Books & Words to Inspire


Understanding Scripture in Light of a Jewish Timeline

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The purpose of the previous posts on the timing of prophetic fulfillment was to illustrate a number of prophecies in the Bible which have come true. Also, the examples were chosen to help emphasize the number of years between the initial prophecy and its fulfillment had little to do with the exactness of the fulfillment. In other words, just the indication that the prophecy was of, or from, God was enough to ensure the prophecy would indeed come true. Because the Bible has so many prophecies which have come true, their fulfillment is supportive to the assurance that the prophecies which have not yet come true will still be fulfilled. As stated, we cannot use the argument of time to suggest they will not be fulfilled since time seems to have had little impact on the prophecies that have so far come true. One reason of this could be that God operates on a timescale different from ours (2Pt 3:8-9) and the rationale for His timescale can probably not be determined (Is 55:9). It essentially boils down to faith. If you can trust God is the author of truth (Jn 14:6, 17) as well as His Word (Jn 17:17), then what has been stated and has not yet been fulfilled is just as valid and binding as that which has been stated and has been fulfilled.

How do we accept Truth? The simple, but important, answer to acceptance is faith. This is very different from a belief in something. Belief does not necessarily lead to truth. After all, many good people have done many bad things in their misguided belief of truth. People used to believe the earth was flat and the center of the universe or solar system, and those who believed otherwise were ‘heretics,’ worthy of punishment—even death. Although their belief was sincere, it did not change the fact that the earth is a sphere and not the center of the solar system, the galaxy, or the universe. Faith on the other hand is as old as time itself and has always led to truth. It was true before the Law was given to the Israelites through Moses: Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness (i.e., a correct relationship to the will of God) (Gn 15:6). It was true for those under the Law: Habakkuk stated the just would live by faith (Hk 2:4). It is also true today: both Jew and Gentile are justified (i.e., declared—not made—righteous) by faith (Ro 3:27-31). It will also be true during the Tribulation (after the rapture, or the Receiving, and removal of the restraint of the Holy Spirit [2Th 2:7-8]) since many will have “washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb” (Rv 7:14) indicating their faith and acceptance in what the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ accomplished for them—reconciliation with God (Ro 3:21-26). It is a matter of choice that must be made in this life. There are no second chances once this life is over (Ec 11:3).

So, the time and decision is for now. Will you make it?


Visit Books & Words to Inspire by Randy C. Dockens