a plan that incorporates all these elements into a timeline that, although Jewish in nature, incorporates everyone on Earth into it. You see, God is way more inclusive than most give him credit. So, give the book a try. It’s a little more scholarly than my other books, but is written in a very conversational style, so you will find it easy to read. You may just find something about God and the Bible that will reveal a fact you likely haven’t yet realized. So, give it a try and read what a great future can await you.


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens